The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 330 Midterm Exams...

Because he obtained a large amount of gold coins and achievement points in the World Tree event, after returning to the academy, Xi Wei also started to renovate the castle to a certain extent in order to make the academy more comfortable.

Among them, there are two biggest changes, namely, the open exchange of credits and grade points, and the auditorium used for conferences can finally no longer continue to serve as a public restaurant.

Originally, Edric College provided a variety of equipment and magic materials of amazing value, and these things required students to spend a lot of credits to redeem them.

However, with the rapid development of the academy, many things that are not of high value, but are also very practical or attractive have been launched... It is obviously not a wise decision to exchange those low-priced items with valuable credits. That's why Xi Wei upgraded the credit component of the college, giving it an additional grade point effect-one credit can be exchanged for one hundred grade points (but one hundred and twenty grade points can be exchanged for one credit), and the grade points will also be exchanged for one credit. Instead of credits, whether it is task rewards or item exchange, it has become grade points, making it the exclusive currency in the academy for circulation.

Children are easy to accept new things. Xi Wei's new initiative is very popular among students. Of course, some students feel that it is a bit expensive to exchange 120 grade points for a credit linked to graduation. Overall, the reviews are still positive.

In addition, if the wind reviews of grade points are only positive, then another change has completely received unanimous praise...

Compared with the solemn and slightly depressing feeling of the auditorium in the past, the current restaurant is closer to some star-rated hotels. Although the grandeur is still the same, it feels a little warmer. Coupled with the 'delicious food 2' effect of this building and the various desserts that come with the restaurant, it is very popular among students. Many students have already regarded the restaurant as a gathering place after class. A group of people Chatting while eating cheap snacks...

So did Riddle.

He took a plate, found a free table and sat down.

The plate is piled up like a hill of shaved ice, and the top of the mountain is covered with cantaloupe-flavored green syrup, while at the foot of the mountain lies a platter composed of many fruits. The index finger moved.

This hefty portion of shaved ice only cost him seven grade points. For Riddle, who is the monitor of the blue class, such a small amount of money is not worth mentioning.

But before he could start with the shaved ice, Kamiyu, who was holding a large sundae, walked towards him, greeted Riddle, and came across to him.

"Huh, it's better to be in your blue class, we still have a theory test in the afternoon."

After scooping up a spoonful of the sundae and swallowing it in one gulp, Kamiyu said inarticulately while enjoying the sweetness of the ice cream on the tip of his tongue: "And it's History of Magic, I hate this compulsory course the most. Class is over..."

"For History of Magic, hasn't the scope of the exam been drawn out by the professor?"

Riddle looked at his best friend curiously: "Compared to the problems of magic composition and basic alchemy that need to be re-interpreted and answered, it is obviously easier to have a fixed range of magic history, right?"

"I like the basic alchemy experiment, and the composition of magic is also interesting. I listen to these two subjects very seriously in class."

Kamiyu scratched his head embarrassingly: "But the history of magic doesn't know why it makes me fall asleep when I hear it..."

Riddle held the spoon, feeling sorry for it.

History of Magic is taught by Evangeline and a substitute professor of Huolian in turn. Evangeline is fine, and some interesting historical stories will be interspersed in the lectures from time to time, while the professor of Huolian is purely following the scriptures. The thick history of magic is boring and drowsy, and even the blood-thrilling uprising war can be as smelly and long as he talks about the foot wrap... Therefore, the history of magic is also the best quality of sleep for students. There is no such thing as a good class.

"You are also the monitor of the day class anyway, can't you be a role model for the students in your class?"

The loud voice of Kamiyu came from behind him, and then a girl in a green robe with a red sleeve was holding a food plate and sat next to Kamiyu without hesitation.

"At least I can get along with my classmates, unlike you, who keep them away from you!"

Kamiyu immediately retorted.

"What did you say!" The girl frowned like a cat whose tail had been stepped on: "Say it again!"

“The sundae was delicious.”

"That's not what you just said!"

The two looked at each other hostilely like a cat and a dog.

On the other hand, Riddle showed an expression of "Here we go again", covering his forehead helplessly, watching Kamiyu and Dorothy confront each other.

"Yo, you're all here."

Just when Riddle was thinking about how to persuade the two of them to calm down, Tanis also walked towards them. Like Dorothy, he also holds a food plate, but the difference is that there is only a small bowl on Dorothy's food plate, while he puts it full, making people worry that the pile of food will suddenly fall from it ...

"I didn't miss anything, did I?"

