The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 247: The Situation Taking a Nosedive

The time for the ceremony to start was getting closer and closer. In the meeting place where there were only a few dozen people, the number of people began to increase suddenly, and the atmosphere gradually changed from the coldness at the beginning to the excitement.

It's just because those who can come here are basically famous people, who are different from those upstarts and the like, and they all have good education. Even when talking with people, the voice is deliberately lowered. Therefore, although the participants in the surrounding area are crowded together and connecting with each other, there is only a lively atmosphere in the venue, and there is no sense of hustle and bustle. The performance of the band on the podium is still clear and clear smell.

"Relax, we are here for the banquet, not for duty."

In the ceremony venue, a man wearing the half-length armor of the Knights Templar and a white dress similar to a suit was talking casually and freely with his companion who came with him.

While speaking, he kept his chest up, as if he was afraid that others would not see the medal on his chest representing the Commander of the Knights Templar.

"I remember that this is not a banquet, but a ceremony held to honor a person who has made outstanding contributions to all mankind?" The man who also wore the captain's medal, but his clothes were not as good as the former one was bitter Face corrected the mistakes in the former words.

"What does that matter, anyway, there must be a routine banquet after the award ceremony."

The man in white flicked his grass-green hair to make his bangs look more stylish, then he brushed off his sleeves with a nonchalant expression on his face. He has already experienced a lot of honoring ceremonies. Although it was not as big as this time before, in his mind, the other party will at most get a Bright Holy Family Medal or something like that. It shouldn't matter to the subsequent process. Influence.

"Compared to such boring things, let's hurry up and talk to some noble ladies." After a little tidying up his appearance, the grass-green haired man in a white dress changed his expression into a hearty smile .

He is very clear about his identity and temperament, and with this smile, he is simply a standard image of Prince Charming, and it has such a huge lethality for those young girls who are addicted to romantic knight novels and have little experience.

"I don't think it's good to do this..." The other man still had a bitter face: "After all, we are all priests of the Holy See..."

"We are the Knights Templar, not the Gospel Ascetics who need to abide by the three thousand precepts! What does it matter if you hook up with some noble ladies!" Before the other party finished speaking, the grass-green haired man in white dress impatiently He waved his hand and interrupted him: "Besides, we can get married, I'm just looking for my true love!"


"What's the matter, is there something wrong with what I said?" Seeing that the other party looked like he saw a ghost, the grassy-haired man felt a little angry.

But then, the man found that his companion's eyes didn't seem to fall on him at all, but directly passed his shoulders and floated behind him.

"No, no, no! Group, group leader!" At this moment, the guy who always had a sad face came to his senses, and stammered, "She is watching this way, group leader!"

"What!" The grass-green-haired man was also startled, and hurriedly turned his head around, only to find that the girl who kept him silent on weekdays was just as usual, wearing a full body armor without any slack, covering her beautiful curves, and standing upright in the corner , his eyes radiated a palpitating coldness like usual, looking straight at the two of them.

"Doesn't she hate lively scenes like banquets! Why did she appear here!" The man shivered and complained through gritted teeth.

"Now, now what, what should I do?" Another person asked in horror.

"What else can I do, run!"

Xi Wei carried two plates full of buffet food and brushed past them.

He looked back at the two people who ran away like rabbits being chased by hungry wolves, raised his eyebrows, then went back to the girl who was still casting murderous gazes in the same direction, and handed one of the plates to her.

"It seems that two of your subordinates were scared away by your current appearance just now." Sitting on the chairs prepared for those who were tired from standing, Xi Wei inserted a fork into a roast that was just enough to be swallowed in one bite. Sausage, said while eating.

"Really, I was so hungry just now that I didn't notice it at all." Fleur frowned after taking the plate: "Why is it all meat?"

"Of course it's because meat is easier to eat."

Xi Wei chewed the small sausage, and replied vaguely: "Didn't you keep saying that you were hungry? I don't want to make a second trip."

"What about the truth?"

"It's a shame to be a man with desserts like cake pudding on his plate!"

Fleur and Xi Wei looked at each other for half a minute, and finally sighed as if admitting defeat, picked up the fork on the dinner plate and poked the roast meat on the plate: "Every time I eat this kind of meat, I always clearly Realized that I was eating the carcasses of other animals..."


"Although except for ascetic monks, almost none of the clergy prohibit meat, but most of the clergy do not eat meat for this reason."


"After killing the other party, they also destroyed their corpses, and even used their corpses to feed themselves..."

"Okay, okay! I'll just bring you dessert, don't say such unappetizing words anymore!" Xi Wei swallowed the meat in his mouth reluctantly, rubbed his temples with a headache, and raised a white flag of surrender to the other party.

Seeing Xi Wei's back going to the long table full of food again, the corners of the girl's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a smug smile.

