The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter Four Narrow Victory

【Purple beech firewood】

[The common tree wood in the night forest is oily and can be used to make torches. 】

Xi Weifu, who had finished wiping his hands, tried to use the collection technique on the trees on the side of the road, only to find that they could really be collected.

It just took a few seconds to collect goblin corpses, but it took several minutes to collect trees, and the collected things did not seem to be very good.

"So how can a tree as big as Mao become firewood only 30 centimeters in size after being collected?" Xi Wei threw the short wooden stick in his hand to the ground, grumbling and complaining as he walked away. Step, continue to walk forward.

Along the way, Xi Wei encountered goblins several times, and some of them even held rusty short knives to hunt down strong goblins of level 2.

Fortunately, their magic resistance doesn't seem to be very good, and it's almost the same after five hits.

In fact, because the IQ of goblins is generally not high, many times they have obviously been hit three times, and they finally rushed to Xi Wei, but because the fourth hit made them seriously injured, they were afraid of death Controlled by nature, Xi Wei, who disregarded the fact that he could cut him down immediately, turned his head and ran away, and was finally knocked down by Xi Wei's back knife...

But it's a pity that nothing can be collected from these strong goblins with broken knives. The best thing Xi Wei has obtained so far is probably the thing called [Rusty Blade Fragment].

From the above explanation, as long as a certain amount is collected, weapons of good quality can be forged in the forging room.

As for where the forging room is... Who knows about that kind of thing...

Xi Wei sat on the stump and ate the last piece of portable food on his body.

This kind of food tastes a bit like osmanthus cake, but it has no taste at all. It is very practical. It can not only replenish physical strength quickly, but also speed up the recovery of magic power. If it weren't for the support of this, Xi Wei's pitiful magic power would have been used up halfway.

But since the last piece of supplies has been eaten, he must leave here and return to the camp before the magic power is exhausted again.

After sitting for a while, Xi Wei, who felt that he had almost recovered, stood up, moved a little, and then continued to walk forward along the animal path.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Xi Wei always felt that the further he walked, the darker the sky above his head became. At the same time, the jungle began to gradually darken.

After finishing off the two strong goblins, collecting a blade fragment and a pair of underwear (discarded), Xi Wei thought about leaving just like that.

But suddenly he seemed to see a faint fire shining not far away.

Is it a new camp, or the location of the boss?

Before, he found that the logout option on the tattoo on the back of his hand had become gray and unselectable. He thought he could only leave this instance when he was in the camp.

Stretching out his hand to pinch the bottle of emergency medicine and the return crystal in the bag, Xi Wei bravely walked towards the direction of the fire.

After getting closer, he realized that the source of the fire was a not too big bonfire, and something seemed to be roasting on it. But beside the bonfire, there are two strong goblins and a goblin that looks very old. The old goblin with a big bump on his nose is wearing a shabby robe that is several times bigger than his body. He was also holding a complete magic wand whose appearance was no different from a branch, and was sitting on something that looked like a bamboo basket, constantly waving the magic wand and making strange howling noises. And the two strong goblins sat obediently in front, as if they were listening to each other's teachings.

It looks very funny.

Xi Wei couldn't laugh at all.

Since he couldn't move while casting a spell, it was a bit difficult for him to face two strong goblins, not to mention there was a guy who was suspected of being a goblin caster.

As one of the key points of the goblin mutation, the goblin caster is the lowest presumed crusade level 3 monster. According to the experience and knowledge left over from Xi Wei's predecessor, the strongest goblin caster known so far is even There are 9 levels, just a little bit short of officially entering the level of dangerous monsters.

Just go one step further, and the goblin spellcaster could be infected by the elements, mutating into a variety of goblin subspecies. Many of them were clearly listed as dangerous monsters, and their subjugation level was above 10, which meant that they were absolutely unmatched by the current Xi Wei!

Fortunately, the opponent didn't seem to be that difficult to deal with. Judging from the experience left over from his predecessor, the opponent most likely became a spellcaster when he was old, and the type of crusade was only level 3.

But even so, if he is entangled by two strong goblins, the goblin spellcaster will pose a great threat to him.

While Xi Wei was in distress, he suddenly realized that there was something wrong with the two strong goblins sitting in front of the goblin caster with their backs to him.

So he quietly walked around behind the caster from the bushes, only to find that the two strong goblins had fallen asleep amidst the howls of the caster...

If he didn't know that this was the best chance to move, then Xi Wei would be a time traveler in vain.

So he decisively raised his hand and shot a magic missile at the back of the goblin caster's head, and hit it firmly with a sap.

The goblin caster's howl immediately turned into a scream, and the two strong goblins were awakened by this, and rushed towards Xi Wei with a knife in their faces.

But Xi Wei didn't care, and another magic missile hit the goblin spellcaster's face this time, and even smashed the magic that was still being chanted back into its stomach...

Seeing that the strong goblin was approaching, Xi Wei also became anxious.

Didn't it mean that goblin spellcasters are weak and easy to kill? Why did Mao catch two magic missiles with his head and still not die?

But even so, he still gritted his teeth and threw another magic missile. This time, the sound made after the magic missile hit the goblin spellcaster's head was not the same as the loud 'snap' before, but a 'bang' sound similar to when the watermelon was exploded.

But Xi Wei didn't have the time to confirm the result of his third magic missile. He rolled around like a lazy donkey. He barely dodged the fierce knives of two strong goblins by rolling and crawling, but left a scar on his arm. A knife wound half an inch deep.

At first, the wound was numb and felt nothing, but soon there were bursts of throbbing and tingling, which even made Xi Wei's mind go blank for a moment because of the pain.

This is not a good sign.

The pain caused not only inconvenient movement, but also distracted most of his attention from casting spells due to the pain. As a result, Xi Wei couldn't concentrate, and even couldn't use magic missiles!

Dodging the opponent's attack in embarrassment again, Xi Wei took out the emergency medicine from his temporary pocket. The finely made glass bottle contained green liquid medicine, which was probably enough for him to take a sip.

Not caring about anything else, Xi Wei swallowed the potion in one gulp. In an instant, his wound was throbbing hotly, and then he began to feel a sense of relief. The serious knife wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Xi Wei, who had regained his ability to move, first looked at the goblin caster, only to find that the green body of the opponent had fallen to the ground, and there was also a puddle of red and white sticky substances on the ground, which seemed to be dead up.

There are only two strong goblins left, although it is a bit troublesome to fight, but there is nothing to be afraid of. Just follow the previous method, keep a certain distance from them, and then use magic missiles to grind them to death.

It's a pity that one of them escaped after it was seriously injured, otherwise it would have been a complete victory.

What was collected from the strong goblin was still [Rusty Blade Fragment], but something different was collected from the goblin spellcaster. It was a ruby ​​about the size of a thumbnail, but for some reason There is no way to see its properties.

But these are not important, what is really important is the bamboo basket where the goblin caster sat just now. Because according to Xi Wei's guess, that thing should be a very common thing in general RPG games - a treasure chest.

{Floating Astronomy

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