The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 208 The history of the multiverse has turned a new page!

"Why should I accompany you to catch fish..."

Holding a wand that was almost as tall as him, Tanis sat in the grass full of earthy smell by the small river with a depressed expression on his face.

"Of course it's because we're tired of the set meal A in the academy!" Kamiyu in the river replied without hesitation.

He stood on the edge of the small river, the clear and cold water only covered his calves, and the cool breeze blowing from time to time made Kamiyu feel very comfortable.

"So, what does it have to do with me if you are tired of the set meal a!"

Tanis asked indignantly.

Edric College cafeteria offers many kinds of set meals, but apart from the free set a, if you want to eat other set meals, you have to pay a little credits.

Although the set meal A is delicious and full of nutrition, no one will get bored of eating the same thing all the time, right?

You must know that there are only two ways to obtain credits because the door of trials and tasks have not yet been opened. One is to pass the attendance of the courses. There are two credits for the course; the second is to get class bonus points by answering the professor's questions or performing well in the class. A professor can award up to 15 points in a class.

Most of the students only rely on the attendance of the main subjects to obtain the basic credits, and although the attendance scores of the elective courses are high, the lectures of the leprechauns as temporary professors are too boring, which always makes them fall into a coma Sleeping state, in case you are caught falling asleep in class. The points earned by attendance can only be wasted. Therefore, it is too extravagant for Kamiyu and the others to use the hard-earned credits to satisfy their tongue.

And at this initial stage, Tanis, who had been taught by his family's enshrined mage, and also had some research on some alchemy, obviously had a great advantage. Many times, he could eat five or six of them alone after a class. Classroom reward points, so many times he will spend a little credit to make himself eat better.

The magic wand in his hand was also obtained by exchanging credits in the store, although it was only the first-class "apprentice's practice wand". But for these little guys, it is already a precious thing, and it is no wonder that this guy has been carrying it with him every step of the way since he exchanged it, even when he sleeps in his arms. Showing off to others who can't afford it all the time...

To be honest, the fact that he hasn't been blocked in the alley and beaten up for such a coquettish behavior so far, it already shows how good the quality of the students at Edric College is.

With the sound of splashing water. Riddle popped his head out from the center of the creek.

He stroked his face with his hands, shook his head, and then said, "There are a lot of fish down there, but I can't catch those fish and ghosts!"

"I got some dried shrimps, how about we make a fish basket?" Kamiyu proposed to Riddle, holding a few river shrimps he got in the crevices of the rocks.

"Why don't you go fishing? It's too troublesome to make a fishing rod, and you may not be fooled." Riddle walked up to the shore with a clatter, and a puddle of water appeared every time he took a step. Kamiyu even found a small fish the size of a thumb in one of the pools.

"I don't have the patience to fish, and besides... ah, it's a red-haired dog, and the wind is blowing!" Kamiyu was about to say something, but suddenly found the figure of a picket not far away.

The Picket Committee is an official academy organization that was formed not so long ago. The members are selected from among the students, and there are currently only ten of them. Their task is to find and capture those students who are doing dangerous things or violating the rules of the college, and hand them over to Franken, who is currently the part-time dean of students. Franken will impose corresponding punishments according to the seriousness of the circumstances, and add corresponding credits to the pickets who successfully arrest them.

A lot of students have been warned by them when they do some shit, and so far. More than 20 people have been sent to Professor Franken by them, so for naughty students, the picket committee is very troublesome.

In addition, because they all wear red uniforms, they are also privately called red dogs by those students who don't like them.

"Stop, you three!" The picket committee over there also spotted them, and hurriedly chased them over.

"It's a ghost to stand still!" Kamiyu yelled with an almost provocative attitude, and then accelerated to escape.

"By the way...why do I...fufu...have to run too!"

This kind of strenuous exercise was tantamount to torture for Tanis, who weighed more than his peers. He was sweating profusely, panting heavily, and shouted to the two people running in front: "Obviously I... and I didn't Get into the water!"

Even so, he didn't forget his wand, and still held it firmly in his hand.

"Do you think the red-haired dog will listen to your explanation?" Riddle, who is used to being wild, ran very easily, without even breathing disorderly: "So it's better to run first~"

"..." In the end, Tanis could only shed sweat and tears silently, shouting in his heart that he was careless in making friends.


Seeing a few students yelling and running around in the vestibule, Xi Wei turned his gaze away from the one-way transparent arched French windows.

Originally, the dean's room had no windows, but Xi Wei found that as long as he paid a certain achievement point, he seemed to be able to transform the dean's room at will. It just so happened that after the opening of the credit system, he had already gradually gained new achievement points, so he simply installed a curved glass wall in his dean's room, which is necessary for the boss in various movies, and then turned it into a glass wall because of the lighting problem. The entire glass wall has been changed to most of the current floor-to-ceiling windows...

"I didn't expect the unexpected troubles of opening an academy." Xi Wei rubbed his forehead and complained with a bit of a headache: "Those little guys are completely different from the students of the Magic Academy in my impression, they are too naughty."

"Because you... the students in our college are too young." Evan Jielin, who was sitting on the sofa drinking black tea, took over Xi Wei's words: "In general colleges, the students are at least twelve years old. "

"Of course I know..." Xi Wei sighed. The point is that he didn't choose these little guys. The selection of students before was entirely done by the owl sent by the system.

"In addition, the students seem to be complaining about the canteen set meal. What do you think, Mr. Dean?" Evan Jielin looked at Xi Wei's distressed look, but smiled a little instead.

"Your Highness, please don't embarrass me." Xi Wei shrugged and replied nonchalantly: "We have limited resources here, if you can persuade your honorable mother to allocate more resources such as food, I will It is not impossible to let the cafeteria open more free meals."

"If I leave here, won't I be exposed to the eyes of the Mage Association immediately?" Evan Jielin put down the porcelain petal-shaped teacup in her hand, and the expression on her face became a little more serious: "In addition, I have I don’t even know why you risked falling out with the Mage Association and ran to Cube Prison to save me, it’s not worth it at all.”

Xi Wei turned around and turned his gaze to the distance outside the window again.

"It's not worth it, I'm just entrusted by Her Majesty the Queen." He said in a deep voice, "And sooner or later I will break with the Mage Association. Although it is a little earlier now, it will not have much impact."

"Break? With the Mage Association? What the hell are you thinking!" Evan Jielin blinked her beautiful big eyes and asked puzzledly.

As a magician, and even a magician who opened a magic academy, he actually wants to break with the most authoritative organization for magicians, the Mage Association... This is just like a film company breaking with the Lightning Headquarters, it is unbelievable.

"Do you know who the speaker of the Mage Council is now?" Xi Wei didn't answer Evan Jielin directly, but asked an irrelevant question.

"Shaman Mendeletov, one of the greatest magicians of mankind at present, is also the only great magician who is likely to challenge the legendary great wizard." Evangeline replied immediately.

However, Xi Wei added a sentence after this seemingly scary title: "At the same time, he is also the current dean of St. Doragon College."

"So what?" Evan Jielin asked strangely: "Does this have anything to do with your plan to break with the Mage Association?"

"Of course it is." The sun shone on Xi Wei through the tea-brown glass, stretching his shadow long: "Because I am the man who will become the head of the world's number one magic academy." (To be continued)

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