The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 216 Prelude to Death

Unlike the complex categories that humans divide demons, demons in the abyss don't care about their own types.

In their view, all demons are only divided into four types according to their strength: low demons, demons, high demons, and great demons.

It was supposed to be like this, but at some point, a big demon suddenly appeared in the abyss that no matter how many big demons work together, they can't win.

It is obviously not correct to classify this kind of demon as the level of great demon. Therefore, on top of the original four ranks, the demons have defaulted to a new rank, which is the so-called 'devil king'.

There is no fixed number of devil kings, they don't pay attention to hereditary system or abdication system, there is only one reason to become a devil king, and that is strength-the level of strength that is invincible outside the same level!

In the age of mythology, a total of seven demon kings appeared in the abyss, which is said to be the largest number of demon kings in the abyss. It is precisely because the number of demon kings is much greater than usual that they have to set their sights on the world beyond the abyss.

As a result, the five and a half demon kings came to the main material world through various channels, and brought their subordinates to start making waves. Humans and the heavens joined forces to barely suppress the spread of terror they brought.

And if it weren't for the fact that there is no cooperative relationship between these demon kings, I am afraid that the coalition forces of humans and heaven would not even be able to do this!

Even so, the coalition forces of humans and heaven paid a far greater price than the demons to kill and seal or expel those five and a half demon kings. In this sense, these demon kings are indeed worthy of the name of the strongest !

The lord of death, Andy Tigerlot, is the 'half' of the demon king who descended.

The River Styx is far vaster and darker than the Sea of ​​Abyss, and as the master of the River Styx, Andy Tigerlot possesses a strong conceit based on his strength.

With his own strength, he did not choose a more secure way to descend like other demon kings who wanted to descend. Instead, in the middle of the age of mythology, he divided his strength and soul in half, directly passing through the unstable gaps, and attached On the body of the strongest human being at that time, the king of the superpower Ward, the brave king Evan Dill!

Even if it is only half of the power, and it has been weakened by the gaps, Andy Tigerlot's power is not something humans can contend with. The brave, but overjoyed Evan Dill was almost helplessly occupied by the body.

And after that, Andy Tigerlot even had a fierce contest with the crusaders of the heavens at that time only by relying on the demonized human body of Avendir.

The final result is unclear, but what is known is that in the late Age of Mythology, the Holy See’s heresy arbitrator collected the blood and hair of Evan Dill and the resentment of the angels who died in its hands, combined with Andy Tiglott to fight The breath of loss in the middle, sacrificed the luck of thousands of fanatics in their lives, and cast a massive curse on them, not only completely defeated Evandir, but also used Evandir's body as a springboard, taking advantage of When the opponent's soul was weak, he directly cursed and killed the remaining half of Andy Tigerlot's soul who was far away in the abyss.

After Andy Tigerlot lost his soul, his body and the remaining half of his power were divided into three, and he became the three demon gods in the Styx. And Evandir, who hosts the soul of Andy Tigerlot, the lord of death, has been wiped out in mythology.

However, judging from the mouth of the girl who claimed to be Klapak Lange, I am afraid that there is something wrong with the myth that has been handed down...

"When my brother and I came to explore this side together, we found an old dilapidated tower. In the tower, we saw this guy who was in a dormant state. If we don't do something, I'm afraid he will wake up soon."

The girl gave a thumbs up and pointed over her shoulder to the crystal pillar behind her. Her black twin ponytails floated in the air like her body, constantly floating like octopus tentacles, giving people the feeling that they had their own life .

"Based on some historical documents left before the Great Migration, my brother deduced that this guy is the Lord of Death, so he led me to plan to seal this guy together."

When talking about this, Xi Wei noticed that the girl's face darkened a little, but she immediately continued talking as if nothing had happened.

"Compared to my brother, I have more research on runes and magic, so I prepared the sealing ceremony. At that time, I was a little arrogant because I made a lot of achievements in the field I was good at. , and compared to other types of sealing formulas, the sealing formula of the holy light is the best for demons, so I secretly planned to blind the holy light, pretending to be a fanatic and using its power to launch the seal... and you I saw it too."

She spread her hands mockingly, and then looked at her translucent hands in a daze: "The magic power is borrowed, but the body was taken away as the price of deceiving the divine light."

With the remains of the Demon King sealed in this kind of place, it's no wonder that in the vampire war, the vampires would allocate so many troops to attack Huo Li'an Academy even when the battle line was tight.

