The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 313: The Gloomy Moon and the Elven Treasure Tree (End)

The main energy source of Sky Destroyer is indeed the star pulse furnace related to astrology. But that thing has nothing to do with Quiet Moon's dime, and even if something goes wrong, there are two ether furnaces as backups, so Xi Wei is not worried at all about what the bleak moon will do to the magic destroyer two days later. Influence.

He has more interests than this.

"Have you seen the bleak moon twice? If you add this time, you are at least three thousand years old, right?"

He walked to the window, looked at the giant dragon outside the window, and said with some playfulness: "If it weren't for those monsters of the ancient or ancient dragon species, the gemstone dragon of the 3,000-year level is already on the verge of death. It stands to reason that my dragon It is impossible for the Oath-like Alliance to summon a guy like you?"

More importantly, Xi Wei didn't say anything, but his tone was already very clear: Is the dying dragon as weak as you...

The twilight period is the stage when the dragons are going to die. After entering the twilight, all their body functions will begin to decline. During this period, the dragon will reduce its own activities, and at the same time, it will no longer respond to any calls, and live alone until death. This stage is very short, almost generally less than ten years, compared with the long life of the Dragon Clan, it is like a snap of the fingers.

The dying period will be much longer, usually hundreds of years, and this time period is also the most powerful moment in the dragon's life.

Although the combat effectiveness of the sapphire dragons is not ranked high among all types of giant dragons, as purebred gemstone dragons, they should also have a power that is far beyond the reach of ordinary creatures, but what it showed in front of Xi Wei before The strength is only the level of an ordinary adult dragon...

"Whether to answer the call is my business, and it has nothing to do with you, a rude human being."

The Sapphire Dragon snorted, and said proudly with its head raised.

"Okay, then I'll change the question."

Xi Wei didn't think much about this question at first, and immediately turned to another question following the words of the dragon: "Since you have lived for so long, do you know that there is something related to the elves and 222 days or simply the number 222 in the past?" something?"

But after asking, Xi Wei realized that it was meaningless to ask. Sapphire dragons have always lived in underground crypts or caves on the coast, and they shouldn't have much contact with elves who have lived in the forest for generations. , How could they know what happened to the elves.


"Look, it really isn't... Huh huh?!"

Everyone looked at the giant dragon.

The sapphire dragon glanced at them, then stretched out its claws, twitched the tip of the claws in a very humane way, and the hard fingertips sparked a few sparks like a flint and steel: "If you double the reward, it's okay to tell you. "


How should I put it, it is an extremely realistic giant dragon...

——Arc Tribe? Temporary residence——

"What happened to the injured members of the tribe?"

Seeing Wen pull open the vines at the door and enter the room, Xi Wei asked first.

"It's almost recovered."

Winter seemed quite emotional: "Miss Fleur's holy light magic will not be mentioned, I didn't expect that little guy Yi Ke to be so proficient in recovery-type natural magic..."

Druids spend more time on their own and are certainly better at healing than you huddled guys. Xi Wei casually added something in his heart, and nodded calmly to show that he understood.

While the two were chatting, Fleur also opened the vines that acted as the curtain and walked in. The girl's face was slightly tired. It seemed that it took her a lot of energy to appease the frightened elves and treat them.

In addition to the three of them, there were many elves with different looks in the room this time, as well as a shriveled old elf who looked like a mummy.

They are the highest administrative authority of the elves, the elders of the Moon Pavilion. And the shriveled old man is the most honorable, it is said that he is over seven hundred years old, and he can be regarded as a long-lived elder among the elves.

"Now that everyone is here, we can start the discussion."

Xi Wei spread out the parchment in his hand on the wooden table in front of him that was covered with annual rings.

"I won't go around in circles with you guys anymore, let's just talk about it. This time we are facing a very difficult situation."

Following Xi Wei's narration, Wen Te also translated what Xi Wei said word by word to all the elders present.

Just as Xi Wei had guessed based on the cheating nature of the system, the main cause of this incident had to be attributed to the war between gods and demons in the last era.

At that time, it was not the moon tree that the elves used to reproduce, but a world tree whose crown could cover nearly half of the ancient forest sea.

The fruit of this world tree, which is regarded as a treasure by the elves, can give birth to elves, the leaves can write scrolls, the branches can make magic wands, the bark is a precious material for alchemy, and the sap flowing inside the world tree is even more effective than holy water , a treasure that can purify all things.

After the arrival of the demon king, at the beginning of the war, before the heavens intervened, the resistance army formed by the alliance of humans and elves achieved a series of victories after arduous battles and countless sacrifices. Among them, the most joyous thing for them is that the hero of the elves cut off the arm of the Lord of the Plague.

However, the two most troublesome characteristics of the Plague Lord-'infection' and 'immortality' made the elves troubled about how to deal with this arm that had been resisting endlessly.

It may be because before this, the effect of the World Tree sap has never failed, giving the elves a blind sense of trust in it. The proposal of "burying the arm inside the world tree and purifying it with a steady stream of sap" proposed by an elder elf actually won the majority of approval.

The final result was naturally that the world tree was infected by the arm of the plague lord. After 222 days, it changed from the original treasure tree of elves to an evil tree that began to spread death.

Fortunately, at that time, the few elf elders who opposed the nonsense proposal had already used similar grafting methods to create a moon tree that could continue to give birth to elves using the young shoots of the world tree when it was not polluted.

After the Lord of Plague sensed the changes in the ancient forest, he began to rush over from the main battlefield, intending to devour the world tree that had been polluted by his power in order to strengthen his own power.

In order to prevent the Lord of Plague's ambition from succeeding, the elves of the last era had to cry, gathered the power of all the elves, and personally sealed the world tree that they worshiped as their mother on the quiet moon hanging high in the night sky.

However, today, I don't know how many years later, the original treasure tree of elves has signs that it will come here again in the dark moon... quick!)

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