The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 67 Treasure Dungeon (Part 2)

The location is still in the mine, and the time is one and a half hours after Xi Wei entered this dungeon. All the cold light torches in his hand have been consumed, and he has to use the collected commoner equipment to wrap the same collected iron pickaxes. Then use fire elemental magic to light it as a torch.

This kind of temporary torch not only has a small lighting range, but also produces a particularly large amount of black smoke, but at least it solves the lighting problem.

The number of walking corpses with mushrooms growing on their heads gradually decreased, and then the monsters blocking Xi Wei's front turned into walking corpses with a little green smoke on their bodies.

This time, not to mention Xi Wei, even ordinary people could guess what it was - the plague walking corpse with a crusade level of 8.

The basic abilities of plague walking corpses are similar to ordinary walking corpses. However, unlike ordinary walking corpses that can be easily defeated as long as they have sophisticated equipment, these guys carry terrible toxins—that is, the green mist that wraps around them.

As long as it gets close to a certain distance, the venom lingering on it will take effect, making people slow down. What's even more frightening is that in case of being bitten or scratched by it, if the injured person's immunity is insufficient, he may be infected with the plague toxin and eventually become a member of the opponent.

At least Xi Wei felt that his small arms and legs didn't look like he had a strong immune system. Even if he could use the detoxification crystal to get rid of this corpse poison, this kind of meaningless waste was not acceptable to Xi Wei of.

Fortunately, as a magician, Xi Wei didn't need to engage in close combat with those plague walking corpses.

After keeping a certain safe distance from the other party, and clearing away the plague corpses on the road one by one, Xi Wei proceeded cautiously.

Soon, a huge cave appeared in front of him. Seeing such a huge cave suddenly from the narrow tunnel, Xi Wei couldn't help but feel a sense of enlightenment.

What's even more amazing is that the floor and walls of this cave seem to be covered with a thick layer of ice, and there is a cluster of prismatic icicles about three meters high on the central floor, towering like crystal pillars.

A small ray of light projected down from the top of the cave, and just hit the icicles, making it glow with a rainbow-like spectrum, making the cave extremely bright.

However, in such a beautiful scenery, there are many discordant figures - about ten plague walking corpses, and a blue walking corpse wandering aimlessly in the cave.

The blue walking corpse is a little bigger than the general walking corpse, with a height of more than two meters by visual inspection. It may be because the body decays far less than the normal walking corpse in a place where the temperature is relatively low. It is also emitting mist, but unlike the Plague Walking Corpse, the mist on its body is as white as winter breath, and although it is moving very slowly, every step it takes, it will be on the ground Leaves a circle of footprint-like ice clusters.

If these phenomena combined with the perception of the active water element around the opponent's body prevented Xi Wei from guessing that the blue walking corpse was a mutation of the ice attribute, then he could also go to sleep.

But knowing the attributes doesn't mean that there must be a solution to the opponent. After extinguishing the handmade torch, Xi Wei quietly hid behind the rock, thinking about how to deal with this boss.

Originally, it was like a 50 times strengthened magic missile, or a round of flame star formation should be able to clear out the miscellaneous soldiers and the boss to fight to the death. However, although this looks very beautiful, Xi Wei did not find any structure like a load-bearing column. If the magic power used is too strong, it may accidentally injure the wall, causing the cave to collapse immediately.

Even if Xi Wei can escape quickly or activate the return crystal, but the other party will be buried in the soil 100%, what will happen then? Don't forget that the key to the treasure chest is still in that guy's hand! Could it be dug out with the hands of a mage?

Xi Wei, who really couldn't think of a good idea, could only use standard magic missiles to attract the walking corpses around the entrance one by one without attracting the attention of other walking corpses, just like playing an online game. When they approached the entrance of the mine, they would activate the traction anchor to pull them out of the attention of other walking corpses, and then it was Xi Wei's business whether to steam them or boil them.

The plan went very smoothly at the beginning. After clearing six or seven plague corpses in a row, there were still four plague corpses standing beside the ice mutant corpses like guards. No matter which one they attacked, they would definitely be killed by the others only found.

If this is the case, it seems that it can only be forced.

