The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 528: Girl's Conversation

"Hey, uncle... Isn't the principal here?" Shalan made a surprised voice.

This is the corridor on the third floor of Edric College. On the way to the dean's room, the little vampire Shalan ran into Sophia who had just returned from the dean's room.

"Please keep your voice down." Sophia first sighed, and then said: "I just found out from Miss Fit... He seems to have gone to the Principality of Ecrakit. He said he was going to confirm the safety of Tio and the others , investigate some things by the way."

"That's right..." The little vampire puffed up his cheeks and muttered softly, "Recently, he seems to be very busy."

"After all, he carried the whole Edric alone, so of course he won't have too much free time. And this is the result after rejecting more than 90% of the entertainment." Thinking of the piles on my desk from all over the Eastern Plains The letter paper, Sophia felt a dull pain in the head.

She rubbed her forehead before continuing: "It would be great if there are other people who can share some of the pressure for him in terms of reputation."

That's right, although Edric now enjoys a certain degree of prestige in the entire magic world, in fact all of this prestige is supported by Xi Wei's title of 'Great Magician' and has nothing to do with Edric himself. Even purely from the perspective of the academy, I am afraid that the recognition of Edric College in the magic world is not as high as the recognition of Edric by ordinary people. At least Edric's students are kind to others for internships and tasks. The impression of being helpful and helpful has been rooted in the minds of nearby residents.

This can be clearly seen from Xi Wei's regional reputation that is so high that it is about to explode on the reputation panel...

But in this world, public opinion doesn't matter—at least not yet. Edric's current state is like a castle with only one load-bearing beam. No matter how strong and solid that load-bearing beam is, it always feels dangerous. And if the load-bearing beam breaks, the only thing waiting for the castle is to collapse.

"What do you mean by that?" Sharon asked curiously.

Although the little girl is not smart, she has a keen intuition and can quickly detect that there is another meaning in Sophia's words.

"Shalan, do you want to help Xi Wei?"

Sophia didn't answer the vampire girl directly, but asked rhetorically.

"Of course, I'm here to help him." The little vampire nodded without hesitation.

But immediately she said a little discouraged: "But I am different from you, I am not smart. I can't teach students. Most of my strength is also innate, so I can't use it as a reference for experience... I always feel that I am useless here. look."

"Maybe you don't have outstanding abilities in places like teaching, but there is one thing that I think only you can do."

Sophia looked into the bright red eyes of the vampire girl and spoke seriously.

The vampire girl who intuitively realized that the other party was saying serious things also responded seriously: "What kind of thing? If I can do it, please tell me."

"I hope you can become stronger."

Sophia's words made Sharon a little puzzled.


She blinked her eyes in confusion, and reconfirmed: "Become stronger?"

"Yes. Become stronger." Sophia also replied again.

"But. What does this have to do with helping the uncle... the dean?" The little vampire waved his hands and asked inexplicably: "He is a great magician? The kind of strong man who can change the terrain of the mainland as long as he wants to." .If there is something that even he can't solve, I don't think it's useless no matter how I become stronger..."

"I didn't mean to tell you to fight."

Sophia seemed to be organizing the next words, she paused for a while before she said: "If possible, I want you to become the mainstay of Edric College. Although the title of Great Sorcerer of Xi Wei can scare many people away , but for an academy, it is not a good thing to stand out. If there are other deterrents, that would be great."

Although many of the professors in Edric Academy from Huo Lian National Academy of Magic have the level of intermediate or even high-level magicians, they are outsiders after all, and cannot be regarded as the academy's own talent pool.

And Sophia has no possibility of promotion due to her talent. Tio and the others have a bright future ahead. But let's leave it alone because it's too far away, Franken is dead. The possibility of rising strength also disappeared with the passage of its life.

In addition, other people have one or another reason and are not qualified for the title of the second strongest in the academy.

After thinking about it, the only person who is suitable for this position is probably Sharon.

As a pure-blooded vampire princess of the dark night nobles, at this stage, she already has the strength equivalent to that of a high-level magician. After proper training, even a senior high-level magician may not be her opponent. At that time, If you can step further into the realm of miracles, then there is nothing to say.

Unlike humans, who can only grow stronger step by step, vampires seem to have a much simpler method of becoming stronger, and the more pure-blooded a vampire is, the easier it is to become stronger—of course, this simplicity is only relatively speaking .

"But to be honest, I don't think those people in my family will agree to hand over the method of becoming stronger to me. After all, in the eyes of many of them, helping uncle is simply serving human beings and betraying our compatriots..."

Sharon looked at Sophia hesitantly.

"Of course I know the virtues of the night nobles... Cough, relax, I'm not talking about you." Sophia said with a wry smile: "Actually, I asked Franken to do a little favor some time ago. He Now it seems to be on the line with the golden rose."

The Golden Rose is a semi-reclusive branch among the vampires who are close to humans. In terms of power, it is far inferior to the nobles of the night, but it is already one of the best among the vampire forces that are close to humans.

"You can go to Franken to get a contact information, and how to let them teach you how to become stronger is up to you." Sophia said slowly, and then her serious face revealed A warm smile that seems to be able to melt the winter snow: "Of course you have to remember that no matter what decision you make, we will stand behind you and support you."

"I see."

After thinking about it for a while, the little vampire raised his head with a resolute expression on his face: "If this can help uncle, I will go!"

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