The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 656: The Destruction of Endymion (9)

Xi Wei hadn't used the magic of Brilliant Crack for a long time.

Since becoming a great magician, he has been constantly optimizing his magic system. Originally, his original proud magic brilliance cracked, and it seemed to be full of various weaknesses after it became stronger.

But I have to say that Brilliant Breach should be one of Xi Wei's few spells whose casting conditions are much weaker than his own.

The light spot immediately expanded under the supply of Xi Wei's magic power, and finally turned into a broom-shaped torrent of flames. Many places, including the targets in the room, were under the test of flames.

To his surprise, when the magic was cast, the room still stood tall, and the expected big explosion didn't even happen! But the huge monster that was the target had long since been burned by the radiant fire, so that it could no longer see its true colors.

Only the fragments of the Gate of Truth, which were also covered in flames, floated quietly as if nothing had happened at this moment.

Taking a deep breath, Xi Wei felt that his mouth was a little salty, and it seemed that his injury had worsened.

Only then did he enter the room, and after the reverse refining, he broke off the last piece of the door of truth.

At this moment, the "Collect 3 Pieces of the Gate of Truth (3/3)" in his task panel was ticked and disappeared, replaced by a new task content.

With the three Portal of Truth fragments in hand, head to the core room of Endymion's Symbolic Tower as quickly as possible.

Not only did the word "as soon as possible" be used in the mission description, but there was even a countdown device behind the mission itself, and there was only half an hour left on it.

"En. It's quite a formal development..."

Although it wasn't expected, Xi Wei had guessed this possibility.

He quickly ran to the deck, spread out his magic carpet, and flew towards Endymion.

"It takes more than ten minutes to fly from here to Endymion, and then it takes at least ten minutes to enter the Tower of Symbols... Finally, we need to find the core room from there."

Sitting on the magic carpet, Xi Wei frowned slightly.

The time limit given by the mission is too tight. It would be better if there is no restriction that you must find the core room, but you only need to enter the symbolic tower.

"This kind of time limit is like urging me to enter the Tower of Symbols and not to do other actions. Just drive straight into the core room - but this is based on the fact that I can know where the core room is located from the beginning."

The Symbol Tower covers a vast area. The interior is even more complicated, and it is almost impossible to find the right room in the first time by luck.

In this way, there is only one possibility: in the previous plot, he had already obtained information about the core room. It's just that I didn't pay more attention!

Xi Wei closed his eyes and thought for a while. A smile appeared on his face immediately.

He took a thin piece of paper from his pocket. He found this from the Katz photo frame. At the beginning, he didn't know where the map was, but now he combined it with the mission. Jiucheng is the map of the symbolic tower that did not run.

"The three people back then might have relied on this detailed map to steal the three pieces of the Gate of Truth from the Tower of Symbols."

Xi Wei rubbed his chin, and speculated: "But Scasa is not from Endymion, Katz is not even a mage apprentice, and the Flegge brothers are majoring in alchemy. No matter how you look at them, they don't seem to be able to draw The people on the map... that is to say, behind them there may be a black hand behind the scenes."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little heavy.

Only a little of it, of course.

After finding the core room from the map and memorizing the map, the Tower of Symbols was right in front of us.

Xi Wei didn't pause much, and flew in directly on the magic carpet.

Originally, there must have been a no-fly barrier in this symbolic tower, but now that the catastrophe has just passed, it is naturally impossible for those things to remain.

Soon he found the core room, and saw an amazing sight inside.

There is a pedestal in the center of the room. There are countless black metal fragments floating above the pedestal. They attract and repel each other, keeping a certain trajectory like stars.

An astonishing number of fragments of the Gate of Truth are resonating with the magic circle on the ground, and they seem to be playing their own effects as part of it.

Before these things, there was a man wearing a hood and mage robes.

"...I didn't expect Endymion to have survivors." The other party raised his head, revealing the bright red eyes in the hood: "I didn't expect you to find this place."

Xi Wei didn't choose to answer the other party right away, but checked the task panel.

With the three pieces of the Gate of Truth, head to the core room of Endymion's Tower of Symbols as soon as possible. It has also been marked complete, and now the description of the task has become 1 Reorganize the Gate of Truth 2 Defeat Robert Velen. Complete any one of the above two tasks.

Reorganize the Gate of Truth? Xi Wei looked at the door of truth that had turned into fragments all over the sky, and he didn't know where to start.

As for the second Robert Velen, no matter from the mission plot or the feedback given by his mage hat, it is obvious that he is the guy in front of him.

"Did you cause this disaster?" Xi Wei narrowed his eyes, trying to get some information from the other party.

"Disaster? That's what you said. I'm more inclined to say that this is a great experiment."

Robert Velen showed a fanatical smile on his face: "All the magicians who participated in the experiment have become a part of the truth, and it should be the best reward for them who pursue the truth."

"What exactly are you trying to do?" Xi Wei frowned, he wasn't sure what the guy in front of him wanted.

Investigate the root cause? Become a god? Apparently he behaved differently than either.

"Do you know about immortality?" Robert Velen grinned, his red pupils stared at Xi Wei a little panicked: "It is said that the human body itself is perfect, and it is one of the highest masterpieces in the world. In order to make them less perfect, The world has cast an indiscriminate curse on all people - the curse of aging, as long as you live, you will be affected by this curse, gradually grow old and finally die."

"But theoretically, there are occasional existences in this world that are immune to the curse. Even the curse of the world still cannot affect them, so no matter how long they live, they will only grow and not age. This is the disease of immortality, Immortality."

Robert Velen said softly: "And I am one of the patients." (To be continued...)

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