The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 243: Holy Silver Sword Princess

Sanctuary's library is not very big. In terms of area, it is only about the size of one or two basketball courts. There are bookcases on all four walls, and it is filled with various books in different categories. However, the height of the building is as high as a four-story building, and the ceiling is completely enchanted glass, so the lighting is great. The structure of the floors is more like a modern department store than a library. All four floors have been opened up, leaving only a four-meter-wide walkway at the corner, and there are spiral staircases at the four corners of the library. To the upper level for easy access to books.

There are many round tables and chairs on the bottom floor for readers to read.

After Xi Wei showed the doorman the guest identity certificate given to him by Archbishop Leon in red, that is, a silver coin with the emblem of the Holy See, the doorman let him go. He didn't even have any interest in verifying the authenticity of the identity certificate. Xi Wei had a sense of mistrust towards the security of the Holy See...

However, after walking around the library twice, he understood why the defense here was so lax—there were very few books in this library that recorded sacred magic, and they were all of low rank. , most of the rest are such as "Shu Liya's Revelation Document", "The Great Priest's Travel Notes-Southern Hills Chapter", "The First Light? Religious classics such as "Theory of Origin" or some travel papers... Although as a reference book, many of them are of high value. Customs and traditional culture.

But for Xi Wei, he can only describe his mood in terms of great disappointment——Damn it, we are here to learn magic, not to study whether one or two people will be burned during the orc ancestor sacrifice!

I'm afraid this library is only a library announced by the Holy See. There should be several other libraries that contain many untold secrets somewhere else.

Of course, the current Xi Wei would definitely not be hungry enough to hold on to the idea of ​​finding that secret library-let alone whether he could find it, so what if he found it? Are you going to turn against the Holy See for a few holy magic...

In the end, he could only find a few books describing the magic of the first and second rings, and planned to finish his studies in the library. No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

The number of sacred magic in the skill book panel of the academy system is as pitiful as that of dark magic, and the library of Huolian Academy is mostly elemental magic and arcane magic. At most, how to deal with curses in dark magic is mentioned, basically nothing A record of divine magic.

So Xi Wei can take this opportunity to learn more about the sacred magic monopolized by the Holy See.

Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never end in a hundred battles. Even if you follow the unspoken rules between the Academy of Magic and the Holy See, if you don't teach students sacred magic (in fact, except for Xi Wei, people who don't believe in sacred light can't learn sacred magic...), at least you must Let the students not suffer from ignorance when facing enemies who use holy magic.

Just as Xi Wei was walking down the stairs with a stack of books under his arm, he found someone who caught his attention in the place where he was reading.

It was a girl wearing silver armor, her golden hair was tied into a bun behind her head, and she looked like a heroic girl.

That's right, it was the girl Xi Wei met at the entrance of the New Testament Church.

At this time, the girl was sitting on a chair, flipping through a not-too-thick black book. The awe-inspiring look at the entrance of the New Testament Church had disappeared from her face, and the slightly raised corners of her mouth softened her expression, which, combined with the afterglow of the setting sun cast from the ceiling, made her look more approachable.

In fact, if it wasn't for the angelic aura exuding from the girl's body all the time, she would be no different from a literary girl who likes to read.

Xi Wei touched his chin with his free left hand, then walked to the corner of the library, and started a conversation with an ordinary cleaner.

Facts have proved that no matter which world people like to gossip.

After rambling for a while, the meaning of the cleaner's words disappeared, and after a vague familiarity, Xi Wei "accidentally" mentioned the girl who was sitting alone at the round table reading a book.

"Is that girl a priest too? She looks very young."

"Shhh, don't point fingers. Miss Fleur is the head of the Knights Templar!" The cleaner made a gesture of silencing Xi Wei, and then whispered after seeing that the girl at the other end of the library didn't respond. : "She is the strongest holy swordsman in the sanctuary right now."

"Holy Swordsman?" Xi Wei frowned and whispered suspiciously.

The so-called holy swordsman actually refers to those magic swordsmen who mainly use holy magic in battle.

However, because holy magic is inherently insufficient in terms of lethality against enemies other than dark creatures, ordinary holy swordsmen will increase their combat effectiveness through other means-such as riding a sub-dragon or something.

Of course, this was not what Xi Wei questioned.

Girls definitely have super-strong divine affinity—an angel lacking divine affinity is as absurd as a fish not being able to swim. And when it comes to magic power, you must know that the holy magic power radiating from the girl is much purer than the pope Xi Wei saw who was hitting the ball.

If so, why did the girl give up such a promising career as a priest and become a holy swordsman? Although the status of the holy swordsman is much better than that of the high-end magic swordsman, it is still only a low-ranking profession after all. In fact, many priests with insufficient talent and no way to learn holy magic would rather choose to be a clerk priest than a holy swordsman.

"That's right, it's the Holy Swordsman." Naturally, the cleaner didn't know what Xi Wei was weird about, but just poured out what he knew, to satisfy the sense of accomplishment he had taught others: "Miss Fleur, although she is old, It's not big, but it's already a fourth-rank holy swordsman, and has a great reputation as the "Holy Silver Sword Princess" in the entire eastern plain!"

Sorry, I haven't heard of it... Xi Wei looked blank.

The most indispensable thing in this kind of magical world is those people with bullying titles. Even in the Huo Li'an Empire, which can only be considered a middle-lower area among all countries, as far as Xi Wei knows, there are a lot of "three witches", "four heavenly kings", "seven titans" and the like, and those with local titles There are countless.

By the way, the so-called "Three Great Witches" in the folks refers to Mrs. Sharron, Dean Bruno and Xi Wei, the three magicians who are considered to be the strongest in Huo Lian. Because Huo Li'an is located on the border, adjacent to the orcs, and the orcs all call magicians wizards, and the residents of Huo Li'an are more or less influenced by them, so there are three big witches instead of three. Titles such as demons or the three great dharmas...

And Xi Wei had never heard of that 'Holy Silver Sword Fairy'.

Why don't you go over and try it out? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to recommend this work as a registered member of Piaotian Literature. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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