The Dean Has Arrived

Main Text Chapter 40 Brand New Skill Tree

A bog-tooth is dragging a common cart with light steps, strolling in a particularly leisurely manner on the path paved with sand and gravel at the edge of the forest, and the ground is full of scattered sunlight .

Bogtodon is a level 2 subjugation creature. This kind of beast is a bit like a wild boar with an elongated body. Because of its docile character, delicious meat quality and stronger reproductive ability than other animals, it is very One of the common domestic animals.

And good strength and endurance can also be used as a means of transportation for civilians.

This hog-tooth came from the small village under Yanfei Mountain.

The driver was also a villager who was over 30 years old and had a beard and was called Old John. He had been driving for almost 20 years. When people in the village have business to go to the city, or have goods to send to the city, almost all of them use his cart to go there.

But at this time, the person on the cart was not an ordinary villager, let alone some goods, but the mysterious master magician who had been kind to their village three times in a row!

Also, Arisa and the silver-haired girl Tio who came to the village with Arisa yesterday were also there.

Early this morning, the master magician knocked on the door of Old John's house with two little girls, saying that he was going to Holadur, the capital of Noeg.

Father God, that is the city where the lord is located, just entering the city has to pay a poll tax of ten coppers!

But since the Master Magician wants to do this, he can only do it honestly. After all, Old John was also there when Xi Wei shot to frighten those soldiers last time. It was as powerful as meat sauce so that he didn't dare to have any objections.

Anyway, even if the sky fell, wouldn't there be a Master Mage to carry it?

Thinking about it this way, Old John, who was also extremely bachelor, immediately pulled out his family's cart, and set off for Holadur with Sylvie and the others.

To be honest, the scooter is not really comfortable. It doesn't matter when the ground is bumpy, sometimes even if the road is smooth, this thing still creaks and bumps at the same time, making Xi Wei miss the earth's car while worrying about whether it will suddenly fall apart... No, even if Even a tractor is more comfortable than this thing!

It was the first time for Alisa to travel far, and the bumpy scooter did not affect the girl from the countryside at all. Now she is looking around curiously. Although there are only some small villages and farmland in the distance around now, there is only the forest on the other side, and there is nothing to see.

On the other hand, Tiou leaned against Xi Wei when he got on the scooter, holding the corner of Xi Wei's clothes with his right hand, dozing off bit by bit with his eyes closed.

According to Alisa, Tio seemed to feel at ease only when he was by Xi Wei's side. He didn't sleep well at Alisa's house yesterday.

And Xi Wei thought that the little girl might just be motion sick...

Although Tio is still young, she is also a beauty, and in terms of appearance, she is a bit more refined than Alisa. With the eyes closed, it looks like a beautifully crafted porcelain doll, giving people a feeling that it will break if you use a little force. The long eyelashes fluttered, and the sporadic sunlight fell on her body. Accompanied by the faint milk-like deodorant on the girl's body, she looked even more lovely and charming.

This is probably the so-called cuteness.

Xi Wei secretly appreciated it in his heart, then turned his gaze back to the back of his right hand.

The clearance reward after clearing [Tower of Grinding · 1st Floor] yesterday did not draw Xi Wei's most wanted 'Movement Casting', but 'Traffic Anchor'.

This is a kind of second-ring magic with reasonable practicality. The effect is that it can emit a magic power, and after linking to a certain thing, pull the caster himself or pull that thing over. It feels a bit like Spider-Man's silk-spinning ability.

Although the mage's hand can do similar things, the anchor consumes very little mana. If it weren't for the fact that there are no skyscrapers in the other world, Xi Wei might be able to pretend to be Spider-Man now.

In addition, the layout of the original skill book has also changed.

The magic book on the layout can already be turned.

To Xi Wei's mixed joy and sorrow, the number of pages that can be read in the magic book suddenly increased to eight pages.

In addition to the page of first-level magic, the second-level magic of the four basic attributes of water, fire, climate and soil each occupy a page.

This is normal, after all, starting from the second ring, there are many different factions among various elements.

Among the fire elementals, there are the ashes faction that advocates high temperature and burning, and the destruction faction that advocates explosion; the water elemental faction is the ocean ripple faction that focuses on water magic, and the ice crystal faction that focuses on ice magic; the wind elemental faction is even more opposed. Seriously, they are the heart of the storm, which is mainly based on the atmosphere, and the sword of splitting clouds, which is mainly based on lightning; only the earth element is relatively mild, but it is just separated into two branches of the protection system and the transformation system...

After entering the third ring, there are many branch factions, but this is something for the future, so let's ignore it for the time being.

In short, the elemental magic that so many factions are good at is also different, so it has become the status quo that each element occupies a page.

In addition to elemental magic, there is arcane magic based on pure magic.

This world is different from the DND world. The priority of magic power is lower than that of elements, so in many cases, elemental magic is more dominant than arcane magic, which is why the development speed of arcane magic is far behind that of elemental magic. But we can't underestimate arcane magic because of this. In fact, for Xi Wei, who can completely master a magic in an instant, compared with the elemental magic that needs to gradually improve the ability of elemental affinity and elemental mastery to exert its powerful power Well, the arcane magic, which can be used as a fast-track type with sufficient magic power as long as it is mastered, is more cost-effective.

What appeared after that was what Xi Wei hadn't expected at first, the two high-level elemental magics of light and darkness. It's just that the amount of magic of the two is a little less, and they can be squeezed on one page...

The branch of light magic is also very clear, sacred and life. The former is used to sanction the enemy, while the latter is used to cure diseases and save lives. To put it simply, it is a big stick and a carrot. It is no wonder that the Holy See can occupy a place among human beings by mastering these two.

The classification of dark magic is more ambiguous. Except for the undead, which are relatively unique, shadows and curses are almost in the state of me in you and you in me.

The last remaining page is 'Battle Magic'.

Although it sounds very cool, it is okay to call a battle mage who can summon some messy things to help fight, but the nondescript class of magic swordsman is actually "Dear, your talent is not enough to become a magician, you Get the hell out and vote elsewhere, dear~' There was really no other way to do it.

The so-called combat magic is more common with enchantment and driving magic, and the skill tree in the magic book also shows this very well.

After reviewing all the skills, Xi Wei wept silently again.

Every skill looks so powerful, and the number of skills is really good... But dare you give me some proof of being a strong man! Otherwise, it would be so painful to see but not to use it!

{Floating Astronomy

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