The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 299 Write as a forest elf, read as a country bumpkin...

In the early morning of the next day, Xi Wei staggered towards the dean's room with his boss' dark circles under his eyes, as if he was about to let go at any moment.

Last night, because he had to think about the forest elves' affairs, he was distracted in the dungeon, and the boss took the opportunity, and was almost beaten to death.

With lingering fears and too many things to consider, Xi Wei couldn't sleep well all night, and he was still a little confused until now.

After yawning, Xi Wei wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and at the same time, he noticed that Alice was walking across the corridor with a troubled expression on his face.

"Alice, what happened?" Xi Wei asked casually seeing the other party's distraught look.

"Ah, teacher." The girl greeted Xi Wei first, then put her chin on her right hand, and said with some embarrassment: "Actually, I just wanted to make breakfast for you. But when I got to the kitchen, I found that yesterday's The two guests are... well, tasting the ingredients in the kitchen..."

"Oh, those two idiots..."

Xi Wei understood what happened in an instant.

In short, the two elves who came from the forest and have always lived a self-sufficient life are not used to the cafeteria of Edric College—or they don’t know that there is a cafeteria in the college. Ability such as intuition or smell finds the kitchen and steals vegetables.

He covered his face and sighed, complained with a bit of a headache, and then said to the maid girl: "I will deal with this matter, I will go to the cafeteria for breakfast. You should go and eat something yourself first."

After watching the girl with a regretful expression leave, Xi Wei changed his route and walked towards the cafeteria, where he successfully spotted two forest elves stuffing cherry tomatoes and lettuce leaves into their mouths.

After talking about it, Xi Wei managed to persuade the two country bumpkins and took them to Edric. Although the food is not as good as the Holy? Super prestigious schools like Dragonon, but the design concept can completely blow up their college cafeterias several blocks away, allowing the two elves to experience the power of cooking, an important part of human civilization.

Sylph and Willows, like most forest elves, are vegetarians. And because of Xi Wei's eating habits, Edric College's breakfast was relatively light, with very little meat, which made the two elves very satisfied.

The slightly older Sylph even revealed in her words that she wanted to learn some cooking skills and bring them back to the forest elves.

"You started from the southern forest and ran all the way here, didn't you have a good meal?"

The appearance of the two elves praising all kinds of pastries and porridge made Xi Wei feel a little curious.

You must know that the Huo Lian Empire is already located on the border of the eastern plain, bordering on the northern hills, which is the territory of the orcs, and the southern forest is just like its name, located in the south of the eastern plain. In other words, the two guys, Sylph and Willows, have directly crossed the entire eastern plain - even if Xi Wei flew all the way on a stinging falcon, it would take several days for such a long distance ...

And the cooking level of humans in this world is still very good. Except for some remote places where it is difficult to even buy spices (such as Alisa's hometown), there are quite a few restaurants with quite good taste in all cities. It's too strange that these two Huo Lian, who came all the way here, haven't even had a decent meal.

"In the beginning we came out with the caravan trading with the clan, but they had to stop in a small town by the forest to rest on the way due to the attack of monsters. We were worried that the situation in the forest would continue to deteriorate, so We simply acted on our own. But it didn’t take long before we found that there seemed to be a lot of human beings with malicious intentions following us. In addition, the money was quickly used up, so we had to leave the forest for less than three days. Marching in the wild."

Sylph explained to Xi Wei the predicament they encountered, and at the same time described their experience vividly.

After hearing what they said, Xi Wei twitched the corners of his mouth without further explanation.

In fact, from Sylve's words, it can be known that the forest elves gave them as much as twenty gold coins. Not to mention traveling from the southern forest to the Huolian Empire or the Sanctuary, even visiting all the member countries of the Pan-Human United Alliance is no problem.

It's just that these two guys came out of the forest for the first time, and they didn't even know the basic rules of not revealing their wealth. The twenty gold coins, which were already a huge sum of money, were spent.

In addition, their appearance is quite special. Regardless of the rare long green hair and pointed ears, just being able to make men and women feel excited, and their extremely neutral and beautiful appearance can attract a lot of attention. Those onlookers all regarded them as people with bad intentions, which caused them to never return to the city after the money was spent, and stayed in the wild all the time, so that when they came to Edric College, they had become almost like savages .

Xi Wei even felt that it was a miracle that they were able to touch the Huolian Empire under such circumstances...

"What's going on, Sir Edric?"

After chatting all over the place for a while, Sylph finally couldn't help but brought up the main purpose of her trip again.

To be honest, Xi Wei didn't really want to take this muddy water.

After all, Edric College has just developed, but he, the dean, runs out every day, so it's really not a big deal to say it.

The elves have their own set of inheritance methods that are completely different from humans. Even if they really help solve the problem this time, I don't think I can recruit half of the students there. Oral promises from humans, or potions produced by elves like 'Secret Spring of the Moon (Speed ​​up Magic Power Recovery)'—no matter how good your potion is, can it compare to the potion produced by the system?

In addition, not all elves will welcome humans. Xi Wei himself has a moon branch that can increase his favorability, so it probably doesn't matter—in fact, Sylph is so easily fooled by Xi Wei because of the effect of the moon branch. Reduced vigilance. But students or followers will definitely not get any good treatment. In other words, Xi Wei can only go alone this time, and at most install a beacon to call Feite over to chat or something...

But if they refuse, although the elves will not be so bored as to take revenge on themselves for this, the relationship with the academy will definitely drop below indifference, and if there is any use for the elves in the future, it is probably useless.

Just when Xi Wei was hesitating about how to answer, another communication came from the sentry tower.

But this time the message is very clear: another envoy from the sanctuary has come to visit...

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