Time passed unhurriedly, and because she got sweets to replenish her empty stomach, the girl finally had the time to do other things. So, staying in the corner with Xi Wei, she began to introduce the celebrities and nobles who entered the venue to Xi Wei one by one.

At this point, Xi Wei also had to admire this girl who looked about his age. Although Xi Wei has been instilled systematically in terms of knowledge, except for the celebrities and aristocrats of this era who took the initiative to appear in front of him, such as Queen Huo Lian and others, Xi Wei is still blinded. To the point of not knowing anything.

After all, Xi Wei's predecessor was just a little-known little mage when he traveled the Eastern Plains, so it was impossible for him to have a channel to recognize the upper class. After crossing, Xi Wei has been in Huolian and its surrounding areas for the sake of the academy or other messy things. I'm busy with my work, so I don't have the mood to care about the upper class.

Of course, he has heard of some famous names, such as the great magician Pierce of the Qiyao Mage Association? Green——but if Fleur hadn't told him, I'm afraid that when Xi Wei met this Member of Parliament who occupied a seat in the Mage Association, he would just treat him as a fat old man who can be seen everywhere...

It seems that we have to pay more attention to character information in the future. Xi Wei thought to himself.

"But I didn't expect you to have such a big face that even Lord Green was shocked." The girl looked at the old man not far away who came to participate in the title ceremony wearing a mage's robe like Xi Wei, and said with emotion: "I heard Your Excellency the great magician has not been out of the Qiyao mage Ta Bunta for a long time."

"To be honest, I didn't expect it either." Xi Wei shrugged, expressing that he was also surprised: "I thought it would be Mrs. Quirin who came to attend this ceremony..."

In fact, because he met that Wickren who was willing to degenerate into a vampire in Horadur? Green, Xi Wei always had a little dislike for the Green family. In his opinion, instead of sending such a short, fat old man to disgust him, the Qiyao Mage Association sent Mrs. Quilin who had a relationship with him and awarded him the Green Medal to participate in this ceremony... …

It's just that Xi Wei also has self-knowledge. Although he has been promoted to a high-level magician (of course, there are not many people who know this), even if he is tied to his own academy, he is still nothing compared to the behemoth of the Qiyao Mage Association. The degree of small shrimp. The other party naturally doesn't need to pay too much attention to his wishes.

And in his opinion, the meaning of sending the great magician here by the Qiyao Mage Association is not so much to value him as it is to have some private agreement with the Pope who is hitting the ball. I am afraid that after the title is completed, people from the Qiyao Mage Association will also intervene in the transaction between himself and the Pure White Church.

This situation is really troublesome...

"Don't be in a daze, it seems like another heavyweight is coming!" After calling out to Xi Wei a few times but getting no response, Fleur poked the soft flesh on Xi Wei's waist with her fingertips. When Wei glared at her, he pointed to the door.

Xi Wei followed her movements and looked towards the door, only to see that a long red carpet had been spread outside the door at some point. On both sides of the long carpet stood well-equipped magic swordsmen with uniform movements.

Even the doorman who called the roll was pushed aside by these magic swordsmen, and Xi Wei even found that those magic swordsmen were quietly watching the doorman who dared not speak out and muttered something in his mouth , I am afraid that as long as the doorman makes any aggressive moves, he will be subdued by the surrounding magic swordsmen immediately.

"It's too presumptuous to mess around like this in the sanctuary." At first, the girl who saw those magic swordsmen as ordinary attendants narrowed her eyes halfway. As the leader of the knight order, she obviously also saw the magic sword The meaning of the soldier, although the tone sounded quite calm, but Xi Wei could feel the anger in it - damn it, leading the army to rampage in other people's house, this is too creative.

"The scene is so big, it must be the king of some country?"

However, Xi Wei has a different opinion. After all, it is quite a distance from the entrance of the sanctuary. If the visitor really just has an IQ problem, he might be shot in the knee halfway and be carried out of the sanctuary by a group of clergymen. domain.

Just when Xi Wei and Fleur had different thoughts, three men walked into the arena from the red carpet.

Walking in the front was a man over half a century old with a mane like a lion and red hair like flames. He was only wearing a simple white dress, but whether it was the finger-thick platinum necklace inlaid with a carefully carved shining crystal at intervals, or the one on his hand that seemed to be made of gold or something Composed of precious metals and gemstones, it feels a bit vulgar, but each ring is an incomparably precious magic item, which can let people know that he is a good person. What's more, this middle-aged man still faintly exudes the temperament of a superior.

As for the two young men following him, the twenty-three or four-year-old on the left has blond curly hair that is completely different from his, and the lines on his face are also softer. It will give people a feeling of a little white face. He was wearing a dark brown tuxedo, with a smile on his face that made people feel refreshed, and he walked slowly behind the strong man.

