The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 356: The title of this chapter can be seen after replying

"What! Even Mr. Edric is missing?"

After listening to Sister Jomia's narration, Fleur rubbed her temples with some headaches.

"I'm sorry, it's because I was too worried about Lady Elilia and didn't notice that gentleman's fault..."

Yomia lowered her head with a guilty expression on her face.

"No one would expect this kind of thing. Anyway, the barrier has not been triggered, and the two of them should still be within this range. You have been searching for a whole day, so let's take a rest."

"But..." Jomia looked worried.

"It's okay. Mr. Edric is not the kind of person who gets lost easily. Maybe he has found Her Majesty the Holy Maiden and is trying to persuade her to come back." Probably because of Xi Wei's strength witnessed in the previous cooperation, Fu Ray had an inexplicable sense of trust in him.


The nun bit her lip and asked softly.

The knight girl, who was completely unaware that the culprit was right in front of her eyes, comforted softly: "That's right, even if there is an accident, there are still me and the Templars who came to rescue me just now. Please rest first."

After a while of persuasion, Jomia seemed to accept the other party's comfort, and walked towards her tent sullenly.

When she lifted the curtain of her tent and saw the figure inside, she froze.

But soon she came back to her senses, walked into the tent as if nothing had happened, and closed the curtain.

"Why are you here?" Her gaze was like a sword, nailed to the girl who was sitting on the sleeping bag, and she desperately lowered her voice and asked accusingly.

"It's really ruthless... If it wasn't for the information I provided, you would still be just a servant serving the saint..."

Wearing a bright red suspender dress, the girl with a tattoo of the letter K with bat wings on her bare white shoulders was smiling, obviously not paying attention to Yomia's questioning.

"After I become a saint, I will naturally fulfill my promise and do something for you that will not harm the interests of mankind and the Holy See...but now is not the time for you to come!"

Because the lifeline was pinched in the other party's hands, Yomia could only say in a low voice of hatred.

"Actually, I'm curious as to why you covet the position of the Holy Maiden—it stands to reason that as a nun of the Holy Family, after knowing the truth about the Holy Maiden, you shouldn't be interested in that sort of thing." The girl clasped her hands together. On his own chin, he asked with interest.

"The saint is the treasure of human beings." Jomia hesitated, and then said in a low voice: "But not everyone can do it, Eli Liya is too kind, she is not suitable to be a saint... as long as If I take over the position of the saint, then she can return to the life of ordinary people."

Obviously, she has always dreamed of escaping from the sanctuary, but when she sees something that threatens humans and ordinary creatures, her first reaction is to sacrifice her own blood to seal it. In a sense, Elilia is really too kind.

"It was supposed to be like this." The girl restrained her smile and spread her hands out, "But it was destroyed by you, who pretended to be smart."

"What are you talking about!" Jomia suddenly raised her head and stared at the other party.

It's a pity that the other party doesn't seem to be joking.

"That 'original' saint might die there~" The corners of the girl's mouth turned up, revealing canine teeth that were far sharper than ordinary people.


Yomia lost her voice, and then realized that she shouldn't speak so loudly, and hurriedly covered her mouth: "As a saint, you won't die even if you bleed all the blood from your body!"

"That's right, even if the body is destroyed, only consciousness can survive. This is what humans call a 'saint'... But what if there is an existence that can capture consciousness?"

The girl showed a smile that made Yomia's scalp tingle.

"You've been lying to me?" Yomia clenched her fists and said coldly.

"No, didn't I say it... In the beginning, the situation did develop according to the trajectory we expected, but you messed it all up."

The girl stood up from her sleeping bag, and walked up to Jomia: "You put a human being that even my imperial sister feared, and was even called a 'person who can perform miracles' by her, which caused the plan to fail. Is that natural too?"

"A-what are you kidding! That Edric is just a magician, and he can't even compare to a farmer in a place where magic can't be used!"

Yomia's eyes widened in disbelief.

"So you are just a fool who likes to be smart, and you will suffer if you underestimate that guy too much." The girl suddenly covered Yomia's mouth with her hand at a speed invisible to the naked eye, while her other hand Like a sharp sword, it pierced Yomia's chest before the other party could react, destroying her heart into pieces of meat: "Besides, since the plan failed, you have become a waste...I don't want to The queen knows that she has made such a big mess."

The body of the nun of the holy family fell limply in the pool of blood.

"Clean up, the smell of blood is too strong, and the guys outside will find out."

The girl took out her palm and wiped her blood-stained hands with her sleeping bag.

Following her words, many black bats flew out from the shadow of the tent, like a swarm of locusts passing over the farmland. In just an instant, the blood on the ground disappeared, and the nun's body, which was still relatively intact, also changed Become a skeleton.

After all this was done, the bats flew back into the shadows and disappeared.

"That annoying knight commander outside is still there, so he can't just go out casually like he came in before..."

The girl lay down on the sleeping bag boredly: "I don't know if the guy who is favored by the emperor can escape from there..."

— Clockwork City? The top of the bell tower—

Blue arcs danced between the gears.

This was a signal from the puppet girl Floris to Xi Wei, which meant that they were ready.

Xi Wei glanced back at the monster who was close at hand - although the effect of the earth elemental potion was successfully activated, making the opponent's actions a little slower, but the rampant momentum was even more astonishing than before.

He fought and retreated, using the potion to deal with the monster, and finally led the opponent to the trap set by the girls.

It was a very hidden pit created by the dust magic of the puppet girl. Xi Wei identified the location of the trap through the marks left by the girls on the gears, and he dodged to the side at the very moment, avoiding the predicament of rushing into the trap, while the monster was not so lucky.

The inertia brought by the huge mass directly made it fall into the trap, and in the trap was the water element precipitation potion that Xi Wei gave to the girls.

Just as the monster was struggling to get out, Xi Wei quickly threw a bottle of freezing potion into it, causing the water element to undergo a strong magical reaction, turning it into a huge ice cube in an instant!

And the monster is therefore like a mammoth found in a snow mountain, its head was completely sealed in the ice without any damage!

"Success, success!" (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!)

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