The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 296: BBQ...

"Oh, oh, it's amazing!" Riddle widened his eyes, looked at the atrium that was completely different from the morning, wiped the corners of his mouth involuntarily, and sighed: "It's the first time I've seen so much meat!"

"After all, you are the head of the first class, so you can set an example." Dorothy held her forehead unbearably.

"Didn't the dean also say that today you can let go of the rules and have fun? Taylor, you are too rigid!" Kamiyu immediately expressed his solidarity to his best friend.

"Can't agree more!" Tanis, who had never done this kind of thing at home, nor read similar knowledge in books, was also very interested in it.

All kinds of baking utensils in the atrium are placed on the edge of the site in different categories, most of which have already lit a fire, and in the center is a bonfire well made of Qiang wood, and a raging bonfire has already been ignited inside. , radiating orange light and heat outward.

Next to the grill, neatly cut meat, fish, and vegetables are stacked. These are just transported by airship from a distant dock town. The ingredients are 100% fresh, just for their appearance. It's enough to make the students salivate, not to mention that there are already Kites who are padding the wooden box and starting to barbecue.

The sizzling sound of grease dripping onto the charcoal fire and the smell of meat wafting along with the white smoke whetted the appetite of all the students, and immediately threw themselves into the great business of barbecue. Instead, it was a folk dance proposed by Sophia as a celebration banquet Not many people responded...

Although folk dancing is an effective way to enhance the relationship between men and women, the students of Edric College are still young, and the weight of delicious barbecue is obviously more important in their hearts than the relationship between men and women.

"...Anyway, only a run-down noble lady like me would be interested in folk dance. Anyway, I'm just pretending to be sentimental. Anyway, girlish feelings are not suitable for me..."

This deserted situation made Sophia cringe in the corner with her knees in depression, muttering and giving up on herself.

Regarding this, Xi Wei could only smile wryly and pat the girl's red hair lightly as a sign of encouragement. If there are too many words of comfort, the other party will feel even more unhappy because he feels that he is pitying her.

It has to be said that during the long-term working with the girl, Sylvana's biological instinct of seeking good fortune and avoiding evil has gradually figured out the other party's personality traits...

"Teacher, this string is for you."

While Xi Wei was thinking wildly, Alice had already handed Xi Wei a bunch of steaming and fragrant skewers. The skewers made of meat, vegetables and fungi were very colorful and beautiful, and there Sprinkle some spices to add a bit of other color to the slightly burnt skewers. Just looking at it can make people move their index fingers.

"Have you baked it yet?" Looking at the girl's earnest face, Xi Wei simply put aside the development direction of the academy that he was still considering just now, and decided to enjoy the joyful atmosphere and the special skewers made by the maid girl.

He took the skewers, and at the same time he was a little emotional: "Speaking of which, I haven't eaten barbecue for a long time."

The last time I ate barbecue was in Alisa's hometown, on Yanfei Mountain. It's just that Alice's level is much higher than her poor craftsmanship.

One bite, the rich and mellow gravy explodes in the mouth, the sweetness of the vegetables like bell peppers is just right to eliminate the greasy feeling, the tender meat is mixed with the taste of spices, soft and full The taste is even more memorable.

Just a small sip can actually make people feel a sense of happiness from the heart!

"Delicious! As expected of Alice!"

Xi Wei was full of praise for the maid girl's craftsmanship: "You will definitely be a good wife in the future."

"As long as you like it." The girl also smiled as if relieved: "I baked a lot, you eat slowly."

"Enen!" Xi Wei took another bite and couldn't help showing a happy expression.

At this time, Tio ran over holding two skewers.

Different from Alice's special skewers, what the girl has in her hand is just ordinary meat and vegetables like onions spaced apart from each other.

It is worth mentioning that the meat at the head of the two skewers has been eaten.

"Xi Wei," the little girl brought the skewers to Xi Wei's mouth: "exchange."

"Eh..." Xi Wei smiled wryly and looked at Alice, who showed a gentle smile.

Therefore, he could only sigh, and handed the skewer to the girl.

But Tio didn't accept his skewer, but continued to poke his own skewer towards his mouth. At the same time, the girl let out a voice of 'Ah...'.

From the looks of it, Tio seems to be planning to feed him...

In the end, Xi Wei, who couldn't hold back her, could only open his mouth resignedly, and took a bite of Tiou's skewer.

