The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 366: Plague City (Part 2)

There are secret passages in every inspection station in Tongguo, Franken and the others finally arrived at the destination of this trip, Morag, the plague cage.

"It's so miserable..."

They grew up in a normal human society... at worst, the few little guys who grew up in the countryside were immediately terrified by the tragic scene in front of them.

It may be because of the rain just now. Compared with the mountain road, the ground is full of ponds, and some water cockroach-like creatures can be seen swimming in it.

The narrow streets are filthy, and all kinds of garbage and even excrement can be seen everywhere on the ground. The disgusting stench attracted many flies, and these flies, which were almost as big as cicadas, flew around with loud buzzing, leaving their own marks on the garbage and feces, as well as those white flowers. Yes, still wriggling progeny.

Under such harsh conditions, it is human beings who are placed in the garbage room.

Skinny, covered in mud, dull eyes, and mottled hair due to the harsh environment, no matter how you look at it, they are two different species of creatures from Kamiyu.

But they are indeed human.

Of course, there are also dead people.

At least Dorothy, who was sitting on Kamiyu's shoulders, saw two children about her age sitting with their knees hugged under the bamboo mat full of holes, probably sheltering from the rain. Behind them was a female corpse that had been so decomposed that its original appearance could not be seen.

That should be their mother.

Kamiyu and the others are not little guys who have no knowledge at all. In fact, they have traveled a lot with Xi Wei within half a year. In terms of knowledge, it may be higher than 90% of the civilians in the eastern plains.

Not only that, but they have also experienced all kinds of hardships, and their minds should have been tempered with incomparable perseverance.

But this kind of determination was easily broken by the horrific scene in front of him.

Maybe it's too early for the dean to let them go through this kind of sharpening.

Franken, who was secretly watching the little guys, thought to himself.

"Put away your sympathy, now we have other tasks."

Because Kamiyu and the others were already in a state of shock, Franken had to remind them aloud in the end.

They are talking with Tongguo's own student or teacher ID card, so it doesn't need to be too loud for other people to hear.

"But, but professor..." Riddle, who was sitting on Tanis' shoulder, felt his mouth was dry, and wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say. This feeling of a stick in his throat made him very uncomfortable.

"Are we really going to leave these poor people alone?" Dorothy looked at the two children again, and said incredulously.

"So what do you want? Bring them with you. And then? There are nearly 400,000 people in Molagli. This is nearly half of the number that was drowned by the underground water system explosion a few years ago. You want to bring these with you." The poor people at the source of the disease are taken out, spread the disease to other humans, and finally everyone perishes together?"

Franken's words left them speechless.

"Don't think about it. We can't save these poor people. But at least we can stop the world from giving birth to new poor people."

Finished speaking. Franken walked towards the west, where Morag's water source, the Moshi Laxi River, was where the source of the plague was released.

The group of Tanis and Riddle followed without any hesitation, while the group of Camille and Dorothy hesitated. Only then did he catch up with Franken's back.

The protective clothing worn by the Morag guards is quite deterrent. When they came to the main road, Franken and his party were almost avoided by everyone, even if the two guards disguised as four little guys seemed to be acting strangely, no one dared to take a second look...

From this we can see how domineering these guys are in Morag.

Franken was also happy that no one would disturb him, and continued to teach the four little guys some common sense about Morag.

"According to the descriptions of some traveling merchants, in addition to the Morag guards who are called the Lord of the White City by the residents, there are two major powers in this city. The 'Windmill' inherited from the organization and the 'Black River' formed by the merger of several underground organizations are in charge of the dark side of Morag."

After allegiance to Xi Wei, Franken has been researching to crack the source of the plague. At the same time, he also used various methods to collect information on Morag, so as to prevent his eyes from being blacked out when he came in, and he would count the money for others when he was tricked. .

Apart from those traveling merchants who have business ties with Morag, I am afraid that there are not many people outside Morag who know this plague city better than him.

"I think the existence of this city itself is dark enough..."

Because the situation on the main road is much better than that in the alley, Kamiyu now has the leisure to complain.

"I don't deny this." Franken didn't express anything because of Kamiyu's words: "But the dark side I'm talking about is more about places like casinos, underground money houses, black boxing matches, and brothels. People who live in depression need these things to vent. As far as I know, Heihe has also dabbled in some things that are expressly forbidden in the above-ground world."

The little guys were silent.

While speaking, a small river that wasn't particularly wide appeared in front of them. The water in the river was light black. Looking down from where they were, they could still see the remains of some buildings at the bottom of the river...

"The source of the plague did not affect the shape of the river at the beginning, which is why the disease spread so widely at the beginning. After the murderer died, the river water began to turn black a little bit, which is also the origin of the name Heihe. In addition, this is just a tributary, which should be left behind when the groundwater system erupted like a flash flood a few years ago. As far as I know, nearly a quarter of Morag's land was submerged because of that disaster."

A slight commotion began to be heard from the block not far away, and it gradually began to approach this side.

And Franken looked at the black river, and said without any ups and downs in his tone: "Going along this river, you can find the main road of the Moshi Laxi River. But that river is quite wide in the records, saying Maybe it’s better to find a local who is familiar with the terrain as a guide...for example..."

Speaking of this, the skeleton mage stretched out his hand, and grabbed a man who ran out from the block and planned to cross the not-so-wide black river and ran to the opposite side.

"For example, this kind of guy who is good at escaping."

With 'Don't run! ’ ‘Hurry up! ’ and other words, the man in Franken’s hand struggled desperately, but it still didn’t matter that it was not so easy to break free with the high-level magician’s mage’s hand and the secondary confinement technique.

At this time, several people in uniforms chased over from the street panting. The four-color triangle on the uniforms meant that they were members of the windmill, but when these guys with eyes above the top saw Franken In the protective clothing, the anger on his face instantly dissipated without a trace, turning into flattering flattery.

"As expected of the master of Baicheng, he caught this guy in no time." One of the guys who looked like an officer rubbed his hands and flattered him.

"Go and do your work, I've got this guy."

At this moment, Franken's tone of tone became quite intimidating, and the members of the windmill immediately did not dare to stay any longer, and ran away with oil on their feet... (to be continued...)

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