The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 332: The War of the New Generation (Part 1)

After the theoretical exam was over, the college's notice board displayed the information of nearly a hundred kinds of monsters, and indicated that these were the enemies that the students would face in the next actual combat exam.

There are a lot of monsters, and the types cover all kinds of birds and beasts, and the levels of subjugation are also different, which makes the students who are about to take the exam in two days feel a little more nervous.

And the four little guys mixed in with the ordinary students found the enemy they were going to face right away.

That is a guy whose subjugation level is obviously one level higher than other monsters.

Reptiles, lizard claw species, subjugation level 22, big ass.

With a subjugation level over level 20, it will not appear powerless against mid-level mages. In fact, its terrifying explosive power, powerful camouflage ability, and poisonous minions can easily threaten the safety of mid-level mages. If it is attacked in the wild, it is estimated that there will be no life. You must know that the toxin itself of this thing is not too strong, but there are countless pathogenic bacteria in its saliva and claws, whether it is bitten or scratched It is enough to kill a strong man with a strong physique. What's more, even the antidote in the alchemy potion can't touch a poisonous effect.

Not only that, what makes it even more troublesome is that this guy's scale armor itself has good magic resistance, and because they will eat the bark of some trees, and then rub the resin on their body, forming a layer of magic resistance over time. Armor that is more protective than armor - It is said that a second-turn magic swordsman once slashed at an old big ass with all his strength, but not only failed to cut through that layer of protection, but turned an excellent enchanted long sword I got discounted...

All in all, no matter how you look at it, the big ass is a terrifying monster that can threaten the four of them with destruction.

"Although the dean told us to make preparations," Kamiyu scratched his head, and then looked at Riddle: "Did the monster ecology you chose talk about the weakness of this monster?"

"We've just learned the ecology of crusade level 10 monsters..."

Riddle spread his hands, expressing that he had nothing to do.

"Why don't we ask others how?"

At this time, Dorothy suggested: "" The dean only said to let us prepare, but he didn't say what method to use, right? Then just ask other people what they should do when they encounter a big beetle? "

When the others thought about it, they thought it was the same reason, so they moved together in the corridor.

The first they encountered were Evangeline and Sharon.

While discussing the content of lesson preparation with the former vampire princess, the former princess walked towards the mage tower prepared for the professors with a pile of books in their arms.

In a sense, it's an incredible sight...

"Teacher, what should we do if we encounter a big ass?"

Kamiyu, who was completely unaware, immediately ran forward and asked the two princess-level figures.

"Big ass? For that kind of thing, just keep a distance and attack with magic?"

Although the appearance is only about the same size as Kamiyu and the others, the actual combat power has already surpassed that of ordinary high-level magicians. Maybe the former vampire princess, who is even more powerful than Xi Wei, tilted her head and used words full of "such things" Do you need to ask?" He asked in a questioning tone.

"As far as you are concerned, you should retreat quickly and contact the local defenders. If you have those tin cans as meat shields, you might be able to wipe out this monster that threatens people and livestock as soon as possible."

Evangeline proposed a tactic that was completely unrealizable...

"sorry for disturbance……"

The four who didn't get the information they wanted immediately chose to retreat and continued to look for other people who could ask.

Soon, they saw Franken berating the students in the corridor.

"That...Professor Franken?"

Tanis, who was defeated in the fist punch, walked towards Franken tremblingly, while the others hid around the corner, silently cheering him on.

"What's the matter, Balk?" Franken's head was still facing the students who were being punished, but his left eye had turned to Tanis like a chameleon, making the little guy break out in a cold sweat.

"For example, if I encounter a big ass... how do you think I should defeat it?"

He cautiously asked this scary professor.

"Mr. Balk, I remember you didn't take my Potions study, did you?" Franken suddenly asked something irrelevant. At the same time, his hands were rattling and twisting the screws on his head.

"Yes, professor. My elective is Professor Jamiesi's Tarot Divination."

The little chubby pier's calf was trembling unsatisfactorily, but he still answered very hard.

"Jessica...that old liar from Jollian..."

Franken stopped what he was doing, and said in an ethereal tone: "That's really a pity, Mr. Balk, if you choose the pharmacy I teach, you will know that mogancao poison can kill lizard-clawed creatures. What a huge damage it caused... As for the method of poisoning, arrow shooting, mage's hand, magic tricks... there are as many as you want, right?"

"Thank you, Professor..."

In the end, Tanis still couldn't bear the strange feeling and pressure, and fled in despair.

Although the actual combat assessment does not limit the means of passing, but if you take a bottle of poison specially used to restrain lizard claw creatures to participate in the assessment, it would be too blatant to cheat, so Franken's suggestion cannot be used.

So the four little guys can only continue to look for other trustworthy people.

Then they came across Alice with the tray.

"The way to defeat the big ass?" The maid girl thought for a while, and said with a wry smile: "My magic is different from yours, so I'm afraid I can't use it as a reference."

Kamiyu and the others just showed disappointed expressions, and Alice went on to say: "But Sister Sophia should have a way. I just want to bring her black tea right now. Come together."

After they moved to the library, Sophia, who was extracting something from a book inside, showed a dazed expression after hearing what happened.

"That's the thing. Xi Wei mentioned it to me, and I figured that you're coming soon."

The girl stopped the quill in her hand—although the Three Sages system can record the text of books more quickly, she still prefers the feeling of writing by herself—and looked at the four little guys: "In this case, the formation magic It is the best choice. I think you should have heard that there used to be a magician with similar strength as yours who killed a monster with a crusade level of more than 30 during the magic promotion test? That is to use the position The effect of magic...I can't tell you in detail how to do it. But...Alyssa, please go to the third shelf in C12 to find a book "Introduction and Detailed Explanation of Field Magic."

After asking Arisa, who was helping her to copy the book as an assistant, to bring the book, she handed it to Kamiyu.

"How to find the way to victory is your own business, come on, Edric's future hopefuls!" (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!)

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