And the man on the right doesn't seem to be in his twenties yet. He has the same bright red hair as a mature man, and he can vaguely see the shadow of a mature man on his face. I don't know if it's because he is not good at facing such scenes or Such is his nature, his casual expression gives people a very resolute and stern feeling. He didn't wear a tuxedo, but a silver close-fitting armor, which matched his military-like iron-blooded temperament, which perfectly complemented each other.

Xi Wei heard the girl beside him gasp.

He just wanted to tease the other party if he had a crush on one of them, but before he could speak, the girl spoke first.

"It's the Dragonscale Emperor, Bart? Joseph and his two sons..."

Xi Wei was stunned for a moment, then suddenly remembered.

Damn, isn't "Dragonscale Emperor" the title of the emperor of the superpower Hoengolat Empire, the most powerful superpower in the Pan-Human Race Alliance?

Want to know holy? Doragon Academy of Magic, the number one academy of magic, was nothing more than the support of the Horngolat Empire, and even the establishment of the Qiyao Mage Association also has the shadow of this superpower in it. And the leader of this kind of monster, which is bigger than the Qiyao Mage Association, unexpectedly appeared at Xi Wei's ceremony at this moment!

No wonder Sanctuary doesn't care about them, why can't it manage at all...

Not only Xi Wei and the others were frightened, but those who were chatting around were all frightened by the sudden appearance of the blockbuster, and could only stare blankly at the other party coming in.

"Isn't it too embarrassing for you... I said that you are also a prince who is about to ascend the throne of some big country, and then deliberately concealed your name and came here to be named?" With eyes closed, he asked Xi Wei.

"You've read too many romance novels." Xi Wei, who had also come to his senses, felt terrified - why is even the most powerful country interested in him? Could it be that the matter of the academy system has been exposed? !

Apart from that magical system, Xi Wei had no idea that there was anything in him worth prying at by the three giants of the Pan-Human United Alliance.

While Xi Wei was still in fear, the girl's interest had shifted to other places.

"It seems that the rumors are true."

"What rumor?" Because he felt that continuing to worry would not change anything, Xi Wei also planned to find something else to divert his attention.

"Horngolat's battle for the throne." The girl turned towards the dragon-scale emperor Bart? The two people behind Joseph pouted: "These are the First Prince and the Third Prince. The First Prince has good relations with the nobles in the country, and also owns a huge fiefdom and a large number of private soldiers, while the Third Prince has a certain degree of military power. There are a lot of troops that can be mobilized, and the two of them are currently the most likely to become emperors." The girl said, her eyes stopped on the armor of the third prince again: "It's just that there are rumors that the first prince may not be born of the Dragon Scale Emperor. Therefore, the Dragon Scale Emperor prefers his youngest son... have you seen that armor?"

"That is... a magic item? Wait a minute..." Xi Wei's eyes widened. He looked at the appraisal result given by the system, and couldn't help but lose his voice: "Damn it, a legendary item?!"

"That's right, that's one of Horngolat's national treasures, the Dragon Scale Celestial Dress! It is said that as long as you wear it, you can transform into a treasure with the physique of a dragon. The Dragon Scale Emperor's reputation is also because he once Wearing this treasure, I got it by sweeping the rebellion of the three principalities with a small army." Fleur nodded, as if she was satisfied with Xi Wei's discerning eyes: "I gave this armament of my youth to Third prince, this is not much different from telling others that he is going to pass the throne to the third prince."

Just as the girl continued to talk about other gossip, a sudden voice interrupted her words.

"It's not a good thing to arrange other people casually, Fleur."

Like a startled cat, the girl swished in a vigilant gesture. It turned out that the person who said this was none other than Archbishop Leon who had led Xi Wei the way.

"My lord bishop, I'm just talking about the facts." The girl who was caught upright has returned to her former heroic state, and said to Xi Wei and Leon without haste: "Since you are here, you must be looking for Mr. Edric has something to do. Then I will not accompany you."

After speaking, he ran away in a high-spirited manner.

Speaking of being able to run away with a righteous look, it should be said that he is a person from the Holy See...

"Her Majesty asked me to tell you that it is almost time to prepare to take the stage."

"Well, I see." Xi Wei nodded, and then followed the archbishop in red, heading towards the chapel.

When they reached the edge of the chant stage, they didn't know whether it was to maintain a sense of mystery or what was going on, the light source on the ceiling was completely covered by a huge curtain, and the whole venue was plunged into darkness. It also quieted down the whispers that once erupted again a little... well, just a little...

Just as Xi Wei stepped onto the chant stage and the light returned to the venue, a scream pierced the sky above the venue, echoing in everyone's eardrums.

And not far from the screaming lady, a headless corpse was sitting at the table, a large stream of blood spurted out from its neck like a fountain, and the two young men around it who were dazed by the situation The human body is dyed bright red.

The emperor of the superpower Horngolat Empire, Dragonscale Emperor Bart? Joseph, in the sanctuary church, was brutally murdered. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to recommend this work as a registered member of Piaotian Literature. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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