The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 277: Chessboard World (1)

The starting point of the chessboard world is a huge building a bit like the Colosseum in ancient Rome.

The middle part is a huge stone gate, through which students came to this world one after another.

"If it wasn't for the fact that we couldn't fight five minutes before entering the arena, I'm afraid we'd already be together..." Riddle looked at the students from other academies around him with unfriendly eyes, and said with some emotion.

"I always feel... a little scary." After all, Dorothy was only a ten-year-old girl, and she was a little shy before seeing such a battle.

"Don't pay attention to those eyes, just treat them as eggplants."

Kamiyu, who was born at the bottom, also had the experience of being surrounded by such unkind eyes in his early years, so he behaved fairly calmly.

As he said that, he took the time to look at Tanis who was covered in cold sweat and his face was a little pale, and added: "If Tanis is this type, just treat it as a pumpkin."

"What did you say, Hun Dan!"

Tanis retorted reflexively, even he himself didn't notice that once he talked to Kamiyu, the nervous expression he had just disappeared completely.

"If you don't like it, you can treat it as a pumpkin." Kamiyu replied casually.

"You are the pumpkin!"

So the two started arguing again.

"Ahaha, although I know you two have a good relationship, but now is not the time to chat." In the end, Alice could only intervene with a maid's inherent smile and separate the two.

During this period of time, many students from the academy had rushed out of this Colosseum-like building, and the three five-person-wide door frames were also crowded at this time.

Alisa nodded to Alice, who was calming the nervousness of others, and then asked Tio: "How is the situation?"

The clothes of the others have not changed much, except for an extra fanny pack, but Tiou is different. The little girl is not only wearing a set of armor that looks heavy for her petite body, but also has a pair of armor on her head. A pair of cat ear-like accessories.

That headband was not Xi Wei's bad taste, but a headband that could enhance perception. As a magician of the wind element, he was also the most perceptive among the seven, so the little girl put on this headband without hesitation.

"There are magic fluctuations outside... twenty-seven, twenty-eight... still growing."

The girl closed her eyes and felt for a while, then immediately replied.

"Sure enough, there are students from the first two batches ambushing near the exit."

Alyssa glanced past Tio, who was looking at her calmly, and looked at the crowded doorway. It is estimated that as long as a fireball is thrown in the past, several colleges can be directly knocked out...

The academies that entered in the first few batches must be the easiest to gain the upper hand. Whether it is attacking the castle all the way forward or ambush the academies behind, they all have a lot of advantages.

Especially the ambush at the entrance directly blocked the only road, so that people from other colleges could only step on it even if they knew there was an ambush.

However, because the rules have been clearly written in the rule book, many colleges should have made plans to deal with this kind of ambush. Xi Wei and the others were no exception.

"Prepare to proceed with Plan A."

Alyssa and the others did not compete with other students, but stepped back a little, avoiding the eyes of interested people, and began to dig out their pockets...

Just when the students from other colleges were about to be squeezed out, they couldn't wait to perform martial arts in the crowd.

Suddenly there was an exclamation from behind the crowd.

Most of the students couldn't restrain their curiosity and looked up in the direction of the exclamation.

I saw seven students wearing the same style of robes with different colors riding brooms, leaving seven bright trails of stars in the sky, and then leaping over this huge Colosseum-like building in one swift motion!

The flying broom is not a rare thing. In fact, many alchemists could make it in the past, but because this kind of magic creation consumes a lot of flare crystals or magic cores when flying, and if the craftsmanship is not sophisticated, the flying height and The speed is also not good, so it didn't catch on for long.

After the popularization of the skills of training flying mounts by the native creatures of the Eastern Plains, various cheap, practical, or cool flying mounts quickly became the mainstream of sky transportation. In the back of my mind, only some ancient magic families are still used as collections...

At this time, this ancient craft once again showed its own style to people!

"Shoot them down!"

Outside the starting point building, some student shouted like this. Many people who have already come out wake up like a dream, regardless of their own environment, and start to cast spells on the few people in the sky. Better and easier guy.

All of a sudden, various rings of magic flew into the sky one after another, intertwined with each other, forming a colorful barrage.

What surprised those who thought Alisa and the others would be shot down was that the seven of them were like dragonflies walking in the rain, dexterously shuttled among all kinds of magic, and easily avoided all attacks !

"The magic of this density is completely incomparable with the magic of the dean's special training. It's so easy to hide!"

Kamiyu, who was flying in the sky, summed it up in one sentence.

The others nodded with concern when they heard the words...

In the last two days of the special training in the Spiritual Time Room, apart from meditation, they had only one training item, which was to control a flying broom and dodge Xi Wei's attack.

Compared with the current attack without tacit understanding and being extremely sparse, the dense magic that seemed to completely cover the entire sky during the special training is terrifying. Looking back on it now, the feeling of staying on a small boat on a stormy sea still makes a few little guys break out in cold sweat... I hope this experience will not become their lifetime experience. psychological shadow.

After the attack was fruitless, students from other colleges also chose to give up. After all, magic power is limited, and it is obviously a stupid move to waste all magic power for a few unrelated people. None of the students who can participate in the evaluation meeting is a fool, and this kind of stake can still be understood.

So with the help of the flying broomstick, they directly threw off the third echelon and some of the lagging second echelon. They were in the area where the second echelon was located, and headed towards the current first echelon! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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