The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 642 Summer Vacation Notes (Catching Homework)

Just when An Ke started sneaking into those cultist strongholds, above the forest, a magic ship that hid his figure was slowly stopping.

"Is it really okay to do that?"

On the bridge of the magic ship, Feite looked at the image sent back from the eyes of the mage, and asked Xi Wei with some doubts.

This magic ship is not one of Edric's three strongest magic destroyers, but just an ordinary mass-produced magic ship.

After all, those three magical destroyers have become the same thing as Edric's symbol. If they are called casually, they will definitely be discovered by the spies of other forces staying in Morag.

Xi Wei didn't want the information about his going out to be leaked out so easily.

"I have already issued an emergency order to several nearby students, and they will come over soon to act with this child named An Ke. Besides, we don't have to worry about their safety."

Xi Wei didn't hesitate at all.

"If that's the case, why don't we just do it ourselves?" Feite was still very surprised by Xi Wei's decision.

"Because I remembered what Fleur said to me when I returned to the sanctuary, making me feel like a legend." Xi Wei smiled wryly, "If I really did it myself, it would be devastating to deal with those believers on the periphery." Vulnerable, but it will also sound the alarm for the enemies inside, and maybe we will have to make a trip in vain..."

"You mean, those black shofar believers are likely to recognize you, and instead of directly confronting you, they choose to destroy materials and other clues?" Feite nodded with understanding. Immediately she asked again: "Then why is it difficult to tolerate it before doing it? I remember you have a magic device called the Flesh Mask."

"The problem is that I'm too strong. After annihilating the enemies on the outside, the people inside will feel that something is wrong no matter what. When encountering an enemy that cannot resist, I don't think anyone will be so stupid as to die?"

Xi Wei sighed: "If you pretend to be weak, it's a bit difficult to be honest, and it's easy to get out of your way..."

In the words of comparing the two, it is "I have forgotten the feeling of being weak".

"Instead of doing that, it's better to let the students make a breakthrough in the name of experience. We can choose to help them and catch them by surprise, or we can use this time to bypass the conflict site and directly sneak into the interior to get clues."

Xi Wei clasped his hands. Leaning on his chin, he had an expression of 'everything is in plan'.

"...I think you are becoming more and more like the villain in a knight novel."

Feite was silent for a moment, then spoke suddenly.

"Ahem, it's just a joke...but then again. So you watch that kind of stuff too."

"Occasionally. But it's too troublesome to turn the pages. So most of the time I read them while other people read them. I quietly hid behind them and read them together...For example, Fleur, Fleur, Fleur, etc..."

Well, it seems that Ms. Shengyin Jianji's little hobby was completely exposed again without her knowledge.

Leaving aside the one person and one ghost who were peeping below at an altitude of several thousand meters, An Ke had already entered the range of the altar at this moment.

The original size of the altar was astonishing. It's just that those cultists seem to have only repaired the central part so far, while the periphery still maintains the appearance of ruins.

Through Edric's student ID card, An Ke has already connected with several other students who came to support.

It's a pity that the supporters are not her friends or acquaintances, at best they can only be regarded as acquaintances. That being the case, she naturally has no right to put them in danger in order to save the villagers.

So after asking them to attract the attention of the cultists as much as possible, she planned to go to the enemy's base camp alone to save the villagers.

On the contrary, Xi Wei was delighted to see those figures slowly approaching the center of the altar... They just happened to be the four squad leaders who were traveling around the eastern plain after solving a series of troubles.

It is said that they knew from nowhere that Xi Wei (predecessor) had also traveled to most of the eastern plains, so they decided to follow in the footsteps of Xi Wei (predecessor) and revisit the past of the dean they admired. The place.

It's a pity that the first stop of this trip was arrested because it was the closest to the scene of the incident, which also made their trip full of troubled future.

"Although An Ke said that we want us to attract the attention of those cultists, what should we do?" Tanis scratched his ears in some annoyance.

To be honest he didn't want anything to do with the cultists.

In the entire Eastern Plains, there is probably no more annoying opponent than the fanatics among the cultists. If you can't guarantee to kill the opponent at once, I am afraid that you will live in the shadow of the opponent for the rest of your life...

Although Tanis himself was not afraid of the revenge of the cultists, he was also the only one of the four little guys who was born in a declining nobleman. Naturally, he had to think about his family to a certain extent.

"I'll just come forward to lure the enemy, and then you come to my aid and drag as many enemies as possible into the woods."

Dorothy took the lead and said sternly: "An Ke is a student in our class. As the monitor, this is my bounden duty."

"Stop making trouble. What we need to do is to attract the attention of the enemy. Your water element magic is not very good in terms of escape or defense. It is difficult to complete this task. Let me go."

Riddle immediately interrupted Dorothy's words, and introduced himself: "I am good at wind elemental magic, at least I can guarantee that those guys can't catch me. Besides, I have troubled you because of my father before, and now I will take it as an apology. "

"Fuck you, it's not so cheap to make an apology!"

Kamiyu tapped Riddle's shoulder lightly: "You also said that all we have to do is to attract the other party's attention, but no one has ever said that we should be the bait ourselves."

"Kamiyu, what can you do?" Tanis' eyes lit up.

Perhaps Kamiyu's grades among the four are not the best (in fact, Kamiyu is at the bottom of the four in the theoretical examination almost every time), but he is definitely the smartest.

This point can be seen from his alchemy products that emerge endlessly and have different effects, which makes many professors dumbfounded.

In Sophia's words, "If this guy can spend all his energy on alchemy on learning and practicing magic, he might be able to try to attack mid-level magicians."

"Of course, who do you think I am~"

Kamiyu raised his head proudly, and then a key that looked like it was carved from black stone appeared in his hand.

"This is... the control object of the gargoyle?" Dorothy immediately recognized the truth of the key: "Where did you get it?"

"Nonsense, of course I did it myself." Kamiyu continued proudly.

"But... the method of making gargoyles has been lost?" Dorothy still couldn't believe it.

"The academy library has "Lost Alchemy - You Can Become a Great Alchemist"...Although the refining method bypasses the law of the soul, the finished product is not a real alchemical life, but it is enough to deal with this situation gone."

Kamiyu waved the key in his hand, and a gargoyle the size of a private car fell from the sky, lying docilely at Kamiyu's feet: "How is it, isn't it cool?"

The other three little guys looked at each other, and then said in unison: "This gargoyle looks so ugly."

"...I'm really sorry for my poor stone carving skills."

The appearance of the gargoyle is generally completed through sculpture, and the internal structure will be processed at the end, so most of the gargoyles can be restored to sculpture when they do not need to be activated. There are also magicians who take advantage of this feature and hide gargoyles in a pile of sculptures. When there are thieves, they will surprise them with a sneak attack, mainly to protect their property and treasures.

Kamiyu has not received professional stone carving training, and stone carvings of gargoyles are hardly seen on the market, so the carved things are inevitably somewhat abstract...

The corner of his mouth twitched: "Forget it, it doesn't matter if it's ugly or not, as long as it works."

After finishing speaking, Kamiyu waved the key in his hand again, and at the same time spat out a word, the gargoyle seemed to have received an order, spread its wings, took off at once, and glided quickly towards the center of the altar. (To be continued..)

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