The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 336: The War of the New Generation (Part 2)

The situation is dire.

The place where Kamiyu and the others tried was the third floor of the Tower of Endless Sky. The random site was full of withered tree trunks and raised reddish-brown rocks.

If the environment is passable, then the random weather—the kind of violent wind and rain, the ghostly weather with extremely low visibility can make Kamiyu and others curse the illusory god of luck loudly.

"Damn! Riddle, where are you?"

Kamiyu wiped his face, but it was of no help to the pouring rain, and he continued to activate the communication magic, trying to contact other people, regardless of other things.

Not long ago, because they had just arrived at the venue, they couldn't quickly adapt to the environment. As a result, they were supposed to be hunters, they were attacked by big asses, scattered, and in turn became the other party's prey...

Before receiving other people's communications, a sudden sense of crisis rushed into his heart, and he rushed forward without thinking about it.

At the same moment, huge and sharp black horny claws broke through the ground, smashing the ground where Kamiyu was standing, revealing the dark hole inside, and then, a body larger than an elephant used it Agile movements with completely different appearances burst out of it.

The golden pupils unique to cold-blooded animals are filled with the greed of predators, and the saliva containing an unknown number of bacteria also drips down with the rain. The already terrifying appearance is even more daunting under the heavy rain!

"Hmm..." Kamiyu subconsciously pulled out his wand and activated the small magic circle on it.

I saw that the front part of the small black stick, which was basically the same as an ordinary wand, split open suddenly, and blue-purple magic light leaked out of it. The magic light converged into a tapered structure with a narrow top and a wide bottom. It looks like a laser sword, which is very handsome.

That's the effect of the second-ring arcane force field wall.

The shape of the force field wall is generally rectangular by default. However, under Xi Wei's inspiration, Kamiyu discovered that the force field wall is the hardest magic in the second-ring protection system. Under certain circumstances, its edge, which is thinner than paper, has a powerful cutting ability.

The force field wall is basically attached to something and cannot be moved, and for ordinary students, it is really unrealistic to modify the shape of the force field wall while casting a spell - in that way, the difficulty of casting spells will be faster than On the third ring magic!

Since ordinary spellcasting is not enough, then simply make all the set force field walls into alchemy items, and consume magic power to summon them when needed.

It was based on this production concept that Kamiyu opened the Skria Alchemy Workshop, which was used to earn other students' grade points, and then purchased alchemy materials. Transformation wand.

The brilliance of the magic wand did not make Dabi lose the will to fight, but the moment Kamiyu just activated the effect of the magic wand, the opponent swept over like a black cloud!

Kamiyu used the force field wall attached to the magic wand to block it, and was immediately knocked out by a huge force——with the attachment, the effect of the force field wall being unable to move naturally disappeared.

Fortunately, Kamiyu and the others often pay a little grade point on weekdays, go to the first and second floors of the Sky Tower, and fight for alchemy materials, and their actual combat ability is not weak.

Even if he was knocked into the air, he was just a little panicked. After rolling on the ground, he immediately regained his balance, stood up, and continued to confront the giant beast.

Although so much has been described, in fact, only a few seconds have passed. At the same time, Kamiyu also received a reply from Dorothy and the others.

"Tannis and I have already prepared for the field magic, and Riddle is also coming, if you see the big ass, please lure that guy over!"

"Easy to say!"

Even if the rain was streaming down Kamiyu's forehead, even if it dripped into his eyes, he would not dare to blink—even if he was a little negligent, the giant beast would pounce on him with a gust of fishy wind and bite off his eyes. Throat!

Although he knew that he would not really die in the Sky Tower, but being killed so easily in front of others, neither he nor the academy could face it!

After confronting each other for a long time, Kamiyu was still too young after all, and couldn't bear to show his flaws. In an instant, the huge body of the big ass pressed towards him like a hill!

Just when Kamiyu had no choice but to try to block the wand. At this moment of life and death, the flaming rock slammed into the body of the big bean, and then exploded, so powerful that it even deflected the opponent's huge body from the landing point, and fell on Kamiyu's body with a bang. By the side, save him from experiencing a whole body fracture experience.

"Tanis!" Kamiyu exclaimed in surprise.

"I have something to say later! Let's run first!"

The little fat man put away his smoking wand, then turned and ran away, and Kamiyu quickly followed after seeing this.

Although the power of the sandstone bomb is very good in the first-level magic, it is only a first-level magic, and it has little effect on guys like the big ass. The wrinkled neck of the shady giant beast made a "hehe" sound, and the color of its scales became brighter, obviously angry.

What follows is naturally an escape and hunt.

It has to be said that the big ass is indeed the top predator in nature. Except for some powerful monsters with spell-like abilities, this guy has almost evolved to the top of ordinary creatures, making Kamiyu and the others trekking in the mud into desperation time and time again.

The structure similar to that of a four-legged snake gives it the ability to move quickly. While the well-developed muscles of the limbs provide huge explosive power, it also doubles the lethality of one of its main weapons, the claws. The same strong tail can not only keep it balanced when moving fast, but can also be used as a whip when necessary. And that terrifying big mouth almost left a psychological shadow on Kamiyu and the others...

After using a series of methods including the wind element badge, Kamiyu finally began to see runes used for positional magic on the surrounding rocks.

Make it or break it!

With Tanis who was out of breath, Kamiyu came to the center pointed by the rune, and no doubt his big ass followed.

In an instant, the wind element and the water element became active together. With the help of the surrounding runes, the temperature around Kamiyu suddenly dropped dozens of degrees, and even the rain in the sky turned into hail!

The big boa, which was originally a cold-blooded animal, immediately slowed down, but the huge inertia still made it rush forward several meters, breaking several stone pillars, and it was about to rush to where Dorothy and the others were!

If Dorothy and Riddle's spellcasting is disturbed, everything will be over!

Surrounded by the fire element, Kamiyu, who can still move normally in the ultra-low temperature, gritted his teeth, and jumped onto the big boa in a few steps. Before the slow big boa could react, the force field sword pierced hard. From the other party's already stiff neck, stinky blood immediately splashed all over him. But he didn't care about it, and directly sent a large amount of magic power into the wand, causing the force field sword to suddenly grow bigger, and even cut off the big pig's head!

At this moment, the sun pierced through the heavy rain clouds, as if to celebrate the young heroes, and cast strands of warm light in the dark world... (to be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, The novel is better and updated faster! For mobile phone users, please go to the m. site to read.)

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