The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 342: After finding this saint, I will go back to my hometown to open the second school

Xi Wei couldn't help yawning.

After drawing lots and grouping them, Fleur and them assigned their respective search locations. Now he and the holy nun named Jomia are searching the southeast of the camp.

"Are you tired already?"

The girl who had just scraped through the bushes and scared away a rabbit turned her head and looked at Xi Wei who stopped in her tracks and wiped the corners of her eyes, with a kind expression on her face: "After all, you should have been preparing for today for a long time, for sure Didn't you have a good rest? I'm really sorry to make you worry so much about our affairs."

"It's okay, Her Majesty the Holy Maiden is my important guest, and it's normal to help out at this time."

As he spoke, Xi Wei yawned again.

Obviously, I usually have to type a few copies before it's time to go to bed, but I don't know why I'm so sleepy today... Maybe it's like what the girl said, I put too much thought into the actual combat assessment of the students.

However, it was precisely because he had spent a lot of time and experience before, and had made complete preparations, that he dared to leave the matter to Feite and came here to sell favors to the Pure White Church.

"If you're really tired, it's okay to take a little rest."

The girl walked towards Xi Wei with a faint fragrance of lavender. This fragrance is very common in the Holy See. It is usually used to calm the mind during prayers. It is said that it is also good for meditation, but the Holy See does not intend to spread this lavender formula. That's it.

She stared at Xi Wei and said softly, "It's enough for me to find Lady Elilia alone."

"It's okay. Although I'm not good at finding people, I'm quite confident in my own strength." Xi Wei pushed back the sleeves of his robe and made a fit movement: "There are a lot of monsters here, I have to protect you Just do it."

The skill of sensing the breath of monsters can only be experienced by wandering in the mountains and forests all year round, hunting high-value monsters or hunting monsters, but Xi Wei has already mastered this skill after hundreds of dungeon trips. From his senses, although the level of the monsters in this forest is not high, the number is quite considerable. If there is no protection of his own, and this weak-looking nun is exposed to the eyes of the monsters, then Trouble...

"Hehe, Mr. Edric, you must think that I am the kind of fanatic who only knows how to study the classics of the Holy See, but has no strength?"

Jomia covered her small mouth with her cuff, and chuckled like a dove: "Don't look at me like this, as a nun of the Holy Family, I'm pretty good~"

Xi Wei looked the girl up and down again, but still couldn't feel the slightest wave of magic power from the girl.

Maybe because his puzzled expression was too obvious, the girl immediately began to practice on the spot.

She made a fist with interlaced fingers, placed it on her chest, closed her eyes, her long eyelashes cast a little shadow on her fair and pious face under the reflection of the moonlight, and her bright red lips moved slightly.

Not long after, a white glow flashed away, and a kiwi-shaped transparent shield appeared vaguely around the girl. If it weren't for the white runes flashing across it from time to time, Xi Wei wouldn't even be able to feel the shield The presence.

"There is no magic fluctuation, it's not magic... what is this?"

Xi Wei stretched out his finger curiously and pressed it on the shield. It felt like he was poking a ball that wasn't inflated enough, and he could only poke it in a little bit. At the same time, he also vaguely felt a force counterattacking. Touching his fingers, it made the tips of his fingers numb as if a weak electric current passed through...

"Holy Blessing, a type of Holy Family Art, belongs to the superior divine art."

Jomia seemed very satisfied with the expression on Xi Wei's face, with her hands behind her back, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised, she took a few steps back: "No matter how devout this ordinary believer is, he can't learn it. I'm still stronger."

After all, the current Xi Wei is not the same as before. With a huge amount of knowledge, in just a few minutes, he roughly obtained the basic information of this divine art called the protection of the holy family.

The protective power of this magical technique is about between the third and fourth rings. It seems that it does not need to consume magic power. The duration is unknown. Another good point is that it can automatically counterattack the attacking creatures.

If it weren't for the slightly longer casting time, and it would be impossible to fully release it in front of the enemy without the protection of teammates, it would be considered a good spell.

"With this, you don't have to worry about my safety, do you?" The girl turned around in a circle, and the runes of light flashing around her from time to time also gave her ordinary appearance a special charm: " In short, you can take a rest here first, I will search nearby, and I will come back to meet you in a while, and go to other areas to continue searching - if you are always in a state of fatigue, you will not be able to deal with sudden surprises well Is there a situation?"

Hearing what the girl said was so convincing, Xi Wei also gave up and insisted. Anyway, he had the idea of ​​paddling from the beginning: "Well, just call me loudly if you have anything to do."

After watching the girl leave, Xi Wei casually set up an alarm barrier around him, leaned against a pine tree and sat on the ground, closing his eyes and recuperating.

After an unknown period of time, a burst of urination surged up, waking up his head, which was still a little chaotic, at the same time, he opened his slightly sore eyes.

"Go get some water."

Because he didn't know when the girl would come back, and there was a danger of being caught by putting water in place, Xi Wei, who didn't want to put on a sitcom, simply ran to a nearby bush to solve the problem.

At this time, something different appeared in the originally pitch-black field of vision.

It was a name so young that Xi Wei almost ignored the past - Elilia.

"...Did you just enter the observation range of the wizard hat?"

He supported the sorcerer's hat on his head that had been used for many times, from beginner magicians to the present, squinted his eyes, and moved in that direction.

In order to prevent the saint from being scared away by him, a stranger, he also deliberately took out the moon branch, activated his stealth ability, and moved forward as quietly as possible.

Soon he came to the place where the name was. There, there is an entrance the size of a cellar on the ground. Judging from the specific location of the name, the saint should be inside.

Before Xi Wei could figure out what to do, a figure came out of the hole.

The bright moonlight illuminated the entire land, and at the same time exposed the identity of the figure in nun's clothes to Xi Wei.

Holy Family Sister Jomia. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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