After successfully putting the plate on the table in a juggling manner, Riddle took out a milkshake from the pile of food and asked with great interest.

"Tannis, I remember that your purple class has already finished all the required subjects in the morning, right?"

Riddle quickly found a topic that everyone was more concerned about, and made Camille and Dorothy focus on their conversation: "What do you think of the difficulty of the History of Magic exam?"

"Quite simple."

Tanis straightened up his bust, which was already close to C, and said proudly: "Basically, they are common-sense questions that I knew before I came to school. But don't expect me to tell you the answers. Our test papers are different, and the content is definitely different. Same."

"As long as you know the difficulty." Kamiyu is quite open about this: "Anyway, the questions should be of the same difficulty. Besides, I feel that I have done well in basic alchemy and magic composition. Even if the history of magic It shouldn't be a problem if it gets planted."

Riddle nodded to Kamiyu's statement repeatedly. He and Kamiyu had similar grades, even the direction of partial subjects was the same, but his history of magic grades were slightly better than Kamiyu's.

"You guys are fine, the basic alchemy assessment of the green class this time is simply a disaster..."

Dorothy's face collapsed, and her face was also full of worry: "When I boiled the anti-burn potion, I failed to add Dubanna fire grass at the right time, and the whole pot of potion turned a khaki color as a result. ...I think a lot of points will be deducted."

Riddle tried to comfort him: "It's okay, didn't the green class still have a magic composition exam, and there are elective subjects in addition to the compulsory ones. If I remember correctly, Dorothy, you have a good grade in runes, right?" ? I remember that you were the exchange student chosen by Professor Rune Literature during the subject exchange with Huolian College, right?"

"Speaking of electives... I really regret choosing Tarot divination. This thing is too ethereal, and the success rate is not high, and even if the divination is successful, depending on the interpretation method, there will be completely different results..."

Tanis complained, put the empty cup in his hand back on the tray, then took out a Black Forest cake from it, and ate it with big mouthfuls as if trying to turn grief into food.

"My elective of construction is not bad."

Speaking of elective courses, Kamiyu is very excited. This little guy who had worked for the black-hearted boss in the magic workshop for a while, and has a certain foundation in basic alchemy and enchanting. Compared with other students with zero foundation, it is easier to learn Structural science is a little easier: "The professor who taught us structural science said that when our teaching progress is enough, we will apply to the college for materials, so that we can directly start making our own structural creatures."

"Constructed creature? Is it the same as Miss Alice's true red?"

Although at first she wanted to act indifferent to Kamiyu's words, but in the end Dorothy was just a child, and seeing Kamiyu's smug expression, she couldn't help asking.

"Miss Alice's true red is an alchemy life, and the construct creature belongs to the subordinate unit of the alchemy life. To put it simply, with the current technology of the magic world, even the construct creature created by the most powerful magician, purely by technology In terms of power, it is not as good as true red."

Before Kamiyu could answer, Tanis said it directly.

But what he didn't say is that in fact, many magic techniques in Edric Academy have long surpassed the magic world outside, and have even dropped it by dozens or hundreds of years...

"Oh, that's how it is. I just said how the idiot Kamiyuzai managed to be as powerful as Xiao Zhenhong."

Dorothy let out a 'huhu' laugh, glanced at Kamiyu and said.

It's just that Kamiyu didn't argue with her, but asked Riddle who was eating the fruit on the sundae.

"Speaking of which, Riddle, what subjects did you take? I haven't heard you mention it?"

"Monster ecology..." Riddle smiled a little shyly: "I used to live by the mountain, and some monsters in the mountain would occasionally come out to attack humans. I have seen several funerals held because of this, so I want to study hard. Take a look at their ecology, and then figure out how even ordinary people can resist those guys."

Camille, Tanis, and Dorothy looked at Riddle, and then smiled at the same time.

"You will succeed." Kamiyu patted Riddle on the shoulder, showing his trust in him without hesitation.

"Compared to the stupid Kamiyu, Riddle, you have much better ideas." Dorothy folded her arms and nodded old-fashionedly.

"If you can really figure out a way, it is estimated that the King's Council will directly give you a noble title, and maybe you can get a knight collar as a fief."

Tanis spoke directly from reality.

Just as they continued to chat about the topic of "what to do after getting the knight fief", the student ID cards of the four of them simultaneously popped up a notification that they had received new news.

"The dean's notice: please come to the dean's room, class monitor of white (green, purple, blue), Kamiyu Skria (Dorothy Taylor, Tanis Balk, Riddle Wise). "(To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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