The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 617 Battle in the Forest, Shadow of Chaos (1)

Clarkson took a bite of the **** jerky.

This is really not a delicacy, but when it is not yet summer and the crops in the fields have not been harvested, jerky can already be regarded as a relatively luxurious food.

If he hadn't happened to be going to the woods with his father today, he would probably be able to drink the porridge cooked by Morrow root at home now.

Clayson didn't like the porridge cooked by Morrow root at all, it had an earthy smell, and he could often eat worms hiding in the roots.

Trying to bite off a small piece from the jerky, chewing hard like a rubber band, he put the rest back into the leather pocket on his waist.

This is not the first time he has come to the forest. Unlike his father hunting wild game, he was only responsible for collecting some fresh wild vegetables and fruits.

Before the crops were harvested, the residents in the small villages would hardly have any stock left after paying the fixed tax to the lord, and they could only live on the gifts of nature for a long time.

So did the Claysons, of course. But better than other people in the village, Clayson's father is the best hunter in the village, and every time he goes to the forest, he will have a good harvest, which also means that the family can eat fresh meat.

Thinking of the delicious stew, Clarkson swallowed involuntarily.

According to the grandfather of the village chief, his father once hunted and killed a level 5 Miriam brown bear by himself. Even the soldiers in the city admired his father's bravery!

The biggest goal in Clarkson's little head is to become as powerful as his father.

His father was now deep in the woods, where there were many fierce creatures. At least for now, Clarkson didn't dare to follow his father into it, so he could only gather some wild vegetables outside.

Just as he was putting a bunch of poor but filling pagoda leaves into the basket, there was a rustling sound from the bushes not far away.

Our little hunter became vigilant all of a sudden, put down the basket lightly, pulled out the nearly one-meter-long dogleg knife at his waist, and faced the rustling bush nervously.

Although monsters in the depths of the jungle generally do not come to the edge of the jungle, there are exceptions to everything. Every year, nearby villages have rumors of being attacked by monsters at the edge of the jungle.

Not to mention monsters, even a half-grown wild boar now, Clayson might not be able to handle it.

But to his surprise. What emerges from the bushes is not a monster or a beast. It was a girl who looked rather embarrassed.

Before Clarkson could figure out how to speak, the limp hood on the opponent's head was hung down by the bushes, revealing the long brown hair inside and the pair of triangle ears that looked great to the touch .


Clarkson was startled, and blurted out a scream.

I don't know if my nerves have collapsed to the limit. Still the physical condition is not optimistic. When Clarkson screamed. The other party shook and fell to the ground.

Not long after the orc invasion, an orc girl suddenly appeared. No matter how you think about it, it doesn't seem to be a good thing.

But even so, can he leave her in the dangerous jungle?

Obviously not.

Like most farmers, young people have inherited the beautiful qualities of these people who are blessed by the land and weather and fed by nature.

After weighing the importance of the other party and the back basket, the boy finally had no choice but to carry the girl on his back with a bitter face, while dragging the back basket in his hand, and staggered towards the outside of the forest step by step.

He didn't do much research on herbal medicine, and now he can't even stop bleeding. The last time he took the wrong medicine and almost turned the hemostatic medicine into a septic medicine, he still vividly remembered the complicated herbal science.

But his elder sister is the witch doctor in the village, and her research on herbal medicine was inherited from the old village chief.

——Outside the Goblin Cave. The Light of Hope——

"We've been discovered."

Donald said worriedly: "Those goblins have already started to build new fortifications—no, I think they seem to want to seal the hole..."

"I've seen it a long time ago." Vincent sighed: "But before we act, we have to wait for the support to arrive."

To be honest, according to his opinion, he should directly attack the opponent's territory before he can seal the hole, and enter the opponent's territory all the way.

It's just that the order from above is to let them wait until the backup arrives before they can start attacking.

If you think about it carefully, this order is actually correct.

There were not many people coming from the Light of Hope, and it was impossible to divide them into several groups. If the goblins suddenly collapsed the tunnel and blocked the entrance after they all smashed in, it would be really troublesome.

Of course, he didn't know that this tunnel stretched nearly a thousand meters and was surrounded by twists and turns. Even if the number of people doubled, it would be a hard fight.

And at the other end of the tunnel, there is also a goblin king Kabala who accidentally suffered a loss from the great magician.

"But if you continue to grind here, it's just a waste of time!" Donald shouted unwillingly.

Not far away, Jon also nodded in agreement with his words.

"Sorry, this is an order, and I am responsible for your safety."

Vincent was unmoved.

At this moment, Silwen, who had been monitoring the movement of the earth element, opened her eyes suddenly: "Professor Vincent, a large number of goblins have started to come out of the cave!"


Vincent was startled, and hurriedly ran out of the bridge a few steps, and sure enough, he saw a lot of short and ugly goblins starting to emerge from a few inconspicuous tree holes not far away.

"Since they ran out by themselves, there is no need for you to stop us, right?"

Donald pulled out the magic sword that was a gift from Xi Wei, looking at the tide of goblins in the distance, eager to try.

On the other hand, Jon's face was a little pale, with his hand on the long knife on his back, and his expression was uneasy. Obviously, he was different from Donald, who had personally been on the battlefield and experienced the orc war. scared.

"Don't take the initiative to attack, stand by and wait for help... Wait, what is that sound?"

Vincent just yelled a few words, and immediately stopped, looking around in surprise.

Not only him, but also many students noticed the slight tremors on the ground.

"Something is about to come out of the goblin cave...the number is not small, and they have a completely different weight from the goblin..." Sylvan's words came over immediately.

And Vincent didn't continue to struggle, because he quickly saw the body of that 'something'.

"...Oh my god, it's a goblin bear!"

ps: Originally this chapter should have been posted yesterday, but yesterday I suddenly fell asleep after coding...

I don’t know if it’s because my instant sleep skills are getting better, or if I can’t stay up late anymore…

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