The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 307: The Faint Moon and the Elven Treasure Tree (1)

Tio was startled by the sudden sound, and the wind elements subconsciously gathered around his body. (/baojian/Baojian)

And the little druid hid behind Tio as quickly as a squirrel.

After the other herbivore monsters found a stranger approaching, they immediately "scattered like birds and beasts" in the literal sense...

The bush shook a few times, and then a forest elf stepped out of it.

Tio recognized this forest elf named Willows. He was one of the two elves who went to Edric College to speak for him.

"What are you doing?"

Willows looked at the basket that fell to the ground because of the loss of the wind element supply, then looked at Tio, and said in the common language of human beings, Humen, with a displeased expression.

"Feed the animals."

Tio pointed to the kind of balls in the basket, and replied clearly: "Use that."

Willows picked up a ball from the basket at her feet, looked at it for a while, and then frowned even more: "What are these made of?"

Tio looked at Yike behind him, and saw that the elf still didn't dare to come out to talk to Willows, so he could only say to himself, "Use the fruits piled in the tree hole in the north, and some leaves."

In fact, the person who made these meatballs was Ike, and Tio was just watching from the sidelines.

"Nonsense! Those are the rations of the tribe!" The elf advocated annoyed and yelled: "If we take out the food we have saved and feed it to the animals, everyone in the tribe will starve!"

"Woo..." The instigator Yi Ke's body trembled, and a low whimper sounded from his throat. Even the ponytail that was originally uplifted in high spirits drooped listlessly at this moment.

Even if Tio deliberately didn't reveal Yi and chose to be scolded together, the little elf still suffered a lot psychologically.

"In order to prevent monsters from attacking the tribe because of hunger. I think it is necessary to feed these monsters."

Tiou quietly touched the elf's head. In order to keep the tears from rolling down in the little one's eyes, she was uncharacteristically taciturn and argued with the elf.

"If monsters attack, you just need to repel them, but if you don't have enough food, let alone fighting, even surviving becomes a problem!"

Obviously, Willows was not swayed by Tio's bad talk. With one hand on her hips and the other throwing green balls up and down, she responded sharply: "No matter what you say, it's not a good idea to steal the tribe's food." What a good thing!"


Although very unwilling, what the other party said was indeed true, so Tio could only remain silent.

"Since there is no objection, I will confiscate these things."

Willows threw the ball in her hand into the basket, and then lifted the heavy basket. Planning to turn around and leave.

But at this time, the little elf who had been shrinking behind Tio jumped out and grabbed the other side of the basket, trying to prevent Willos from taking it away.

"Woo...a lot of animals...everyone...needs this. Woo...please don't take...(Elvish)"

"Sorry, I'm not a natural believer. For me, people are more important than animals. (Elvish language)"

"But, but... (Elvish language)"

"Let go! (Elvish)"

Willows is an adult elf after all. His strength was far greater than that of Yike, and he easily snatched the basket and dragged Yike to the ground.


Although I don't know what the two elves are talking about, but when I saw Ike, I fell down. Tiou immediately ran to Yike's side while being on guard against Willows, and helped her up.

I don't know if it's because I think it's too naive to be serious with my children, or because of other reasons. The expression on Willows' face changed, and she didn't leave in a hurry.

"Why can't you hear her out?"

at this time. Another voice came over.

"Xi Wei." Tio's stern face turned pale, and he looked in the direction of the voice.

I saw Xi Wei walking through the bushes with a gentle smile on his pointed wizard hat, which was about to become his symbol.

"Mr. Edric, if possible, please don't meddle in the internal affairs of our forest elves?"

Although she was also endorsed by an elf, Willows, who was far younger than Wen Te, had no understanding of the so-called so-called sophistication of the world, and said bluntly to Xi Wei.

"That young elf wasn't a member of the Arclight Tribe in the first place, and if I remember correctly, you orthodox believers don't like Druids, pious believers in the natural religion, right?"

In the past few days, Xi Wei has learned that the forest elves are a race that seems to be peaceful on the surface, but actually looks down on humans from the bottom of their hearts. He didn't feel annoyed, and directly sneered back.

"Hey, no matter what, it's not for you human beings to intervene in the matter between us and the natural believers!"

Willows said in embarrassment.

Xi Wei didn't bother to care about him, he just waved his fingers, and Wei Luosi quickly let go of the basket as if she had been electrocuted, and the basket slowly floated in front of Tiou and the others.

"Xi Wei...I'm sorry." Tio lowered his head, his tone sounded a little low.

I thought it was just a trivial matter, but it turned out that Xi Wei and the forest elves had a gap - those guys like to cuddle together and are very exclusive. If what happened today was publicized by Willows, even if those elves didn't say anything, they probably wouldn't give Xi Wei and the others a good look in the future.

Although originally, except for the special exception of Wen Te, they didn't have a good face towards Xi Wei...

"Idiot, you didn't do anything wrong this time." With the same smile on Xi Wei's face, he gently stroked the girl's hair: "When you encounter something you think is right, you should be bold enough to do it. People who are timid You will never be able to discover the true meaning of magic. Don't worry, I will always support you from behind."

"Many animals are starving to death. We saw a lot of them." Tiou looked at Xi Wei's face and said softly, "That's why Yike made this to feed them."

The little elf named Yi Ke held the edge of the basket with one hand and looked at Xi Wei timidly.

"They took our rations! You'll regret it, human!"

Willows shouted angrily from the side.

"I'll be responsible for the compensation for the food." Xi Wei didn't take this kind of thing to heart at all - rations or something, the grain output in the Eastern Plains is very high, so the price is not high, and it's not difficult to buy a large amount of food, plus Edric also has a magic ship specially used for transportation. It is really not difficult to transport food or something: "It's you, take a good look around."

"What..." Willows froze as soon as she uttered a sound.

In the surrounding bushes, there were many hair-raising gazes, and these gazes aimed at her were still the kind of gazes without any kindness.

"As an elf, you have lost your basic judgment." Xi Wei raised his eyebrows: "Monsters all have a certain amount of wisdom... In fact, many monsters are more gracious than humans, orcs, or elves." Revenge, but also more vengeance. Your appearance has been remembered by them, so be careful when walking alone in the jungle."

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