The pungent taste of that onion-like vegetable bloomed on the tip of his tongue, but it was not unpalatable.

"Xi Wei, ah..."

After seeing Xi Wei eat, Tio also opened her mouth towards him, but although she had already opened her mouth very hard, it was different from Xi Wei's big mouth, the girl's mouth still looked small Yes, as cute as a hamster.

"Okay." Xi Wei smiled dotingly, and handed his skewer to the girl's mouth, letting her take a bite.

A happy smile appeared on the girl's face.

Just when Tio was about to continue doing something, Alisa's voice came from not far away.

"Tio... where are you... don't be picky eaters..."

Hearing the sound getting closer, Tio's face showed 'Oops! To be discovered! ’ expression, he strode away deftly like a kitten.

Not far from where Xi Wei and the others were, because the sun hadn't completely set, the little vampire Saranlia, who was hiding in the shadow of the parasite, couldn't help showing envy when she saw the scene where Xi Wei and Theo were feeding each other. .

"If you feel envious, why don't you go and do that too?"

The sudden sound made the little vampire shudder, and looked towards the place where the sound came from.

I saw Feite floating beside her, looking at her with a mocking expression.

"'s not like that."

The little vampire who was always oppressed by a certain ghost made a weak protest.

"I told you, it's better to be honest with yourself. If you always procrastinate like this, you will definitely regret it in the future." Fate said with an expression like someone who had come over: "That guy Xi Wei is a human being after all, and you Pure-blooded vampires are different from the long-lived species, with a lifespan of at most a hundred years, if you don't act now, it will be too late to regret in the future."

"They all say it's not like that..."

Turning a deaf ear to the vampire girl's protests, Feite continued to babble: "Look at me, after becoming a ghost species, even if I still barely retain the thinking ability of my life, even wanting to taste the taste of barbecue is already gone. It can't be done."

"So it's not like that!"

Sharanlia finally interrupted Feite's nagging. First, she looked around as if startled by her sudden amplified voice, and found that because the barbecue party was noisy everywhere, no one noticed her. , was relieved, and looked at Feite apologetically.

"Oh? Have you given up on Xi Wei?"

Fate narrowed his eyes, trying to hide the narrow look in his eyes.

"No, no... I want to go too, but..."

The vampire girl spoke in a sad voice, and then took out some dark things from behind her.

"... coke?"

"It's skewers."



"Sorry." The ghost girl showed a loving expression.

"Woo, don't apologize, wouldn't it make me even more pathetic!"

Xi Wei watched with interest not far away, two theoretically undead creatures, vampires and ghosts, interacting there. At the same time, he didn't forget to munch on the special skewers provided by Alice.

"You seem very happy."

Yiwen Jielin, who came to his side at some time, observed the expression on Xi Wei's face, and said abruptly.

"Probably." Xi Wei didn't deny it either. After swallowing the food in his mouth, he squinted at the 50% burnt barbecue in the hands of the former princess of the Huolian Empire, and said pointedly: "Your Highness, play How is it?"

The girl blushed a little and put her masterpiece where Xi Wei couldn't see it, and then said in a rare cheerful tone: "I had a great time. Although I often attend banquets, the atmosphere is not as good as here It's easy, and this is the first time I have grilled meat myself since I was born. Although the failure rate is relatively high, it feels very interesting."

"Is that so, as long as Her Royal Highness is happy."

Xi Wei raised his eyebrows in a good mood, and continued to eat the skewers and watched the lively scene around him.

"...When the temperature of this side of the hoglodon meat reaches 120 degrees, turn it over within one-twentieth of a second, and you can heat it while retaining the maximum amount of meat juice!" Franken said. There was no cadence at all, and the voice came from afar.

""I can't do it, Professor! "" The uniform complaints of the pickets were also passed on.

Seeing the happy scenes of the students, Xi Wei couldn't stop smiling.

Originally, he founded Edric Academy just to complete the main task of the system, and with the help of the system, he established and perfected the academy step by step.

But I don't know when it started, the students all look forward to and respect him. The professors all trust and rely on him. And the academy itself gradually took an important place in his heart.

Today, even if there is no system requirement, I am afraid that he will not hesitate to shoulder the responsibility of protecting and building this academy.

"At least, they won't let their smiles disappear..."

Amid Yiwen Jielin's somewhat surprised expression, Xi Wei murmured in a low voice.

At this time, a message from the sentry tower popped up in front of Xi Wei. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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