The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 323: Spearmen Must Die

"Can't you make your students move faster?"

Fleur panted and shouted to Xi Wei. The holy light armor on her body, which has both protective and recovery effects, has been getting lower and lower because of the excessive impact, like a candle in the wind. It is possible to go out.

Because it wasn't because there was no sunlight during the day, the girl also had a legendary magic sword in her hand, and it looked a little gloomy at this time. The only thing that can make people know that it is not ordinary is that no matter how many snake monsters it kills, there will not be even a drop of blood on the sword.

"Don't worry, it will be fine soon."

Xi Wei endured the stinging pain in his head caused by casting too many spells, and took the time to look towards the lake - two girls who were soaked and still dripping water (at least it seemed so) were levitating with the help of the wind element on the surface of the lake, and the name on the head of the elf kept wandering between the green Ike and the red Igg.

"I don't think now is the time to fool the past with words like 'it's almost over'!"

The girl looked at the sky with a stern face: "If you don't want to become a ration for those things, then you'd better go all out!"

Xi Wei also deeply agreed with what she said later.

Because new troops from all over the jungle joined in, the number of Feathered Serpents has increased again. Not only that, but now there are also other flying snake monsters inside. Among the snakes on the ground, a large number of weak ones died in the battle, and now they are surrounded by those powerful monsters - some of them even have a subjugation level that is approaching level 30! ——This made the pressure on Xi Wei and the others increase exponentially.

The only thing I can be thankful for is that, for some unknown reason, there seems to be no other monsters in the lake except for the emerald water crocodile at the beginning, and those dense snake monsters have no intention of entering the lake. This also saved Xi Wei from the worst situation of being distracted by worrying that Tio would be attacked.

"I didn't want to use..."

Standing on Graeme, who was already crumbling, but maintained a standing posture because of her self-healing ability, Fleur faced the monsters covering all directions, and lifted the holy light armor on her body.

Her behavior stunned Xi Wei - facing the snakes with flesh and blood was simply asking for death: "In this case, you will owe me one more time."


Regardless of the surprised Xi Wei, a vortex composed of countless light spots suddenly appeared behind the girl.

Afterwards, a holy light that was thicker than any of Fleur's previous holy spells radiated from the center of the vortex, and it was as dazzling as the sun in daytime, so glaring that it was hard to look directly at it.

Even those snake monsters whose will had been dominated subconsciously slowed down their attacks.

When the dazzling light dissipated, the vortex behind Fleur still existed, but at this moment, the upper body of a 'person' protruded from it.

Xi Wei's first impression of this 'person' was that he was very similar to Feite. It is also full of holy aura, exudes holy magic power, and has the same pearl-colored translucent body. In addition, that 'person' has gorgeous long golden hair, and has a delicate face that is exactly the same as Fleur's facial features.

But the most surprising thing is not the case, but a huge snow-white wing is stretching behind this 'person'!

That's right, this is not a 'human', but an 'angel'!

No wonder I felt the breath of an angel from Fleur before, so it was because there was an angel living in this girl's body!

Xi Wei suddenly realized that although he only had a single wing, he just cared a little bit.

Facing the snake-like monsters that had regained their mobility and launched a flood of attacks again, this time the girl not only showed no trace of fear on her expression, she even took the time to talk to Xi Wei.

"Surprised? I have a leaning angel inside me?"

Xi Wei noticed that when she was speaking, the angel behind the girl also made the same mouth shape, and of course there was only one voice.

Obviously, Miss Shengyin Jianji felt that she had scared Xi Wei.

"What I'm more concerned about is why the Pure White Holy See has not made it public after it has a spell that can invite angels."

Xi Wei, who had fought side by side with angels before, shrugged and said indifferently: "Obviously, if you do that, your authority and belief will be greatly improved."

Not only that, but even the tripartite situation of the King's Council, the Mage Association and the Pure White Vatican will definitely be affected, which will definitely greatly increase the weight of the Pure White Vatican.

According to the current friendliness of Edric College (Pure White Church is greater than the King's Council than the Mages Association), this is undoubtedly a good thing.

"Of course it's because there is a price to be paid for her to come out, and His Majesty the previous Pope judged that the price was not equal to the benefits she would get from announcing her, so he didn't announce it. As for the specific price..."

The girl lightly waved the sword in her hand that was upgraded from a treasure to an excalibur directly because of the angel's ability? With the long sword of dawn, the huge sword light that Xi Wei had seen before flashed past again, sweeping away all the snake-like monsters that came within a radius of about 120 degrees in front of them.

"Sorry, this is a secret even in the Holy See."

At the same time, the angel's wings spread out gently, and the feathers fluttered, forming a hemispherical protective cover, blocking all the monsters from other directions.

"It's okay, just know that now I have a reliable comrade-in-arms."

Xi Wei put back a handful of elemental crystal fragments that he secretly grasped in his hand and planned to launch the punishment of the Void Emperor back into the storage box, and smiled at Fleur and the angel behind her.

Although he has a lot of curiosity about that obviously strange angel Xi Wei, but now is not the time to get to the bottom of it.

"That's good, the appearance time of the bent angel is limited, let me solve it in one go."

Just when the remaining snake-like monsters were about to pounce again, their bodies suddenly stopped as if they had been petrified, and then they moved in a chaotic manner.

"What happened?" Fleur raised her head in doubt, not knowing what to do.

Xi Wei, on the other hand, looked directly at the lake, and then the smile on his face became even brighter.

"Tio did it!" He looked at the elf whose name had stabilized to Ike again, and praised his student without hesitation: "Well done! You are indeed Edric's student!"

Without the control of the snake king Yige, those snake monsters would not be so idiotic as to provoke Xi Wei and Fleur, two monsters whose strength was obviously much greater than theirs.

After pulling Yike back here again, there is a great possibility that this mutation can be resolved!

That's how it should have been.

A sudden spear broke all this.

Tio looked at the spear tip on his chest, which was only a hair's breadth away, and then looked at Ike tremblingly—the elf's chest was pierced by the spear, and the smile he showed just now froze because he had recovered himself ——I couldn't stop screaming.


And the instigators of all this, two elves in very special costumes who did not know when they appeared on the outskirts of the lake, were cheering in elven language.

That is the guardian of the Moon Tree and the Silent Moon, an existence worshiped by all elves.

Luna Guardian. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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