The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 621 Battle in the Forest, Shadow of Chaos (5)

"It's a night knight!...Although it's a bit strange..."

Tanis immediately recognized the enemy's body, but there was doubt in his tone.

That kind of giant bat is called the Sheath-tailed Falcon, and it usually lives in extremely deep caves or underground cavities. Their eyes have long since degenerated, but unlike their relatives on the earth, this kind of bat has not mastered the ability of echolocation. The technique full of scientific and technological content, on the contrary, gave birth to a similar magic-like ability, surveying fluctuations.

An imperceptible wave of magic power is emitted from the top of their heads all the time. When this wave touches objects or magic power, it will feedback different signals, indicating the situation ahead for the sheath-tailed hawk bat.

In addition, the sheath-tailed falcon bat has a very sensitive perception of magic power. Even if a magician a thousand meters away uses a ring of magic, it can easily sense it and use it to determine the opponent's position.

The so-called night knights refer to a unit that uses this large bat as a mount. With the magic-like ability of the sheath-tailed falcon bat, they can maintain good combat effectiveness even at night when they can't see their fingers, hence the name.

What puzzled Tanis was that night knights were generally night elves or cavemen, or lizardmen at worst... When will cowardly goblins be able to control such ferocious bats?

"Now is not the time to be emotional!"

Seeing the stone weapon crackling on the protective barrier of the magic ship, Kamiyu raised his wand, activated the chanting immunity solidified on it without even looking at it, and completed the spellcasting in the blink of an eye.

A fireball the size of a washbasin appeared out of thin air, rose in the wind, and finally turned into a golden ball of light, flying straight overboard.

Not long. The golden fireball exploded and turned into a wide river of fire, falling from the mid-air, like a waterfall of flowing fire, and countless night knights were killed and injured. Even the students on board felt the heat. There is an illusion that even the hair is about to be scorched.

This shot revealed the difference in the strength of the squad leader. The enemies that were dealt with just now are probably as good as the sum of the other students' hasty counterattacks before.

It was also because of this move that the helmsmen of the magic ship bought time to breathe, and the situation gradually stabilized from the chaos of being attacked.

"What is this magic? I have never seen you use it!"

Dorothy waved her hand to create a circle of frost force field in front of her, and at the same time, she did not forget to turn her head and ask Kamiyu.

Even she was taken aback by what happened just now.

"Golden Sun Fragment, ancient fire elemental magic. There is no ring number assessment yet."

Kamiyu was drained of a lot of magic power because of the attack just now, and felt a little dizzy at this moment. He tried his best to stand on the deck that was slightly shaken by the enemy's attack, and took the time to reply: "The reward for the weekly mission, Haven't you guys done it?"

"What? That weekly task whose investment and reward are disproportionate?" Tanis, who was running around on the foredeck busy saving the scene, interrupted breathlessly: "Anyone actually finished it?!"

A long time ago... well, not too long ago... Xi Wei once obtained an item called the Box of Cradric. This thing is linked with the mission system of the academy. To put it simply, you can get a book after completing a long and smelly task...

However, this harvest is Xi Wei's own. For students, the reward of the task itself is not worth it compared to the difficulty, so almost no one has completed it.

However, it is clear that Kamiyu's spirit of inquiry is far greater than that of other students. He once took time out to complete a weekly task while making (dao) money (dan) with alchemy inventions.

And the reward that Xi Wei received that time was the inheritance scroll of the ancient fire elemental magic'Golden Sun Fragment'.

The problem was that at that time, Xi Wei had already learned the Gate of Realm Fire, and this magic was no different to him.

So he simply gave this to Kamiyu as an extra reward for the task.

as ancient magic. The Jinyang Fragment has not been rated by the Mage Association for ring numbers. Originally, according to the ring rating standards, the most elementary magicians like Kamiyu who can use it are the second ring.

But the Golden Sun Fragment not only has a large number of chant words, but also contains a lot of ancient language and dragon language. The mystery of the entire spell has already surpassed the magic of the fourth ring, and its power is even more ancient than the present. Dominance.

After realizing this, Kamiyu spent all the credits he had accumulated for a long time, and exchanged them for an excellent magic wand 'Songstalker'.

The wand is otherwise mediocre. Even the whiteboard equipment is not comparable, but it has the two god-like attributes of 'high-level magic chant immunity' and 'low-level magic chant immunity', which directly push it to the throne of excellent magic wand...By the way It should be mentioned that among all of Edric's excellent wands, the exchange price of this one has never dropped out of the top five.

After pairing with the hymn chaser. The protracted chant of the Golden Sun Fragment is no longer its shortcoming. Now, even a senior middle-level magician may suffer a big loss if he is not careful when fighting Kamiyu.

"No, those guys are coming around again!"

Riddle took a breath. His magic had already killed many night knights, but the number of them had not decreased, but seemed to be more.

"Kimiyu, can I use the trick just now?"

Now the three magic ships have been completely surrounded by night knights. From a distance, they look like three huge black cocoons, which makes people feel palpitating.

"It's not that simple!"

Kamiyu drank the magic potion in his hand in one gulp, and threw the bottle aside.

Not only him, but the students around are doing similar actions. The number of enemies is far greater than they imagined, and the bitter fruit of throwing magic at first is quickly revealed.

Fortunately, although magic power potions are a bit rarer than life potions, Edric does not lack such things. As long as he does the mission well, or goes to the endless sky tower for trials, he can always get some.

This was already the third bottle of magic potion that Kamiyu had drunk. Although there is no such thing as a three-point poison in this world, the medicine here is indeed not like in the game, where you can add as much as you drink. In fact, the more you drink the magic potion, the weaker the effect will be. It is said that it is related to the drug resistance of the human body, but no one is interested in studying this except Franken.

And Franken is the only guy in Edric who is useless after drinking the potion—because it will leak out from below...

"Tsk, the rebound symptoms of the magic potion have already appeared. I can probably use the magic just now..." If he really used it once, he would almost have to kneel.

Kamiyu gritted his teeth, showing a desperate expression: "I will burn a gap in the front later, and let the helmsman rush out of the encirclement!"

At this moment, everyone on board had a wonderful feeling.

The world seemed to suddenly become a silhouette, and those hideous night knights around were like a shadow puppet show, but there was no threat at all with their fangs and claws. All the sounds seemed to be isolated outside the ship, while the sounds inside the ship seemed to be slowed down dozens of times, which sounded ridiculous.

The surrounding space was suddenly stretched, and then returned to normal again.

Immediately afterwards, sound, color, temperature, and smell returned to them again.

Everyone showed doubts, and then they discovered that the three magic ships had escaped from the 'cocoon' surrounded by the three night knights at some point.

Until now, those night knights in the distance also realized that their target had disappeared in full view and appeared several kilometers away. Suddenly, like a bee that exploded its nest, it burst out from three huge 'cocoons'. They swarmed and scattered, and rushed towards Edric's students again!

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!"

A not-so-loud voice spread to everyone in Edric.

Their gazes were all attracted by the direction from which the sound came—there was the mainmast of the Destroyer of Sky, the top of the observation deck.

In an instant, the three magic ships were transported out of the heavy encirclement. Xi Wei's robe flew, and pointed at the countless oncoming enemies with a wand in his hand: "I will be with you, let those ignorant existences see Adrian Grace's majesty!"

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