The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 374: Opening, Battle in the Plague City

"Sir, those intruders are not low-level magicians, we failed to react..."

"Shut up, scumbags! The tax money of the empire is not used to support you trash who can't even see the door!"

Wearing a long-tailed feather hat that symbolizes nobility, sitting behind a wide wooden table, the man with a deep face shouted loudly.

The few guards who were still defending themselves immediately fell silent in fear.

"The weakest of you are all one-turn magic swordsmen, who have excellent weapons provided by the Pan-Human Federation. Even if someone goes out to patrol, there are at least a dozen people left at the inspection station...but someone touched the door and there is no one. Not even a single alarm sounded when attacked."

The more he spoke, the more excited he became, and even spit on the face of a guard. The muscles on that guard's face were stiff, but he still didn't dare to wipe it off because of the majesty of the officer.

"Sir," but some newcomers who are not afraid of tigers expressed dissatisfaction with this: "It's not that we are negligent in our duties, but the outer undead detection barrier is completely unaware that there is a necromancer approaching. different..."

"Did I let you talk, recruit!"

The man in the long-tailed hat looked even more ugly: "Who said that only necromancers come to this city? Is it your mother or your father? If you talk back to me, go back to your hometown and suck your pacifier!"

The scolded recruit's face turned blue and white, but in the end he didn't continue to talk back.

"Corporal Weiming, you are considered a veteran in Baicheng, you should understand the importance of the matter, now tell me about the characteristics of the person who attacked you."

The man in the long-tailed hat still knew the priority of the matter. After a heavy reprimand, he asked the person with the highest military rank among those who were brought down.

"I heard at least three footsteps, but because of my sight, I only saw one of them. It was a man of medium height but looked a little thin."

The man known as Corporal Weiming racked his brains to recall: "I don't know what kind of magician he is, but there is no doubt that he can knock us down in such a small room in such a short period of time. A strong man who can already cast spells without spells."

There is no doubt about the power of magicians. However, most magicians still have some weaknesses. If magicians below the elementary level do not have enchanted items such as protective arrows, they will easily be sniped with a bow and crossbow from a distance, because they are not as sensitive to other people's eyes as the magicians who have been promoted to the middle level. People lock will be sensed.

And in a small space, if the magician is not high-level and the small place is not his own mage tower, he may be cut down by the magic swordsman before he finishes chanting the magic...

It is precisely because of this that the level of magicians who can easily bring down these soldiers will never be so low.

"However, he just stunned us and didn't kill us. This shows that they don't seem to be falling out with the Empire or the Panhuman Federation." Corporal Wei Ming continued to analyze.

"No matter what their mentality is, it is already a crime to trespass into Morag's legally forbidden area without permission!"

The man in the long-tailed hat didn't have the patience to listen to him: "Since you've seen him, I'll leave this matter to you. I'll give you the authority of the head of the third sect, and it must be done within three days." Catch him for me!"

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the door, and when he came to Corporal Wei Ming, he deliberately lowered his voice and threatened: "This is your last chance to pay off your merits, don't let me down, Corporal."

After speaking, he walked out the door.

"Corporal..." The recruit who was reprimanded just now looked worriedly at Corporal Weiming.

If the man in the long-tailed hat didn't do it himself, he must be afraid of the unidentified magician. In fact, it is not dangerous for these people to fight against that magician by themselves, but to seek their own death.

If it wasn't for Corporal Weiming's authority to dispatch the three guards, I'm afraid they really wouldn't have the guts to provoke each other.

"I'm fine."

Corporal Weiming waved his hand, indicating that he was fine: "This time, we were indeed careless. Anyway, I'll gather the men first, and you guys go to have a meal and get a good night's sleep. We will set off into Morag at night."


"Well, since those guys have been spotted by the hyenas in Heihe, they shouldn't venture out during the day, and the night is a good cover for magicians, so we have to act at night."

——In Morag City——

"Because we have been found out, it is dangerous to go out during the day, so it is better to do it at night."

Franken twisted the screw on his temple and said, "They must think we think so. If that's the case, we'll just do the opposite and do it during the day."

"If we hide in this membrane, can people outside really not see us?"

Compared with Franken's deduction, Claude seemed curious about the magic barrier that was as thin as soap bubbles around them and seemed to be broken with a poke.

"Of course! This is a series of magic code-named 'Fenghua', polarizing magic 'Fenghua? Hidden God' that our dean personally participated in the design and development of!"

Tanis puffed out his chest and said with some pride.

"Shut up Tanis, Shenyin can hide your body, but you will still be found if you speak so loudly." Dorothy played her expertise as a girl and twisted her fat waist with her fingers. for a moment.

This made the little fat man almost scream, but thinking of Dorothy's words, he could only hold back the scream in his throat, looking extremely painful.

"Father Nero, are you feeling well?" Riddle, who was walking at the back of the line, asked Nero at the end with concern.

"It's okay, it's just that there are too many things happened today." Nero sighed, no one would be happy if he was suddenly and inexplicably involved in such a thing.

It's just that the culprit is Franken. These four little guys are innocent, and Nero will not anger them. As the Cardinal of the Pure White Church, he still has this kind of heart.

"Breaking the curse of the source of the plague, even if you put it in the church, it is a credit. Don't you want to be promoted quickly?" Kamiyu looked at Nero with a strange expression.

He naturally didn't know that the other party had already had the capital to be promoted, but he hadn't made a decision yet.

"That's right, it's useless to think about other things now, let's just settle this matter first. I believe that the divine light will understand me..."

In the end, Nero could only break the jar and follow. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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