So Xi Wei finally made a move when the walking corpses were wandering to the other side of the cave, and directly activated the "Going Safe Land" skill for the dead on the dark night sphere, and let the remaining shadow servants rush over to attract the attention of the walking corpses. Then turn on shadow control at a relatively safe distance, and transform the magic missile into a shadow ball to attack those walking corpses.

Although the effect of shadow damage on walking corpses may not be as high as the explosion damage of magic missiles, it is better than the movement and quietness, and it will definitely not cause caves to collapse.

This tactic can still be regarded as a success. Although the shadow servant is extremely weak, but because it is a shadow creature, it will not be infected by the plague toxin. With flexible movements, it is smoother to fight the plague walking corpse than ordinary people .

With the support of Xi Wei's long-range firepower, while the three shadow servants were being torn apart, two plague walking corpses fell on the opposite side.

Just when the situation was getting better, Xi Wei felt that the water elements around him suddenly became agitated. At the same time, a blue halo suddenly burst out from the walking corpse with mutated ice attributes, and suddenly those who were still alive and kicking The shadow servant of the shadow servant seemed to have a few tens of catties of weight suddenly added to his body, and his speed and agility dropped to a level that could not even be compared with walking corpses. Then the corpse launched a one-sided massacre of the shadow servant.

Until the last shadow servant died, there was a slightly injured plague walking corpse and a mutant walking corpse that received five or six shadow balls with its head but was still unharmed.

Like the secondary fireball technique derived from the basic fire element, the shadow ball cannot continuously stack its power like the magic missile due to unknown reasons, and the standard power shadow ball seems to have no effect on mutant walking corpses... The term used in the game is that it does not break the defense at all, and there may be some compulsory damage, but it seems that this kind of damage will definitely not be too big.

Although there is no way to infer the subjugation level of the mutant walking corpse, but judging from the ineffectiveness of one ring of dark attribute magic, the opponent's basic subjugation level should start from level 10.

Using the drag anchor to distance himself from the two rushing corpses like skating, Xi Wei took advantage of the momentum and killed the only remaining plague corpse in a few strokes.

So the current situation has become one-on-one between him and the mutant walking corpse.

"Since the magic power of the first ring is not enough, then use the second ring... Speaking of which, what kind of magic do I know about the second ring..."

Devotion Aura (Passive), Glory Aura (BUFF), Traction Anchor (Active, non-offensive magic).

"...Next time I must learn an offensive second-ring magic."

Once again dodging the mutated zombie's advance in a skating posture, Xi Wei sighed helplessly.

To be honest, the current situation is very unfavorable for him.

The group of old guys from the Magic Association had studied the ecology of walking corpses for a long time, but it was a pity that they couldn't figure out where the almost endless physical strength of these guys came from. However, if someone intends to play a protracted battle with the walking dead to compare endurance, then the individual is either stupid or intends to end his life in a novel way.

"Wait, isn't glory aura a holy magic? Walking corpses are undead creatures anyway, so..." Xi Wei suddenly thought of his only magic that seemed to be able to cause damage to the opponent, so he immediately tried to deal with it Activated the glory aura. As for whether it works or not - anyway, instead of spending magic power on meaningless attacks and evasions, it's better to gamble on the insignificant possibility.

As a result, the walking corpse, which was originally full of the aura of the undead, had a sacred aura on it, and the mixture of the two originally incompatible auras seemed extremely subtle.

But it's a pity that the scene that Xi Wei expected to cause great harm to the opponent did not appear.

Seeing the monsters approaching again, Xi Wei simply launched the once-a-day magical black cloud attack in the dark night sphere.

Now that Glory Aura failed, he could only continue the tactic of accumulating damage just now.

However, what surprised him was that the mutated walking corpse, who had just looked like nothing had happened, let out a scream at the moment when the black turbidity impact hit... Uh, that was probably a scream.

Then he fell to the ground, and even the white mist on his body disappeared.

"Solved? The black turbidity impact is so effective?" Xi Wei, who hadn't reacted for a while, was stunned for a while, and then he thought of something: "Could it be that the glory aura has the effect of reducing armor or increasing damage to the undead?" ?”

{Floating astronomy

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