The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 678 A little overkill...

Although he was very concerned about the amber, Xi Wei didn't study it in the end because the mage's alarm kept ringing and he was afraid of stimulating the monster in the amber.

The place where the goblin prince Kabala and this time the great magician Odd appeared, there is that kind of amber. Is this a coincidence? Or is there some mystery hidden in it?

Xi Wei tried his best but couldn't find the secret.

"What about Huo Lian's loss this time?"

Sitting in the living room of the palace, Xi Wei asked Evan Jielin who had just walked into the room.

"Trust me, you don't want to know the exact numbers."

The girl covered her forehead, looking a little tired.

It has been a whole day since Xi Wei wiped out Ord, and as far as he knows, Evan Jielin has been busy since then, and it seems that she hasn't slept yet.

"One-eighth of the king's capital evaporated out of thin air because of your last attack, and the large-scale evacuation of residents also cost a lot of manpower and material resources. The injury suffered by the royal magician because of the broken barrier is also an invisible loss..." She Regardless of the image of a lady, she leaned back on the sofa and sighed lazily: "Sure enough, what the previous people said was correct. The battle between two great magicians is a disaster."

"If I don't use a stronger move, I don't have the confidence to kill him, maybe he will escape."

Xi Wei felt good. It was the first time he fought against a real great magician in reality, and he benefited a lot.

Then he shrugged again: "But this time it's really over, there should be some gossip on your side."

"You are wrong."

There was a smile on Evan Jielin's tired face: "When the war next door started, many people clamored to expropriate the students and professors of Huolian National Academy of Magic and Edric Academy as state-owned combat power in order to seek the greatest possible value. Limit benefits. But after you came here yesterday, those guys didn't dare to say anything."

"Is it because I'm afraid that I'll be upset and kill them? Or do you think Huo Li'an's strength alone can't conquer my academy?"

Xi Wei touched his chin, feeling the slightly growing beard stubble, and asked with interest.

"God knows, probably both."

The girl also followed Xi Wei's example and shrugged.

Xi Wei curled his lips: "It seems that there is no reason why Huo Li'an was reduced to taking you out to take the blame."

"Nobles wantonly amassed money, and then paid expensive tuition fees for qualified members of their own families to enter the Magic Academy. This has led to an increase in the number of aristocratic factions among magicians, and the increase in magicians in the family also represents an increase in hard power. The increase in hard power makes His family's position in the country has become more secure."

The girl smiled, and then explained calmly to Xi Wei: "The upper echelon of the empire is controlled by those families, and the blood is not changed all year round, so it is inevitable that it will eventually decay. In fact, not only Huolian, but many other empires are like this of."

"Well, let's not think about such things..." Xi Wei scratched his head. He is not good at politics, and even decided that the last position of the three sages must find a strong political figure: " Is there no other better news?"

"Not without it."

Yiwen Jielin looked at Xi Wei's distressed look, showing a gentle expression. He covered his mouth and laughed lightly.

"What news? Has Shalan entered the city?" Xi Wei blinked. He just asked casually, but he didn't expect to find out something.

"Of course not. Don't you know when Miss Shalan will arrive here?" Evan Jielin replied with a smile.

"Maybe there will be a miracle..." Xi Wei muttered rather depressingly, before continuing to ask: "Then what is the good news you're talking about?"

"When you were fighting before, didn't there be a group of people in black robes who wanted to take advantage of the chaos and escape? We caught them. And when I was handling government affairs, our country's criminal investigators had already tortured something out of their mouths .”


Xi Wei's eyes lit up.

He naturally knew that what Yiwen Jielin was talking about was the possession of those non-human bloodlines who were busy doing something while hiding in the enchantment back then.

Not long after the war started, all the werewolves, including the werewolves that Xi Wei had started tracking, had escaped completely.

Unexpectedly, most of them were caught by the city guards who were waiting for a rabbit.

"What did you ask?"

"The name of the organization they belong to, and some other messes."

Before Xi Weiduo could ask, Yiwen Jielin had already continued speaking.

"These guys call themselves the Redeemers, and they come from an organization called the Sublime Realm. In terms of its composition, we think the so-called Sublime Realm should also be a religion."

"However, it is different from most cults. Their ultimate goal is not viral preaching, but to save all human beings, including mixed races. It is a pity that they only have a vague concept of the concept of saving all human beings, even how to save , I don’t even have the impression of why you want to save.”

"In addition, the object they worship is called the Lord of Redemption. Judging from their description, the Lord of Redemption should be a conceptual existence similar to the divine light and the will of the abyss, but there is currently no substantive evidence of its existence."

After Yiwen Jielin said a lot, Xi Wei couldn't help asking.

"Then what about their power structure? Is it all the instinct to use magic or non-human blood? Or do they have gods to worship but no corresponding magic?"

"The latter is more likely."

Evan Jielin thought for a while, and then speculated: "Their classes are too far apart, the gap is too big, it doesn't look like they have exclusive magic arts, and I really can't imagine how this loose relationship is maintained. Hundreds of years."

"In other words, is this thing really just a false teaching?"

Xi Wei clasped his arms across his chest knowingly, and nodded: "To deal with this situation, it is easiest and most convenient to destroy it directly."

"There is another point worth noting."

Ignoring Xi Wei's rough speech, the girl continued: "This weird organization also has positions like white-clothed archbishops and cardinals, but in the organization of the sublime realm, this class is generally called a 'representative'. .”

"A person who acts in place of the gods... the ambition is "chi luo" exposed all of a sudden." The corners of Xi Wei's mouth twitched, and he didn't know whether he was struck by lightning or amused.

"What you killed yesterday is one of the current seven agents, the agent of power, Odd."

Evangeline continued.

"But you can probably guess this kind of information, right?" Xi Wei asked.

"That's right, what's really interesting is what happens next. In this organization, every agent will have a witch next to him to help complete various tasks..."

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