The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 360: Behemoth Rock

The great-winged vulture slanted across the Siwa Mountains, leaving only its particularly penetrating cry on the desolate hillside.

The Siwa Mountains are actually the north of the Angola Mountains in the territory of the Horian Empire, but unlike the lush vegetation in the south, the Siwa Mountains in the north are a desolate land—there are fewer vegetation and creatures than the south. It's so pitiful, the ground is also full of red rocks, which looks like a whole Gobi.

Near the mountainside, behind a huge red rock, there is an extremely hidden cave.

"Lord Sayeg, will the one you said really come? (Orc language, the same below)"

In the cave, a halfling who was less than one meter tall rubbed his hands and asked softly with a halfling's usual pinching smile.

On his head was an iron pot made by humans as a helmet, and he was wearing leather armor rather than a pillowcase sewn from a whole piece of unknown leather, and then three holes were cut out of it...

The halfling called Sayeg is a male orc. He is nearly 2.5 meters tall, has a pair of round animal ears on his head, and has a totem pattern on his face. Judging from the appearance of the pattern, he is not pure. The blood orc, and his tail is somewhat similar to the tail of a lion, constantly flicking to drive away the mosquitoes that are circling around them.

Sayeg is wearing the standard leather armor of the army, which is very rare among the orcs with scarce resources-you must know that although the orcs claim to have an army of 300,000, in fact, the real regular army is less than 50,000. .

It's just that the weapon in Sayeg's hand is not the mace or battle ax that are popular among orcs, but a giant blade gun.

This kind of weapon with a total length of three to five meters once shined brilliantly in the age of mythology. At that time, this kind of giant blade gun was collectively called "Gabelg", and it was specially used for slaying dragons or killing giant epic creatures. arms!

The head of the giant-blade gun accounts for more than half of the total length of the gun body, and it looks like a large sword with a serrated and irregular edge is connected to a long handle. The serrated edge is capable of tearing open the wounds of its prey, slowing down the healing time of the monster and causing it to bleed profusely. The extra-long shaft and the surprisingly heavy head are all designed to increase the power of slashing and dashing.

Even those terrifying epic monsters cannot ignore this kind of weapon that is extremely lethal even without any magic attached!

Of course, Geborg is not something anyone can use. Its amazing weight and difficult-to-master attack skills alone are enough to eliminate most people. Weapons, and both are the best among the brave!

The halfling naturally didn't know this kind of thing, he just thought that the three orcs in front of him that were as tall as he stacked up were soldiers of the Imperial Army.

The purpose of their trip is very simple, and that is to hunt the 'Stone-born Behemoth' that haunts this mountain range.

The halfling living near the Siwa Mountains had never heard of this kind of creature, but he didn't dare to object when the other party said it was. In the end, Sayeg asked a series of things from him, and directly arrested him as a living creature. Guide, come here.

"That's right." The orc cherished his words like gold, but he still looked back at the short halfling. The undisguised ferocity in the beast's eyes made the timid halfling tremble with fear: "As long as you didn't lie before."

"Don't worry, my lord, that's of course."

The halfling who almost peed in fear immediately pointed to the sky and swore.

Sayeg ignored him. His tribe has had a proverb since a long time ago, "Believe in a halfling's oath, it is better to sign a contract with the devil, at least the latter can gain power..." Such a proverb. If it weren't for the fact that there were no other creatures who could speak orc language around here, he wouldn't bother to pay attention to these guys who were not even as good as kobolds.

Just when Sayeg was seriously thinking about whether to kill the chattering halfling and throw it out as a bait with his brain, which was called "no different from a rock iguana" by the high priest, suddenly Rock debris began to shake off the top.

"It's the God of Rocks!" The halfling screamed like a cock that had been strangled, and then cautiously said to Sayeg: "My lord, be careful now, if you are caught by the rocks If the god finds out, we will all be killed..."

But Sayeg didn't care about the halfling. As the tremors grew stronger, he walked out of the cave, poked half of his head out from behind the rock, and peeped at the approaching creatures.

It was a well-deserved 'monster'.

From the outside, it looks like a moving hill. Every step of the four long hoof-like feet will make the hill where Sayeg is now tremble twice.

If you look carefully, you will find a few small compound eyes on the top of the mountain, as well as some weird spiral mouthparts.

If Sayeg is not a magic idiot, he can still feel that powerful magic power is emerging from the giant beast's body all the time.

This is the rock god that halflings fear and worship!

While the halfling was trembling with the rocks at the entrance of the cave, Sayeg had already quietly removed the blade and the handle of the giant blade gun, and combined them together—because the length was too long, the two The parts are usually separated.

"My lord... what do you want to do?" The halfling stared dumbfounded at Sayeg, whose eyes began to show fighting intent.

"Hunting it."

That's right, the god of mountains and rocks that Halfling said was the purpose of his trip - the earth elemental crustacean, the subjugation level is estimated to be level 36, an epic creature of the same level as Balor, Behemo Si!

"You, you are crazy!"

The halfling was stunned, he had no idea that the orc who came with him would have his mind on the god of this mountain range!

Just like Yansheng Bechymos didn't bother to pay attention to the two ants Sayeg and the halfling in its eyes, Sayeg didn't bother to pay attention to the halfling's astonishment. In an instant, he leaped towards the back of the giant beast, and the giant blade gun Gaiberg in his hand also slammed into the opponent's rock carapace!

Immediately, the stone flakes splashed everywhere, and the roar of Yansheng Behemoth also spread throughout the entire Siwa Mountains!

However, neither Sayeg in the fierce battle nor the halfling running away with their heads in their hands did not notice that at the top of the cave they used to hide in before, a little bat blinked its blood-red eyes, and then spread its wings and flew out of the cave. go out……

——The Cliff of the Westland——

"It seems that our orc friends can't bear it anymore."

The eldest princess of the night nobleman squeezed the bat into blood plasma, and the bright red viscous liquid quickly seeped into her white palm and disappeared: "Asachel, what do you think?"

"The purpose of the crusade against Behemoth should be the mountain runestones in its body. Behemoth is the embodiment of the mountain's will, and the mountain runestones in its body can also control the mountain to a certain extent, such as... opening up A canyon or something."

Not far in front of the curtain, the vampire wearing a black cloak guessed: "They probably plan to use mountain runestones to open a road directly from the Angola Mountains to the eastern plain. In this way, there will definitely be a battle between humans and orcs... …the subordinates believe that we can just sit back and watch what happens now.”

"That's a good point, but it's more interesting to add fire now."

The girl in the red princess dress raised the curtains on her luxurious four-poster bed, and stood up from the bed in her pale red pajamas.

"Your Highness, who is this?" the male vampire asked in confusion.

"Have you forgotten what our family said last time?" The girl showed a coquettish smile on her face: "Our family won the bet in the southern forest sea. Naturally, we are going to give our new friends some gifts. And we can go to Look at our incompetent younger sister, she can kill two birds with one stone."

"But, but..." The male vampire didn't know how to persuade his highness the princess.

"It doesn't matter. Compared with being harvested by the orcs one-sidedly at the beginning, our family wants to see evenly matched battles." The girl snapped her fingers lightly, and the clothes on her body trembled as if they had come to life. The next moment , the light red pajamas turned into a bright red princess dress: "Azachel, you can come too. It's time to go with our family to meet the human being who has repeatedly created miracles."

"...Yes, my great princess." (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!)

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