The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 318: King Tree Arrives

Ellen is the elder of the wildberry tribe of the forest elves, and also has a seat in the Moon Pavilion.

At this moment, the old elves were standing beside a mutant forest area, looking at the elves who were trying their best to destroy the crystals inside with slightly worried eyes.

"Elder, the old and weak of the tribe have been evacuated from the danger zone. Elder, you also leave together... (Elvish, the same below)"

An elf dressed like a Robin Hood carried an oak longbow made with elves' unique craftsmanship, reported to Ellen, and suggested that he also leave with the group.

"I'm not old enough to abandon my people and hide in a safe place."

Leaning on the crooked cane in his hand, the old elf said dissatisfiedly.

"However, it's too dangerous to go on like this!"

The young elf also expressed his concerns without giving in.

His concerns were not unfounded.

Compared with the magic that human beings built in the ruins of the last era and almost developed with the war history of this era, the natural magic that the forest elves are good at is more soft, and the magic of imprisonment and control is far away. more than destructive.

Usually, the diversified magic of natural magicians, and the magic talent of elves themselves is much higher than that of humans, so that they can deal with most of the enemies.

But when it comes to tasks like this one that are purely for destruction, it seems powerless.

Leaving aside the natural magician, neither the forest ranger nor the elven swordsman is obviously a destructive profession on a large scale.

And the ranks of druids, which have a certain amount of mass destruction, are scarce due to various reasons...

In short, no matter how you look at it, the elves are now in a predicament they cannot extricate themselves from.

"If we knew that this kind of thing would happen, we should have migrated before the mutation started, according to Elder Silowit's intention!"

The young elf bit his lip and complained disapprovingly.

"Hans! We forest elves have survived so far, not because we fled around like Dudu birds to avoid danger!"

Ellen snapped: "Whether it's the temple era or now, when we forest elves face difficulties, the first thing we think of is not how to escape, but how to face them!"


"Don't you want to give up this jungle that the silent moon gave us!"

Not knowing whether it was the aura of the old elf or his identity that played a role, Hans finally replied in a slightly unwilling voice, "Of course not."

While they were talking, a few faint shadows passed by them.

The eyes of both of them looked together, and found that they were a few elves wearing strange costumes made of banana leaves, with many patterns painted on their bodies.

For some reason, they all seem to have a weird sense of translucency - unlike Feite's pearly white translucency, the translucency of these elves looks more like they are blending into the environment behind them.

"It's the Luna Guards! If they come, it will be fine!"

Hans cried out in surprise.

Among the forest elves, the Luna Guardian is a chosen existence just like a human hero. These people exist in almost all the myths and legends of the elves, and most of the forest elves also blindly believe in these strong men who serve the goddess and the precious tree. In their eyes, the guardian of the moon god is synonymous with omnipotence.

"Guards of the Moon God, have they even been dispatched..."

Unlike Hans, the aged Ellen frowned deeply. He has gone through countless years and has become a member of the Moon Pavilion, of course he will not, like those young elves, regard the moon god guards as some kind of miraculous existence.

The Luna Guardian is the kind of existence that will never intervene in other affairs unless it is absolutely necessary.

Not only because they are stronger than ordinary elves (there are rumors that the guardians of the moon god are actually extinct high elves), but also because if they are almost at the level of other elves' belief objects, what if they do something? If it fails, it will definitely be a huge blow to the forest elves as a whole.

And now even they are dispatched, there are probably only two reasons. One is that the manpower of the elves is already insufficient to such an extent, and the other is that this mutation is related to the survival of the entire elf family.

It's not a good thing either way.

Ellen narrowed her eyes and looked at the cloud-covered sky from afar, in the direction where the moon should have been.

"May the silent moon bless us..."

Before he finished praying silently, countless fireworks suddenly bloomed in the sky, and the colorful ones were quite beautiful.

This was the signal that Xi Wei and the others had agreed with the elves from the very beginning, and it meant only one thing - the advent is about to begin!

"Hans, call out everyone in the forest!"


Before Hans agreed, drastic changes happened.

The mutated forest area that had already been destroyed turned into a pure white area like the North Pole in an instant. Those elves engaged in sabotage work inside are like ice sculptures, those wiping sweat, singing, and resting, none of them realize that their lives are over, and they just freeze there in the final posture of their lives.

Suddenly, as if a scene was cut out of a smooth movie, the original 'mutated forest area' abruptly disappeared, replaced by a thick, strong columnar object full of crystalline texture.

And that's just air roots.

The previous moment did not exist, but this moment has already appeared. It seems that the giant crystalline tree that has been standing here since ancient times, so magnificent that it is difficult to express it in words, suddenly appeared in front of everyone in an incredible way.

In the next moment, because the World Tree of extremely terrifying size suddenly appeared, the air that was squeezed out of its original place spread to the surroundings in the form of a torrent.

The wind force comparable to a category 12 typhoon immediately picked up the surrounding trees, causing them to make a parabolic movement at an altitude of tens of meters. Trees several times larger than them were smashed, and large pits were smashed out of soil and humus. Ellen even saw some trees passing over their heads, directly hitting the tree house of the wildberry tribe not far away, making them In the roar of the overwhelmed wooden structure and the scattered wood dust cloud, it became a complete ruin.

The clouds in the sky were also attacked by strong winds. With the World Tree as the center of the circle, the thick dark clouds were torn apart like fluffy cotton, and a complete circle was pulled out from the middle, completely revealing the night sky.

Where there is no bright red moon of weeping blood, nor a blue moon of silence.

Some are just a gray moon, which seems to spread the crazy breath of death and fear to the whole world.

As if this level of blow was not enough for the elves, the Moon Tree, which the elves depended on for their livelihood, went berserk the moment the World Tree descended.

The burly tree trunk made it difficult for the elves to organize effective emergency measures for a while. Even Xi Wei's magic ship used to transport supplies was interrupted by the violent moon tree!

Then, although these guys looked like babies compared to the World Tree, but they were extremely huge compared to humans, they all walked towards the World Tree in unison, as if they had seen their true destination.

The crutch slipped from Ellen's hand, but the old elf didn't feel it. He looked at the elf king tree that should have been their mother tremblingly, and muttered to himself.

"We forest elves, are we going to perish today..." (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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