The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 287: The Resurgent Red Lotus (2)

Generally speaking, in the four-year college evaluation meeting, the magic colleges are competing with each other, so they all act separately. At most, the two or three colleges that have made good friends will form alliances or other moves.

But this time there was an accident.

The guest house where Edric Academy was stationed was filled with magicians from all over the Eastern Plains with different costumes and temperaments.

Some of them looked decadent, as if they didn't care about anything; What kind of feelings do you have; more is the bandage produced by Edric Academy wrapped around your head or body, looking sadly at the potion pot in front of you...

According to a rough estimate, at this moment, in this not-so-big guest house, there are already nearly ten college leaders stationed there!

The only thing in common is that regardless of the relationship between them and the colleges they work for, they have all become members of Edric's temporary alliance.

Although some people were dissatisfied during the process of forming an alliance, those guys finally agreed with tears in their eyes after being rounded several times by Xi Wei with his iron fist and "as long as there is one breath left, I can save you" alliance...

Then when they came to Xi Wei's current base camp, Xi Wei showed a friendly smile on his face and personally demonstrated once how sharp the effect of the guest house arranged as a void altar is, how fast it operates and how quiet and energy-saving it is, those people I was still dissatisfied. Those who want to make trouble can only put their minds away and obey the command obediently-this is probably the feeling of the so-called people who have to bow their heads under the eaves.

It's just that although these mages have put away their crooked brains for the time being...

"Hey, the lower academy over there, your students are hindering our students from casting spells! Get them out of the way!" "What nonsense are you talking about! Why do I have to waste my interference power for such a trivial matter!" "Eh? Is your college on the west side of the Viktoria Mountains? What a coincidence, our college is on the east side!" "Silver scale robes, high quality, one piece of hardware, no bargaining, first come first served, If you fake it, you will pay ten." "Boss, give me a fake one." "..."

Fite looked at the living room that looked like a vegetable market through the translucent screen, and asked Xi Wei a little bit out of strength: "Is it really okay to make these guys partners?"

Judging from the current scene, there seems to be no big difference between so-called magicians (and all of them are at the elite level) and ordinary people.

"Anyway, it's only temporary, use it first."

Xi Wei shrugged and replied calmly.

"But why do you have to invite so many people to participate indiscriminately?"

Feite narrowed his eyes, and asked in confusion: "Isn't the secrecy too bad? Maybe someone will use small tricks to inform the Mage Association of the situation here..."

"I didn't expect to hide the news from the Mage Association."

Speaking of this, Xi Wei also had a wry smile on his face.

The power that the Qiyao Mage Association has developed over the years can already be described as horror. Even in the three powers of the 'King's Council, the Mages' Association, and the Pure White Church'. The Mage Association is considered the most pure-hearted and ascetic, but the accumulation of a hundred years is not enough.

What's more, Hornhaig is still its base camp.

Leaving aside the mage's eyes all over the sky above Hornhaig and the magical veins whose functions are unknown, even the group of people who are noisy in the living room, as long as they have a sense of purpose, they can use the quill-shaped hair called 'Scribe' issued by the Mage Association. With a puppet in his pocket, the Mage Association can almost grasp the situation here.

"First, I didn't blatantly kill the leading teacher who participated in the evaluation meeting. Second, I didn't openly resist the Mage Association, so even if they master our actions, it won't matter much..."

Xi Wei explained to the surprised girl. You must know that even when spreading the conspiracy theory of the Mage Association to the people in the living room, he did not directly explain it clearly, but concealed all the words that directly named the Mage Association, and led their thinking to him by guiding them. The result you want to express goes up. Even those magicians who are proficient in biting words can't find a little bit of evidence to spread the conspiracy theory of the Mage Association from the words he said...

And his purpose of gathering these magicians is even more simple and outrageous - let them drive as many colleges as possible, and clear the chessboard world in the shortest time!

Humans have a herd mentality. If no one has cleared the level, many college students will have the idea of ​​​​"No one has cleared the level anyway, continue to collect some freedom badges/hunt some other houses".

But once someone clears the level, their thinking will become "someone has already cleared the level, we have to clear it as soon as possible", and the intensity of this thought will increase as the number of colleges that clear the level increases.

Just like a house, if a window is broken and no one repairs it, other windows will be broken inexplicably after a while; a wall, if there are some graffiti that have not been cleaned, soon, the wall will be covered with graffiti. Messy and unsightly things; in a very clean place, people are embarrassed to throw rubbish, but once there is rubbish on the ground, people will throw it without hesitation, without any shame.

This is Xi Wei's famous broken window theory in the world before traveling.

As long as most of the college members can clear the level in a short period of time through this snowball effect, in order to face the monsters that appear in the inner space, the Mage Association can only invest a large number of backbone forces or seek help from the colleges that have already cleared the level. Choose one of the two...

No matter what the final result is, it can already be regarded as a small victory for Xi Wei.

Anyway, both the Pope and the Mage Association seem to have their eye on him, so what if they pay more attention without revealing their cards?

"Everyone!" Thinking of this, Xi Wei turned off the translucent screen, got up and walked into the living room from the room, and shouted to the noisy crowd with open arms, "Welcome to the Edric Temporary Alliance."

The living room suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at Xi Wei.

He nodded as if satisfied with the effect, and continued.

"Let us use friendship and harmony as the benchmark, and complete this plan peacefully!"

Only you are not qualified to say this!

For a moment, Feite seemed to hear the synchronized voices of everyone in the living room...

ps: Although a bit late, I wish you all a happy Dragon Boat Festival~

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