The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 407 Post-war Review

Xi Wei sat on the bed and let out a long sigh. (Baidu searched for the clock-like pattern pointer on the back of his hand to point to the word 5.

In the end, he still died in the dungeon... and he was popped out in seconds without even being able to figure out what the enemy was.

This was the first time Xi Wei felt powerless from the bottom of his heart since he became a high-level magician.

Although I don't know what is locked in those octahedrons emerging from the ground, but it's too freaking abnormal! No wonder this time the main task actually only needs to survive for a certain period of time.

He faintly felt that he seemed to have glimpsed a glimpse of the true face of history.

Could it be said that the truth of Taliesid is that those inexplicable monsters participated in the battle, leading to the annihilation of both humans and abyssal forces?

Xi Wei scratched his head, thinking wildly.

Although the system often provides replica copies of similar historical scenes for him to explore, but this does not mean that everything displayed by the system is real.

The most obvious point is that in real history, the golem Geboga is undoubtedly an important role related to the two demon kings, the Lord of the Plague and the Lord of Gluttony, and the three archangels of the heavens. Many myths of different races The stories mentioned this passage, so it should not be false. And Geboga in the history of the system is just a dragon who was exiled to the void without even showing his face...

But Xi Wei always felt that there must be some connection between the real world and the system's copy world.

After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't think of any useful clues. In the end, Xi Wei had no choice but to give up thinking about it, and began to review the failure of the dungeon strategy.

First of all, there is no doubt that the main reason for this failure is insufficient intelligence.

I originally thought that the fourth floor of the Tower of Grinding would be the same as the first three floors at most, so as long as you are prepared, there will be no major problems. However, unexpectedly, he was directly thrown into one of the best battlefields in the entire human history.

Compared with that kind of magnificent battle. The preparations he made before are worthless...

And because he didn't know that after entering, the equipment from the system on his body would be replaced, which made his combat effectiveness drop a lot. What's more, he couldn't even bring in the wizard hat that could identify the enemy's name, which made him He didn't even know what the enemy who killed him was, so Xi Wei couldn't find the target even if he wanted to search for it.

What a mistake, I knew I should put the hat in the treasure chest technique...

While reviewing his mistakes, he began to silently make plans for how to attack next time.

It's not that Xi Wei is very confident that he can pass the fourth floor of the Tower of Grinding, but because his current strength has reached a bottleneck.

Xi Wei has become almost invincible under the great magician. Even if you encounter a great magician, you are not helpless.

It is precisely because of this that Xi Wei has gone through almost all the dungeons that have met the conditions to open on the door of trial panel.

The rest of the dungeons that have not been opened are either because the academy's popularity (or other aspects) is not enough, or other conditions that cannot be met for the time being have not been met.

In other words. Now he has no way to continue to earn the certificate of the strong.

If the remaining certificate of the strong is not used to learn magic, it will probably last for a year and a half. It seems like a lot at first glance, but the problem is that this time the Tower of Grinding is a bit ridiculously difficult. If you want to pass the level, I am afraid it will take a lot of time and you will die countless times. And every time one dies, one month's life will be consumed.

That is to say, if he can't clear the fourth floor of the Tower of Grinding within 23 times and advance himself to become a great magician. Then he will die in the true sense.

"23 times, three dungeon chances per day, plus the remaining two chances today, in fact, I only have eight days... It seems that I have to be more serious."

Xi Wei couldn't help but sighed. Falling into thoughts again...

—— Sanctuary. Enlightenment Corridor——

"Nero, you have already returned to the Sanctuary..."

Frey saw the man walking across from her. Can't help being a little surprised.

But in the end she frowned: "What happened to your hand?"

Nero's right hand was cast in a thick plaster cast and hung on his chest with a bandage.

"Something went wrong, but His Holiness said there was nothing serious about it."

Nero laughed.

Priests can't tell lies (although many priests and nuns stationed abroad don't care about this commandment), so Nero didn't say he was hurt, but said something, although it sounds similar to others, but literally To understand is not to lie.

In fact, even the pope couldn't figure out what happened to Nero's right hand to turn into that weird look. The only thing that is certain is that that weird right hand possesses amazing power.

Although the elders wanted to imprison Nero temporarily and observe for a period of time, after passing the triple test of breaking the disguise, detecting evil and detecting curses, and found no major problems, the pope rejected all opinions and was tough. He flatly rejected the proposals of those old people, and only asked Nero not to show his hands outside in the sanctuary until everything was figured out.

"It's fine."

The Holy Silver Sword Fairy showed a reassuring smile for a short moment, and then straightened her face immediately, restoring her majestic image in front of ordinary people: "Speaking of which, you came back from Morag, right? Can you tell me what happened there?" Is something wrong?"

"No problem, His Majesty the Pope didn't say that this needs to be kept secret."

Anyway, there are a total of 400,000 witnesses, even if they want to keep it a secret, it is impossible for them to do so—the Holy See does not have the kind of brainwashing stick that can make people forget everything with a flash of white light...

"Before that..." Fleur saw that Nero wanted to explain, and immediately interrupted: "Let's go to other places first."

"Uh, it's not bad here, is it?" Nero looked back and forth. As the road leading to the apse, only noble people would pass here, so there were very few pedestrians passing through the Enlightenment Corridor.

"No, that's not what it means."

The girl left the revelation corridor with Nero and walked in another direction: "There is another adult who is also very interested in your story in Morag."

"Wait, wait a minute, Miss Fleur, this road is..." After walking for a while, Nero looked a little panicked.

"It's just a path leading to the Court of Bailan."

"Isn't it 'just'? Generally, male believers of my rank are not allowed to approach the Court of Bailan!"

"It doesn't matter, this is the request of Lady Saint herself."

Fleur said without hesitation: "So even if you go in, you'll be fine, I swear to this candy!"

"Wait, isn't the object used to swear a bit strange?"


"The object of the swearing was eaten?! Sure enough, it will be very dangerous!"

"Don't worry, it will be over soon." The girl with candy in her mouth said inarticulately.

"What ends quickly? Interview or punishment?"

"Probably your life."

"Please let it go..."

The two of them chatted nonchalantly. Nero's swordsmanship was originally taught by Fleur, and there was some tacit understanding between the two. A conversation like the one just now was just to ease Nero's alienation and tension.

After greeting the guards, Nero found that he unexpectedly entered the Court of Bailan, a place with a high degree of mystery in the entire sanctuary.

"I said, have the guards here been slack a lot? Obviously, what happened to Huber Solu not long ago..." Looking back at the yawning guard, Nero frowned.

"Don't underestimate those guards. They are all the elite of the powerful faction of the Holy See. In terms of swordsmanship alone, you may not be able to defeat the weakest of them."

"Speaking of which, I have only seen the Holy Maiden at the sacrificial ceremony." Nero said with some longing: "I will never forget the incomparably holy, noble and sacred appearance..."

This is the mood that almost every believer will have after mentioning the saint.

At this time, Fleur suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Nero asked curiously.

Immediately afterwards, he saw standing in front of the girl, the little girl who looked about eleven or twelve years old.

"This is the Holy Maiden." The girl pointed to the super small girl in front, and said to Nero, "Let's salute."

"Eh? Heh heh heh————?!"

Well, reality can be cruel sometimes...

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