The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 582: The Demon of Erosion Country, Ritual of Gu (3)

"Hughes? Hughes, where did you go, you idiot!"

There is a small mustache under the nose, and Mr. James, who has gotten a little fat recently, is very angry.

As the owner of the Ax Tavern, he had to deal with a lot of people every day, which made Mr. James accumulate a lot of pressure.

And Mr. James, who is relatively cowardly by nature, will naturally not get angry at his guests, and at the same time, he dare not get angry at his wife who is more like a ball than himself. In the end, all the pressure he accumulated can only be vented to the new kid. on the bartender.

Because he always felt that the guy who looked like a mouse-eyed guy was sent to make trouble by the aromatherapy tavern opposite, and he often made some low-level mistakes when the tavern was the busiest. The pantry—they might be running out of room for their ale and prosciutto by now if the tavern hadn't needed a lot of firewood.

"Damn it, I just told you to go to the wine cellar to move barrels of wine. If you don't get out for me, you won't be able to use it from tomorrow!"

If it weren't for the fact that short-term workers are not so easy to find recently, he would have fired that little bastard a long time ago.

Mr. James cursed and walked towards his wine cellar, which often grew a lot of moss and mushrooms because of his greed for cheap, and opened the cellar door.

Then he saw an arm on the ground.

The sleeves on the arms, made of poor quality fabric, were very familiar to Mr. James - they were exactly the same as the uniform of the bartender in his tavern.

And that one is pale in color, and its hand, which is slightly smaller than that of an adult, is full of calluses caused by rough work.

Apparently, it was the arm of a little guy named Hughes, the only employee in his tavern.

It's just that the part above the elbow has all disappeared, and the white bones and bright red tendons are clearly visible. The red liquid oozes from the arm as if it was bitten off by something, forming a small pond on the ground.

As for Hughes himself, it is estimated that the situation is already in danger.

"Oh, Brilliant Star... What the hell is going on..."

The fat on Mr. James's face trembled at a very high frequency: "Has any monster sneaked into my wine cellar? I have to hire a magic swordsman quickly... no. Or it would be better to go to the Church of Pure White."

He took the broom by the door as an impromptu weapon and stepped back, sweating profusely, when something protruded from the shadowy part of the cellar.

Mr. James gasped. He could have sworn he had never seen anything so hideous in his nearly fifty years of life.

It looks like a huge tentacles covered with lumps of brown flesh that are tangled together. The top of the tentacles is like a petal-like four-petal organ that can be opened and closed, and the inside is full of sharp and serrated teeth. and creepy. A strange organ that looks like an eye.

Even if he didn't see where his bartender was, just looking at the sharp teeth of the monster and the pipes that expanded beyond Mr. James' waistline, Mr. James could already guess where he went...

If Mr. James still had one percent courage and instinctive curiosity before, now he only has panic and fear.

He turned around abruptly, and under the pressure of fear, he made a speedy run that was impossible for an ordinary fat man.

Just run to the store! There are many mercenaries in the store today! No matter how powerful the monster is, it is no match for mercenaries!

With such an idea. Mr. James's two short legs almost swung in a circle, and he fled back to the lobby of his own tavern at an extremely fast speed.

However, what greeted him in the lobby of the tavern was not the enthusiastic and brave mercenaries in the past, but a messy room and a pile of corpses.

There are many ways to die for a corpse, but there are only two main ones. The first type is that the skull is cut off by a sharp blade-like weapon, or it is directly split in half, and the colorful things in the stomach flow all over the place.

The second type is that half of the body was bitten off by something, which looks the same as Hughes' wrist found in the wine cellar.

"Oh, brilliant star, oh, brilliant star..." Apart from murmuring the name of the object of his faith, Mr. James couldn't say anything.

He walked out of the tavern tremblingly, and found that the street was more chaotic than the tavern.

There are monsters of different shapes everywhere, they seem to be drilled out of those dark holes in the ground, the smallest of these monsters is only as big as a person, and the tallest can be as tall as a shop signboard, and the only purpose of these monsters is to It is to kill or eat all human beings.

People screamed and fled in all directions. But this doesn't have much effect. Often, just after escaping from the hunting range of one monster under the sacrifice of several people, they fall into the spider web trap set by another monster...

Even the Aromagrass tavern owned by Mr. James's old nemesis is now in flames, and will soon be reduced to ashes.

"This must be a nightmare..." Mr. James stared blankly at a little girl who fell to the ground not far away and was torn apart and eaten by several centipede-like monsters piled up with lumps of flesh. He beat her in vain. a shudder. Come to yourself.

In any case, I don't want to become the rations of those monsters.

Looking at the monster who seemed to notice him in the distance, cold sweat dripped down Mr. James' head with some oil.

He twisted his hips and ran towards the city center with difficulty.

It is where the lord lives. The lord has recruited private troops. Although most of them are not there now, there are still basic defenses. In addition to the city defense team and the Qiyao Mage Tower, it should be the safest place in the entire city. .

Just as he was thinking this way, the lord's castle suddenly rose from the ground.

It's not that the castle has any special functions, but a giant monster crawled out from under the lord's castle. Its head seemed to be stuck in the castle, and its 100-meter-high body directly carried the castle.

The giant monster looks a bit like a human being, covered in black horny armor, but its body is very slender, and its hands are even more like gibbons, which can hang down to the knees. At the moment, with his head stuck in the castle, it looks as ridiculous as wearing a super huge hat.

But Mr. James couldn't laugh at all.

Under his horrified gaze, the giant monster directly opened the lord's castle, and poured the people inside into his mouth—even if they didn't pour into his mouth, when they touched the body of the giant monster, they seemed to melt It turned into a puddle of red viscous liquid... Even the lord, who was usually aloof on weekdays, announced that he would raise the commercial tax yesterday in high spirits under the cursed eyes of the businessmen.

This made Mr. James look desperate.

"Damn it... is this world going to end!"

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