The Dean Has Arrived

Main Text Chapter 46 Introspection and Magic Pool

The monsters in the center of the Nightwood are really just goblins.

For the current Xi Wei, even against the giant goblin (level 14), which was said to have the strongest attack power among the goblins, it was not impossible for him to win.

But the problem is... there are too many Nimas!

[Night Forest·Center] The camp in the dungeon was still the same as usual, but this made Xi Wei paralyzed. It was still the same as if he was on the outskirts or deep in the forest. He took the supplies and walked directly to the animal path ahead.

As a result, the animal path was only a few meters long, and after that, there was a specially made circular open space with a diameter of one or two hundred meters, which was as flat as a Colosseum. A corner about three meters high.

However, in this not-so-huge open space, there were hundreds of goblin elites, more than thirty goblin casters, ten goblin chargers, and the same number of mutated goblins.

If this kind of lineup is just a headache for Xi Wei, then standing at the top of the ruins, the magic equipment exuding a gorgeous magic halo on his body and hands, a brave goblin like a dragon proud of himself It hurts Xi Wei's ass - that's a level 12 crusade monster.

I didn't expect that this kind of monster that could only appear in the stories told by bards would really appear.

If it's one-on-one, Xi Wei is sure enough to deal with the opponent without injury: No matter how sophisticated the magic equipment is, the guy who can't even hide the magic halo on it will definitely not be able to exert their true power, let alone a lot of equipment The special effect of the magic halo can also be inferred from the color brightness of the magic halo...

At that time, Xi Wei, who was used to the grass mowing game "Zhen Kingdom Warriors", still had a slight idea of ​​wanting to use quality over quantity. In his thinking, as long as he could deal with the brave goblin first, these miscellaneous soldiers should also It should disperse automatically.

But after falling into the Goblin Sea, he realized how terrifying the power of the People's Sea is.

Naturally, he didn't pay attention to the weapon attacks of the goblin elites, but it was these scumbags with only a level 3 crusade that blocked Xi Wei's maneuvering range with their numbers, and then his brother Brin spellcasters have secondary fireballs, ice bombs, dust balls, free electric eels and other magic. And it's still raining in all directions!

That's not to mention, the power of the mutant goblin's first ring of magic was obviously stronger than that of the goblin caster, and it was mixed with those raindrops of the first ring of magic, which made Xi Wei hard to guard against.

Even though he managed to break through the blockade of the elite goblins at a great cost and rushed towards the brave goblin, those goblin chargers riding porcupine arrows swept over again.

The Goblin Charger, which is capable of both close and far combat and has good mobility, plunged Xi Wei into a tough fight again, and at the same time was once again swallowed by the elite Goblin Sea in the rear...

It was only at the end that the brave goblin made his move, exhausting his magic power and medicine, and Xi Wei, who was covered in bruises, chopped off his head with a sword.

To die at the hands of goblins, in a sense, can be regarded as a great shame.

However, apart from regretting his one-month lifespan and not being able to get an S-level evaluation from the forest center, Xi Wei is not too frustrated and ashamed. This is probably the so-called getting used to it...

However, the problems exposed in this battle are also worthy of Xi Wei's deep thinking.

The first is the lack of protection.

If Xi Wei's current defensive magic is the second-ring all-round defensive magic shield, then I believe the result of this battle will be much better. Although the magic barrier can strengthen the defense according to the amount of magic power, after all, it can only protect one side, which is too foolish. The kind of magic attack like rain can't stand it at all, let alone a group of people holding spears all the time. Missing the elite goblin who stabbed him...

Then there is the lack of mobility.

Originally, Xi Wei wanted to use that technician crystal to learn the element of wind, until he got to the very practical magic of levitation. But after he discovered that there are many magics in the second ring magic that are far better than the levitation technique, he gave up this plan and activated other magics. But at this time, Xi Wei was so regretful that his belly was green - if he could fly, he didn't need to sprint left and right among those elite goblins at all, as long as he flew to the sky, including those goblins of level 7. Charger Lin could only stare at him.

At that time, Xi Wei will be able to say coquettishly:'Stupid, I can fly! '

Moreover, the inability to move while casting spells also put him in a very passive state, and he had to give up casting spells several times in order to avoid attacks. It seems that the skill of accumulating achievements to learn mobile spellcasting is also on the agenda.

Finally, there is the attack aspect.

There's nothing wrong with this, it's just that Xi Wei's range-type magic is too little. If the range of magic like black turbidity impact is expanded a little bit, the group of hundreds of elites who look black and dense When the goblins charge over, they can be wiped out in one shot, without the need for a bitter fight later.

But this is also the best solution... As the number of copies he clears increases, there will definitely be more large-scale spells.

"It seems that there are many problems." Xi Wei sighed, feeling a little uneasy about the future plan.

Fortunately, the number of dungeons per day has changed from one to three. Xi Wei was thankful and called out the magic system interface again.

But before he entered the page of the gate of trials, the task of "beginning to take shape" on the task interface changed slightly.

In the completion condition, the mark of the magic pool changed from '○' to '◎'. In other words, the building that started a day ago is finally complete!

So Xi Wei skipped the gate of trial and looked at the college construction page first.

According to the introduction of the architectural drawings, the magic pool is a very useful building. Its function in the college is somewhat similar to that of a generator, and it is the central component of the college's energy supply.

The magic power that supports the academy's protective barrier, various street lamps, or some self-defense magic weapons are all provided by the magic pool.

To activate the magic pool, you need a magic core or sparkling crystal. After inserting it into the magic pool, the magic power equivalent to about 100 times of that energy source will flow out continuously.

Xi Wei was not interested at all in exploring the principles of this building, which undoubtedly violated the law of energy conservation, but it was its appearance that interested Xi Wei.

Judging from the preview picture on the blueprint, the shape of the building with the word "pool" in its name does not match the pool at all. Instead, it looks a bit like a large globe with a base, but the ball is not a map, but A pitch-black crystalline sphere, in which you can still see nebulae that slowly rotate like a Milky Way.

At this time, the magic pool in Xiwei Academy was a pitch-black statue. Although it looked a little blurry from the layout, Xiwei was sure that it was definitely him.

A pitch-black statue that looked like himself, and a cloud of nebula was slowly rotating inside... Xi Wei, who couldn't laugh or cry, really couldn't tell whether it was more majestic or more disobedient.

This is probably the 'surprise' of the little monsters mentioned on the voucher.

{Floating Astronomy

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