The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 491: Exploring the Tuyekou Plateau Again

Until the old man Shaman finally left, Xi Wei couldn't figure out what the motto about the awakening of heaven and earth was referring to.

It’s not that the old man Shaman is playing tricks. According to him, the mottoes of the Mage Council just follow the rules and have been passed down from generation to generation. Members of the Mage Council will try to decipher the meaning of those mottos, but so far, only a few Parts that were considered insignificant or an afterthought were parsed out.

However, if there are too many lice, it doesn't itch, and if you have too many debts, you don't have to worry about it. Now Xi Wei has a lot of things to care about. Since he can't think of the mystery in this sentence for the time being, let's put it aside and care about other things... maybe Just like all kinds of detective novels and anime, can you get hints from other things and solve the secret of that sentence at once?

With this mentality in mind, Xi Wei stayed in the academy for another day. After dealing with most of the affairs, the miracle of double existence finally cooled down.

After re-calling another self, he only said hello to Feite, and then followed the traces left by the magic power explosion before, breaking through the space and returning to the Fengkou Plateau.

Then he was warmly welcomed by the Void Shadow Winding Dragon again.

"Sure enough, there is more than one end of this thing..."

After manipulating the void barrier to keep a certain distance between himself and the monster that appeared out of nowhere, Xi Wei began to observe the situation around him.

The gray sky was filled with a lot of dust, and the visibility was very low, and it was impossible to see things that were too far away. And the Phantom Winding Dragon would stop attacking after Xi Wei retreated a certain distance.

After trying to move forward in other directions, he found that the opponent would only attack when he was within a radius of 500 meters with the Phantom Winding Dragon as the center of the circle. This also made Xi Wei confirm his guess - if not If the concept of territory is too abnormal, this monster is indeed guarding something behind him.

Then Xi Wei tried to bypass the other party and tried to touch the thing the other party was guarding from the side, only to find that there was also a phantom winding dragon guarding it that seemed to be printed from the same mold, shining with faint light.

After careful investigation. Xi Wei finally understood the other party's current state.

To make an analogy, the other party is like a flower now, the stamens are what they guard, and the petals are the phantom dragons that guard that one. The areas guarded by different phantom winding dragons overlap each other, and finally form a A protective circle without dead ends.

Another point that made Xi Wei more concerned was that it was different from the previous journey. The nearby space is filled with vortices composed of chaotic elements. Xi Wei, who has a void shield, is fine. If other magicians enter by mistake, the rioting magic elements will directly pour into their bodies, and when there is an invasion of alien magic At the same time as the symptoms of erosion, their spiritual power will also resonate with those elements at the same time. Stimulate the magic power in their bodies, and finally turn them into human-shaped fireworks... Unless there is a miracle or magic item that can save themselves, it can almost be a death sentence...

However, this kind of danger has strengthened Xi Wei's desire to find out. In a sense, this is also due to the kind of "the more difficult the more difficult, the more rewarding" that the Dungeon of the Gate of Trials has always instilled in him. Big' concept...

Perhaps for other magicians, this kind of place is like purgatory, but for Xi Wei. With full preparations and no soy sauce bottles holding him back, this level of difficulty is still within his tolerable range!

"If close combat will cause the Phantom Winding Dragon to self-destruct, then knock it out from a distance in one go!"

If the petals are getting in the way, just pull the petals off.

After finding a position with barely passable vision and suitable for casting spells, Xi Wei opened up his skill bar, because of the unique composition of the tuyere plateau. Almost all elemental magic cannot be used here, and even arcane magic will be affected by the violent elemental vortex around it. In this case, the only thing that can be relied on is the void magic.

Of course, it might be a good choice to find a giant dragon as a meat shield through spells such as the high-level dragon alliance, and if the dragon is killed, there is no need to pay the price...

However, considering that his Dragon Clan prestige is only a little bit higher in indifference. It would be troublesome if it fell into hatred, so in the end Xi Wei gave up this tempting idea. After calibrating the orbit, he directly smeared a large group of void energy wrapped in the shape of rice dumplings into the phantom On the face of the winding dragon...

So the Phantom Winding Dragon, which was chosen by Xi Wei as the target, was swallowed up by the void energy before it even had time to scream. Completely erased from the main material plane.

Xi Wei immediately seized the opportunity and rushed to the gap left by the other party's death—God knows when a replacement for this thing will appear, so hurry up if you can.

It's a pity that Xi Wei still thought this task was too simple. Not long after rushing in, he ran into monsters that seemed to be the second wave of defense.

It was a large group of weird creatures that looked like jellyfish, floating leisurely in the strong wind. Because of the previous failure, the 'wisdom and speculative wizard hat' is still being repaired, so now I can't even see the other party's name...

Similar to the Phantom Winding Dragon, those jellyfish are also composed of countless faint blue light dust. This alone is worthy of Xi Wei's attention, not to mention the unusual number of the other party makes him a little scalped Numb.

If it was in other places, it would be a big deal to use the true nature of the magician's self-propelled fort, and do another magic wash that is enough to bury an army. But elemental magic cannot be used here, and gap magic cannot be used unlimitedly. In a place like the Tuyekou Plateau, if there is no way to maintain the void energy shield due to excessive casting, it will be miserable.

"I thought I wouldn't need to use this trick after becoming a great magician..."

Sighing, Xi Wei grabbed a large handful of complete elemental crystals from his storage box, closed his eyes, and began to communicate with the existence in the void.

A few seconds later, he opened his eyes again, and the elemental crystals in his hands had disappeared. At the same time, the entire space began to vibrate visibly like ripples.

Immediately afterwards, glass-like cracks appeared in the space, and those jellyfish-like creatures seemed to sense something, and began to flee in panic. Even the other Void Dragons in the distance couldn't bear this heavy oppressive feeling, and they screamed. A terrified growl.

Of course, the current Xi Wei couldn't hear those voices at all. He stared straight at the jellyfish creatures in front of him, and the corner of his mouth showed a confident arc.

"Now, let me see, what exactly are you guarding like this!——The Void Emperor's verdict!"

The space shattered suddenly, and the giant hands formed by the void energy suddenly closed, annihilating all the creatures in front of Xi Wei, revealing the muddy color behind them, which is obviously abnormal for a place like the Fengkou Plateau. Wall... (to be continued.)

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