The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 302: Destroyer of the Sky

The Sky Destroyer ancient magic destroyer has a total length of 114 meters, an empty load of nearly 500 tons, a load capacity of up to 100 tons, a maximum elevation of about 15,000 meters, and a speed of 300 meters. - About 35 knots (1 knot is two kilometers per hour).

The ship is equipped with four small star pulse furnaces similar to perpetual motion machines as the main energy source, and there are two ether furnaces as backup energy sources, so it has a strong endurance. In the case of sufficient supplies, it can theoretically sail forever. go down.

Because of the need to reduce the weight of the hull while taking into account flexibility, the Sky Destroyer did not install a lot of armor, and even the deck was all wooden.

However, there are physical defense barriers and elemental defense barriers solidified on the ship's side. These two extremely rare magics can resist most attacks-in fact, if it is an attack that cannot even resist these two magics, even if it is installed All-steel armor is probably useless.

If that's the case, the Destroyer of the Day is nothing more than a big prodigal toy with a larger volume and more power.

What really doubled the value of this airship was without a doubt the weapons covering all parts of the Sky Destroyer.

In this era, although things like magic ships are very rare and have high mobility, they are not suitable for being used as weapons of war on the battlefield.

These magic ships, nicknamed "magician's boring gadgets" by the soldiers of the king's council, are not very defensive. Even if they are not killed by a single shot, as long as the power mechanism is destroyed, the better situation is forced landing, and the worse Just crashed or exploded in mid-air—except for a very small part, most of the magic ships are still in the stage of using the magic mine furnace. How expensive is this power source that uses the shining crystal magic core as fuel? Leaving aside, the key point is that they are not very stable themselves, and the possibility of an explosion due to external attacks and magical disorder is not low.

Furthermore, due to the interference of magic power, magic ships cannot carry magic weapons above the anti-city level on board at all (this is also the reason why the magic protection level on magic ships is not high). Not to mention the low destructive power of the magic ship of cold weapons to the army, the ability to burn money for the enchanted crossbow bolts required by the bed crossbow machine is not much lower than that of the magic mine furnace. If the magic ship is really put into the battlefield, I am afraid that after a regular battle, the army's expenses will be doubled several times...

Of course, there are also pragmatic travel mages who propose that things like catapults can be installed on the magic ship, or simply put some boulders on the ship, and just throw them into the crowd when the battle starts.

But in this way, the reason for the low attack power has not been qualitatively changed. On the contrary, because the load has increased significantly, the output required for flying has also increased accordingly. In contrast, the speed of burning money in the magic mine furnace has also accelerated.

In the end, the war scholars of the King's Council came to the conclusion that instead of using these flashy things in the war, it is better to use the extra money to learn from the Pure White Church, and to diversify a few flying dragons, which are not only powerful but also flexible. The degree is also comparable to a fighter jet...

But the Sky Destroyer is different.

The ship is not only equipped with two anti-city-level magic cannons, but also a series of magic ballistas - this kind of magic item that consumes mana can form an arrow attack, only in the armies of Hohenheig and several powerful countries. Formed into a compiled column.

If the city-level magic cannon is equivalent to a big killer like claws or sharp teeth, then those magic ballistas will undoubtedly arm the Sky Destroyer into a hedgehog.

If the Sky Destroyer is compared to a monster, it is presumed that the subjugation level is at least level 30-and this is even under the condition that the pilots are all mage apprentices!

Level 30 monsters are rare, and the number of high-level magicians is only a few thousand, and tools can be mass-produced!

No wonder Fleur's first thought when she saw this thing was, 'Is this guy going to conquer the world...'

"Don't worry, it's just a technology that we discovered after deciphering a relic from the age of mythology." Xi Wei said lightly, "If the Holy See can pay a corresponding price, it's not that we can't sell the technology to you."

After the blueprints were used up, there was indeed an extra shelf of books in the high-level authority area of ​​Edric's library. And they are all the kind of books that can feel extremely professional just by looking at the name.

After flipping through the few books he could read, Xi Wei came to a conclusion: these things are the theoretical basis for making magic destroyers.

What made him more annoyed was that many of the books couldn't be opened at all, and could only be placed there as decorations. Most of the things that can be read are irrelevant, or things that are already in his mind, while more important things such as "Detailed Explanation of the Principle of Star Pulse Furnace" and "On Magic Interference and Magic Coordination" can't be read.

Whenever he wants to use brute force to open it, there will be a pop-up window saying 'Unlocking this book requires XXX points of money resources'.

XXX your sister! It's three digits when you open your mouth, and gold coins are not Chinese cabbage. Where the hell am I going to get so much money to cheat you!

In the end, Xi Wei simply put all these things behind him.

After seeing Fleur's frightened expression, Xi Wei suddenly came to his senses - Damn, I don't have money to cheat other people's money.

No matter what it is, even if it's just an ordinary spittoon, as long as it is stained with the words "age of mythology", its value will double. This is the main reason why Xi Wei added the word "ancient style" in front of the magic destroyer. up.

In this way, if new magic ships appear in the future, they only need to focus on the aspect of "deduction and improvement of ancient magic technology", and add a title like "present style".

As for the materials used to sell, just kidding, Xi Wei lacks everything, except for those magical theories that are unknown but actually useless—the books he found in the treasure copy "Sea of ​​Craddick" Many of them are the remnants of some erroneous theories of human beings in the age of mythology...

As long as the words are released, the materials of the Age of Mythology will be sold for money. It is estimated that the Qiyao Mage Association and the King's Council will not sit still. In addition, Edric College and Sanctuary are now half allies, and it is useful to give them a little According to ancient data, they are also embarrassed to cheat, and they just need to sit and wait for the money to be collected and cheat people by the way.

Of course, these things need to be considered in the long run. The three major forces are not fools. If they want to cheat them, they have to be calculated carefully.

Therefore, what Xi Wei said to Fleur now was only a foreshadowing of future actions, and the appearance of the magic destroyer would increase the credibility of his words.

"We'll talk about these things later. The most important thing right now is the change in the southern forest."

Xi Wei called the others into the cabin, arranged for the leprechauns to put away the boarding ladder, and after starting the engine, the magic ship slowly left the airport.

The magic destroyer "Destroyer of the Sky" plunged into the blue sky for the first time, and after making a loud siren, it accelerated towards the south...

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