The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 659: The Destruction of Endymion (End)

"You're crazy..."

Xi Wei slowly got up from the ground, not caring about dusting off his body, but frowned deeply, looking at Robert Velen.

At this time, Robert was staring intoxicatedly at the one protruding from the door of truth with the expression of admiring the most beautiful artwork in the world, which exuded stench and a heart-pounding sense of destruction like the embodiment of a swamp. paw.

"Crazy? Are you kidding me... Isn't this kind of power exactly what those idiots in Endymion have been pursuing!" Robert didn't care whether Xi Wei would sneak attack, and completely exposed his back to the After leaving him, I just stared at the terrifying claw.

"That thing is the chief culprit for destroying the world!" Xi Wei coughed before shouting loudly.

Of course he wouldn't just attack Robert's back casually like this - the distortion of the world still exists, if he attacks now, he might hurt his own back.

"Destroy the world? Maybe... But in fact, they appeared earlier than the original Eight Clans. In truth astronomy, there is even a saying that they existed before the formation of the world. Hmph, but about 50% of that stuff was originally It is the imagination of the ancients and cannot be taken seriously.”

Robert Velen licked his lips and looked at the paw enthusiastically: "No matter what, it's mine."

"It doesn't belong to anyone, it shouldn't even be in this world."

Xi Wei took a deep breath, and his tone became the most serious so far: "I don't want to meet the destruction in advance. If you don't send it back immediately, I will try my best to kill you. Then I will do it myself Throw that thing where it belongs..."

"Get rid of me? That's the funniest joke I've heard in nearly a hundred and fifty years."

Robert covered his stomach and pretended to laugh: "Look at you, you are half dead, your magic power is exhausted, and miracles seem to be useless. Are you planning to kill me with this tattered body? "

"There was really little hope...but now it's different."

A smile appeared on Xi Wei's face: "You buried the seeds of failure yourself."


Robert's face fell.

"I don't know much about the Eldrazi, but there is one thing they have in common. That is a strange destructive power to the surrounding space."

Xi Wei ignored the other party's face, but said to himself: "To them, ordinary barriers are like white paper, which can be easily torn into pieces...Then, this one that you are proud of Miracle, how long can it last now?"

When that claw appears. There are many holes in the distorted world propped up by Robert. Struggling with it. This fake world has become even more riddled with holes.

"I changed my mind and I'm going to kill you now."

Robert seemed to be getting angry from embarrassment. He raised the short staff in his hand, and Xi Wei put on a posture not to be outdone.

"You're right. In fact, I'm really in a very troublesome situation right now. It's even very difficult to cast miracles... But that doesn't mean I have no other means."

In Robert's surprised expression. A powerful magical power rose from Xi Wei's body.

"Damn... you're the madman!"

Robert cursed angrily.

Of course he could see that Xi Wei was already exhausting his body.

For magicians, this overdraft is very troublesome. If you don't handle it well, you won't even make any progress in your life.

The act of overdraft itself is also very dangerous.

"If you don't beat you, there is no future, so it's okay to pay a little price."

With that said, Xi Wei's miracle of nullifying all supernatural phenomena also appeared again, giving that fake world the final blow and completely destroying it!

In contrast, traces of blood dripped from the corner of Xi Wei's mouth.

"It's useless! How long can you last in this state of burning yourself? One minute or two minutes?" Robert said with a hideous face: "And I am still intact. If the miracle is destroyed, it will be a big deal to restart, even if you are in this state. If you fight against me, there will be no chance of winning!"

"No, I won."

Xi Wei wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and a smile appeared on his face.

In the next instant, the Gate of Truth emitted a penetrating silver radiance, and the roar of the unknown Eldrazi came out immediately, but it was too late, its claws could not retract the truth In the shadow below the door, it was cut off abruptly and left outside.

At the same time, the task of reorganizing the Gate of Truth in Xi Wei's task list was also ticked, indicating that it was completed.

"Impossible, what is this..."

Robert looked at the door of truth in disbelief, and could only mutter these two sentences back and forth in his mouth.

Afterwards, the shape of the Gate of Truth gradually faded away, revealing the figure who looked exactly like Xi Wei behind him.

Double existence.

Xi Wei suddenly found out that his other miracle had almost cooled down, so he came up with this tactic.

First of all, the first self attracts the opponent's attention, uses words and actions to make most of the opponent's attention focus on him, and does not hesitate to self-harm to destroy Robert's miracle and distort the world.

And the three fragments of the gate of truth on his body have long been transferred to another self.

When the tactics were drawn up, the first Xi Wei began to try to communicate with the other party, attracting attention, and the subsequent abuse was for the same reason.

At the same time, the second Xi Wei began to sneak to the Gate of Truth with the help of 'Fenghua. Shenyin' with the remaining fragments of the Gate of Truth, and made a plan to overdraw the magic power of the first one. When his actions attracted the other party's attention, he quietly embedded all three pieces of the door of truth back on the door.

What happened next is clear. The door of truth broke the opponent's claws with power, and because of the successful reorganization, this magical door with infinite uses is about to disappear before their eyes and return to the long river of laws of the world.

"I'm going to kill you! I'm absolutely going to kill you!" When he saw another Xi Wei, Robert realized that he seemed to be being played.

He rushed towards Xi Wei angrily, but to his surprise again, Xi Wei's body gradually became thinner. Robert's attack and his pounce all came to nothing.

"You just wait for me, one day... one day, I will show you the real power!"

With Robert's roar, in front of Xi Wei, the settlement page after clearing the dungeon finally appeared. (To be continued..)

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