The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 480 Crossing the Wind (Part 1)

The Western Land Trade Wind Port, commonly known as the wind port, is located at the top of the West Land Cliff, and blows terrifying storms that can easily sweep away an entire castle all year round.

The strong wind from the inland will be mixed with a large amount of sand and gravel soil, blowing down from the cliffs of the Westland, turning into a sandstorm in the Venera Sediment Basin, coiling through the Misris Mountains and the Lane Prairie, and finally flying to the east coast.

It is precisely for this reason that the area of ​​the eastern seashore has been expanding outwards—in fact, according to more reliable historical records, when the great migration of humans ended and settled in the eastern plains, the seashores of several prosperous capital cities were established in modern times. Sandbars don't even exist yet...

Leaving aside how this peculiar terrain was created, in short, the tuyere and the desert in the southeast are the few roads in the eastern plains that can lead to Middle Earth. If you want to go to the birthplace of ancient humans, you must pass through these two places.

Of course, if you are brave enough and not afraid of trouble, you can also go to the ancient forest sea of ​​elves or the northern hills of orcs to make an excuse—although it seems even more unreliable there.

It's just that even a great magician will feel a headache from the bottom of his heart when facing the non-stop storm and the sand and stone mixed in the storm because of the kinetic energy bonus, which is as powerful as a shotgun.

Although a magician had thought of breaking through the Westland Cliff before, but because he played it off, he created a wind nest that creates tornadoes on the ground all the time...

After the tornado almost wiped out several surrounding towns, those bear child magicians had to pay far more labor and money than digging a hole to refill the hole.

After that, few magicians were interested in the troublesome and worthless place of the tuyere.

Spoil here if you have time. It would be more interesting to shrink into the mage's tower to study new magic or travel around to spread your beliefs...

"So, let me ask again, do you really want to go to the outlet with me?"

Sitting behind the Falcon, Xi Wei yelled at the two girls behind him, trying his best to keep his voice from being overwhelmed by the howling wind.

"Of course! Because it's very interesting!"

The pure white saint Irelia, who had returned to her normal girlish size, lay on the back of the dream dragon that seemed to be trembling because of the wind, giggling with great interest and loudly replied.

He's so energetic that he doesn't look like a saint at all.

"My task is to protect the Holy can understand, Mr. Edric."

Sitting firmly on the saddle of her magical creature Pegasus, the Holy Silver Sword Ji Fulei replied to Xi Wei in her usual calm tone.

It is said that after Sophia and Sharan returned to Edric College, the saint Irelia, who had been idle for a long time and was about to grow mushrooms, yelled, "It's my turn next!" ’ Such words forced Xi Wei over there to use gap magic. Pass her and her follower Fleur over.

"So. Can you stop thinking of adventure as travel..."

Xi Wei sighed, always feeling as if he had two troublesome guys.

"Is there any difference between travel and adventure?" Elilia asked immediately.

Xi Wei thought for a while, and suddenly felt that for him now, there seemed to be not much difference between the two...

"Anyway, the tuyere is very dangerous. How about waiting for me to get through the tuyere before taking you over?"

In the end he compromised and suggested.

"Huh? But if you run away from such exciting things, wouldn't it be fun to travel?"

A certain saint showed a face that could destroy the faith of the followers of the Pure White Church, and complained reluctantly.

"So I was on an adventure instead of a trip!"

Xi Wei immediately retorted.

"Why don't you two take a step back."

At this time, Fleur, who has been acting as a peacemaker, persuaded: "As a great magician who can stir up chaos in the entire Holy See, Mr. Edric, you must have the ability to protect Lady Elilia in the wind. ?”

"Hmph..." Xi Wei acquiesced.

"If that's the case, then let Lady Elilia follow you when you think there is no problem. If something goes wrong, I will immediately cover you and retreat."

Fleur continued.

Xi Wei muttered something reluctantly, but it was immediately covered up by the wind.

Seeing that he didn't object, Elilia grinned happily, laughing like a little girl.

The figures of the three flying creatures crossed the terraced steps of the West Continent Cliff, and flew towards the wind mouth. The higher they went, the steeper the cliff became, and the impact of the storm became more intense.

The most obvious thing was that the feathers on the falcon under Xi Wei's seat, which had finally grown together, began to be blown to the ground by the strong wind again.

"Ga..." It looked reluctantly at the feathers that were thrown behind it in an instant, and its cry sounded full of sadness and fatigue.

Xi Wei patted it on the head, and said comfortingly.

"Actually, I've also been researching the formulation of medicine for hair recently."


"Theoretically, that thing Warcraft can also be used."


"After the successful development, I will give you a bottle first."


The blazing fire seemed to be ignited in the eyes of the Falcon Black Bean. It spread its wings and flapped its wings a few times full of fighting spirit. At the same time, it turned into an indistinct black shadow, and rushed towards the air outlet where ordinary raptors would tremble!

"Hey, Fleur..." Irelia stared blankly at the figure that had accelerated in vain, and asked the girl beside her who was riding the phantom Pegasus: "I just heard that it's not like a bird can make a sound." voice?"

"It's normal. If I remember correctly, the Falcon, as a subspecies of the Falcon, is said to have a certain degree of blood of the Dinosaur, and the Dinosaur is a distant relative of reptiles..."

Fleur is also the Holy Silver Sword Princess who spends time in the library (although she spends most of her time reading romance novels), and she speaks clearly about the origin of the falcon.

"Also, the potion Edric mentioned...could it be the one made in the blending workshop before?"

Elijah continued.

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be that one." Fleur nodded.

"But...that potion, after the person who tested it, didn't his hair grow back like kelp?"



At this moment, the two girls began to mourn in silence for the future fate of the big bird. (To be continued..)

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