The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 385 'Let me tell you, nine-year compulsory education, great! '

"I have to redefine my opinion of you, human."

Coiling wise man's complexion quickly recovered, and he said in a low tone that was obviously not in a good mood: "But don't be too complacent, the one just now was just an appetizer. Now the second round begins, we take turns to ask each other a question , whoever fails to answer first will lose the game. How about it, how many gold coins do you want to bet?"

Xi Wei frowned slightly.

Because of the victory in the round just now, he now has a total of twenty gold coins on hand, and the coiled wise man has thirty more.

This round is not like the previous round, where the problem is known before placing a bet, and the risk is far greater than the previous round.

Although judging from the question just now, the opponent's IQ is just that (otherwise he wouldn't be cheated to death in the age of mythology), but not afraid of 10,000, just in case, for this kind of gamble, it's better to be safe.

"I bet fifteen."

After thinking about it for a few seconds, Xi Wei took out fifteen gold coins from the pile in front of him and pushed them into the space between them.

"Hehe, aren't you putting all your eggs in one basket this time?"

A mocking smile appeared on Coiling Wise Man's face again, but Xi Wei was unmoved.

If he can be fooled by even such a simple provocative method, he will stop being a dean and just go to bed and sleep...

"Then human beings, you are optimistic, this is the first question."

As soon as the words fell, the stagnant water spouted from the outlet of the underground water system looked like slimes, and began to squirm and rise from the water surface, turning into familiar transparent creatures, like sculptures made of water Same. This is a concrete manifestation of the innate ability of the ink sea tidal monster to manipulate water.

And these monsters form a 5x4 strange square matrix, from left to right, from front to back:

Goblins, Kobolds, Lizardmen, Goannas, Nightmare

Velociraptor, Kobold, Lizardman, Goanna, Nightmare

Velociraptor, Lizardman, Goanna, Nightmare, Velociraptor

Nightmare, Velociraptor, Goanna, Nightmare

But the last position that should be the last row is empty, nothing.

"Can you find out the pattern from my formation, and tell me what kind of monster should be in that vacant seat?" The Coiled Wise Man seemed to be very confident in the questions he posed, making Xi Wei feel that he was out of breath when he spoke. A few points: "Of course, your time to answer is also limited. Every ten breaths, you have to pay me a gold coin, until the fifteen gold coins you bet as a bet are all used up!"

After finishing speaking, it looked contentedly at Xi Wei with a remorseful expression on his face.

"If you feel that you really can't answer, you can just admit defeat. Anyway, you still have five gold coins to live on, don't you?"

"Did you make a mistake?"

What it didn't expect was that the expression on Xi Wei's face immediately returned to the previous indifferent feeling: "The reason why I feel a little regretful is not because the question is too difficult to answer, but because I only gambled ten Five gold coins is too conservative!"

This is no bluff.

In fact, when Xi Wei finished listening to the other party's topic. He almost said directly, 'Are you kidding me? ’ and threw it out.

Compared with the weirdness in the mathematics of the earth, which makes people scratch their heads and can't find the rules, or the number sequence that is so disgusting that it takes a long time to figure out the answer, the question posed by the wise man is simply amazing. It's elementary school level...

If you don't let all kinds of monsters confuse you, the prototype of this question should be like this:

First column: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Second column: 6, 2, 3, 4, 5

Third column: 6, 3, 4, 5, 6

Fourth column: 5, 6, 4, 5, ?

The rule is to remove the first number (creature) in the next row each time. The answer is simply obvious.

" perfect question. Actually..."

Seeing Xi Wei use ice magic to create a lifelike Velociraptor in that empty space, Coiling Wise Man let out an unbelievable cry.

"There is such a custom in my hometown that 'if a person lacks something, he must add something to his name'. Because you lost to the wise man of mankind so many years ago, you abandoned your own name and named it after the wise man. This just shows that you don't have the wisdom to become a wise man." Xi Wei looked down at the coiled wise man condescendingly. Make up the knife and say: "Beast."

"Shut up! Now is the time for you to ask questions, and I will prove to you that I have surpassed that person, and I am the real wise man!"

The coiled wise man roared. It's like trying to add some credibility to his words. The surrounding rivers began to surge like the tide of the Qiantang River.

"Since you like number sequences so much, I'll make a number sequence too."

Xi Wei snapped his fingers, and the fire element formed a series of numbers under his mobilization.

1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, ?

"Now, please find out their patterns and fill in the appropriate numbers." Xi Wei showed a harmless smile to humans and animals: "Of course, your time to answer is also limited. Every ten breaths, you have to pay me One gold coin. Until all the fifteen gold coins you bet as a bet are used up~"


The coiled wise man stared at the column of numbers in front of him and was stunned.

But if you think about it, how could a guy who finds it very difficult even to do the usual elementary school level questions...

Time passed slowly, and under the effect of the curse contract, every once in a while, a gold coin would float from Coiling Wise Man into Xi Wei's pile of gold coins.

The time of one hundred and fifty breaths passed quickly, but Coiling Wise Man still couldn't solve the problem.

"Sorry, it looks like I won the second game again." Xi Wei put the doubled gold coins back in front of him.

"What kind of law is it? Tell me!"

The coiled wise man let out a painful roar, it seems that this guy's curiosity is not ordinary.

"Actually, this is not difficult."

The gold coin has already been obtained, and now it really needs a little more time, so Xi Wei simply explained to it.

"In fact, each item is just describing the number in front of it."

For example, the first number is 1, then the second number 11 means that the previous number has '1' and '1'; the second number is 11, and the third number 21 means that the previous number has '2' 'one'1'; the fourth number 1211 means that 21 has '1' '2' and '1' '1'; the fifth number 111221 means that 1211 has '1' '1', '1' '1' and '2' '1'.

Then the answer to the question is very clear, 111221 has '3' '1', '2' '2' and '1' '1', so the next step should be 312211.

Seeing the sluggish Coiled Wise Man, Xi Wei played with the 35 chips in his hand, and then said, "Then for the last hand, I'll put all the thirty-five gold coins on... But, you just have to There are 15 gold coins left, which is a full 20 less than mine. The remaining difference can be made up with other things, such as... your soul or something."

He raised the corner of his mouth, showing a contemptuous expression: "How about it, do you dare to bet?"

ps: crimping failed otz

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