The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter Twenty-eight Meeting

Xi Wei didn't rush to the village, but went straight back to his mage tower.

Although the specific situation is not clear, judging from the conversation between the two sides just now, the magician who claimed to be Shaq probably wanted to rely on those soldiers to seize Alisa's dagger.

But since his plan had failed, and Xi Wei's actions had given him a certain sense of warning, even though he walked to the village in a leisurely manner now, he probably wouldn't do anything to Alisa.

According to the default rules among magicians, Shaq, an outsider, should visit himself who lives here—of course, this rule can be ignored when the foreign mages are far stronger than the resident mages.

But from Xi Wei's visual inspection, the opponent is a guy who can only be killed by relying on the insidious magic of sandstone bombs to deal with a few soldiers. His level should not exceed that of a junior mage. As long as he doesn't get caught by the opponent In the case of ring magic, all magic can be cast instantly, and there is no pressure to crush ordinary beginners by yourself...

And the best person who can tell Shaq where Xi Wei is currently is obviously Alisa who is Xi Wei's student.

Xi Wei didn't tell Alisa when he followed those soldiers before, so the little girl should think that she has gone back.

After thinking this through, Xi Wei hurried back to his mage tower.

Sure enough, just after he arranged it a little, there was a knock on the door. It's not yet noon, so it's obviously not Alisa who delivered the food.

Xi Wei jumped onto the bed, sat cross-legged on the hardwood bed as if he had just woken up from meditation, and opened the door with the hand of a mage.

"Excuse me, is this the residence of Sir Xi Wei Edric?"

Outside the door, Shaq, who was well dressed and had a hearty expression, asked respectfully.

If Xi Wei hadn't seen this guy's true nature before, I'm afraid he would really be deceived by the way he is pretending now.

Although the plan he came up with due to his lack of experience was too simple and rough, but in terms of acting skills, this guy should not be underestimated...

Xi Wei sighed in his heart, but he didn't show the slightest emotion on his face. He asked in a casual tone, "I am, who are you?"

Little did he know that Shaq was also surprised.

He had already been to the village at the foot of the mountain before, and the sunken round pit on the stone floor of the village was there. It was impossible to fake it. If it was an explosive magic, such as Explosive Flame Arrow, it would not be surprising that it caused such a large area of ​​damage. But this magician named Xi Wei Edric used invisible striking magic. If only a few soldiers said that, it is possible that they exaggerated the strength of each other in order to cover up their own incompetence, but Shaker specifically asked a few villagers and got almost the same answer.

Although I don't know whether the magic is the atmospheric heavy hammer of the first ring or the magical blunt attack of the second ring, but this level of magic can be completed before the soldiers react (Shaq still doesn't believe that the opponent is instant...), This mage surnamed Edric has at least reached the primary peak, and has even entered the realm of an intermediate mage.

Not only that, just now the other party was sitting so far away from the door, but he was able to open the door with the hands of a mage in less than two seconds. The skill shown now makes Shaq feel lucky that he was not caught in the first place. Dazed by greed, he snatched Alisa's short sword and provoked an enemy of this level.

Thinking of this, Shaq's attitude became even more respectful.

"My humble servant is Shaq Missandia, a second-year student at the Hilary School of Magic and Magic. I came to visit you because I passed by your territory on the way to take the magic entrance examination."

If you let him know that the object of his respect is only a sorcerer apprentice, and a wild sorcerer who has not been certified by the Qiyao Sorcerer Tower, I am afraid that the expression of the heir to the lord with strong self-esteem will be very exciting...

"Oh, come in then." Xi Wei said indifferently.

But it is this rude tone that fits the attitude of the seniors in Shaq's mind.

Although it is okay for Xi Wei to drive Shaq away now—in fact, he did have such a plan, after all, he does not like to communicate with such duplicity guys—but everything cannot be viewed from one side, since This guy named Shaq is a student of the Magic Academy, so he should also know something about the current industry of the Magic Academy, and he just uses it to sniff out information.

You must know that Xi Wei was originally a traveling mage. Although he is well-informed, he is completely blind in this respect because he has never been in a magic academy. He can learn some information from relevant personnel to make up for this shortcoming. The board couldn't be better.

At the same time, even though Xi Wei despises this guy's character, after all, the two sides have not broken their skins, and there may be a possibility of using him as a springboard to cooperate with the opponent's magic academy in the future, so we can only try to get in touch first.

On the other side, Shaq frowned as soon as he entered the mage's tower. Compared with the master's mage's tower he thought of, Xi Wei's is really... Even if it is simple, it sounds good.

But then he was attracted by some things in the mage tower.

The first is a desk. Like the Mage Tower, this desk is only made of ordinary or even low-quality wood, but there are a few spar fragments of different colors scattered on the desk. At first, Shaq thought it was just ordinary gem fragments. Many magicians would call themselves artists, trying to make their various objects more gorgeous without affecting the practicality. It's really not such a precious thing.

But he soon found out that he was wrong! Because those 'gem fragments' actually had an extremely strong elemental aura, not only that, even after a long distance, Shaq could still feel the pulsating magic power contained in it!

There are only two kinds of things on the mainland that have these characteristics at the same time, the magic core and the shining crystal.

The former is a special substance produced in the body of high-level monsters. Recently, it has become more popular and the most recognized saying is that after the monster reaches a certain level, the specialized bone organs generated in the body will store a large amount of elements and its own magic power for hunting Or use it in battle. Although the magic core will have mottled and impure elements, but the magic power content is very considerable. In addition, as long as there is sufficient strength, it can be regarded as inexhaustible. It is currently the most commonly used energy source.

The latter is a relatively rare mineral, and the reserves that have been discovered so far are only about half of that of gold. Although the magic content in it is not much because it is naturally formed, the elements inside are unexpectedly pure, and it is one of the important materials known to make magic tools.

However, the various elemental crystal fragments that Xi Wei obtained from the Gate of Trials possessed both pure elements and abundant magic power. If it wasn't too small in size, it would be the most perfect magic material!

{Floating Astronomy

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