Xi Wei was speechless for a while, and then asked, "Why did you say this to me? I'm not a descendant of the Lange family."

"Who knows." The girl who came back to her senses shrugged, and said with an indifferent expression on her face: "It's probably because I've been bored for too long, and I couldn't help nagging when I finally saw someone."

How casual are you.

Although Xi Wei wanted to complain like this, but thinking that the other party was Sophia's ancestor after all, he swallowed the words that came to his lips.

"But is the so-called 'Langer's Treasure' such a thing..." Xi Wei sighed and stood up from the ground. Because of the sacred magic power, even if he sat cross-legged for a long time, he did not experience symptoms such as numb feet...

"Langer's treasure? What is that?" The girl floated in front of Xi Wei curiously and asked.

So Xi Wei told the girl the rumors outside in detail.

After the girl listened with gusto, she nodded seriously, then patted her poached chest and said, "If I have to say it, Lange's treasure should refer to this!"

"...Flat chest?" Xi Wei blinked, then said as innocently as possible.

"No! It's my knowledge!"

After complaining loudly, the girl with black twintails took a deep breath, with a confident smile on her face: "Don't you want the knowledge of the legendary great mage Klapak Lange?"

"But before, I remembered that you seemed to claim that you only had high-level magicians..."

"Nonsense, don't tell me I haven't made any progress in these hundreds of years!"

There was no exaggeration on the girl's face, and she said without hesitation as if she was stating the facts: "If my body is still there, I must already be a legendary great mage!"

"Well, I believe so."

Seeing that the girl's long black ponytails tended to stand up like an irritated cat, Xi Wei decided to believe her first: "Then please enlighten me."

"Before that, didn't you call your companions to listen together?" the girl asked curiously.

"Companion, I am alone..."

Xi Wei was taken aback for a moment, then said subconsciously.

However, at this moment, a strange wave of magic power suddenly appeared in the sacred magic power, which felt as if a piece of mud was suddenly thrown into a glass of milk.

Xi Wei, who had been trained through countless dungeons, felt that the magic power was shooting towards him, so he reflexively turned to one side, letting a dark red beam of light gallop past his hair!

Afterwards, Xi Wei's eyes fell on the direction where the magic came from - that was also the direction he entered here.

A boy with a round face who looked honest and honest was holding a crystal skull there, and the skull's eye sockets were glowing dark red, which looked extremely weird. Immediately, the skeleton shattered into several petals.

"Peter K. Lawrence." Xi Wei looked at the boy solemnly.

"It's a pity that none of that hit you."

Facing Xi Wei's naked hostile eyes, the boy who was his defeated opponent showed no sign of fear.

"This child... is a vampire?" The girl didn't discover Peter's identity until now.

She seemed to be looking at the round-faced boy with some surprise.

"That's right, and it's still the one with a criminal record. Until just now, I thought he had repented..."

Xi Wei said angrily. The appearance of Peter K. Lawrence was really beyond his expectation. In fact, Xi Wei didn't even know that he was still in Huo Lian College before the other party appeared. He just thought that he was sent to Scarlet Gold or Thorn and Rose class organization.

Of course, maybe he deliberately avoided Xi Wei's gaze, so he hid until now.

"Humans don't have much advantage over the night nobles now, so I don't have the need to break away from the night nobles."

The smile on Peter's face gave Xi Wei the urge to punch him hard.

"It seems that I underestimated you for sneaking in here without telling Principal Bruno." Xi Wei narrowed his eyes, staring at Peter like a beast staring at its prey.

Unlike the previous time, after the vampire war, Peter has obviously matured a lot. In addition, this time he was almost caught by him, and Xi Wei also felt that he could no longer fight the opponent in a joking manner.

"I'm not that capable of fooling the great magician. Don't forget, who was the first to know about Lange's treasure, and even the information from the head of the academy was originally provided by me. I was the first I just hid inside, but waited for you to come and stay far behind." Peter didn't seem to want to keep it secret at all, so he casually revealed the method he adopted to Xi Wei, and then he had a round face There was a tricky smile on his face: "And your opponent is not me."

Following his words, the sound of glass breaking and a strange rhythm came to Xi Wei's ears at the same time.

'Boom boom, boom boom, boom boom'

"You bastard..." Xi Wei immediately realized something, and at the same time, the girl's horrified voice sounded.

"The seal is broken!"

That's right, the real target of the initial blow was not Xi Wei, but the huge crystal pillar in the center of the space. The lord of death, the legendary demon king, and the sealed place of Andy Tigerlot.


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