The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 688 I always feel that I can't tell which is the protagonist...

Walking on the streets of the King's Capital of Huolian, Laven de Paisley, the agent of the Law of the Sublime Domain, suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"What's the matter? Could it be that you want to go to the toilet?" Dak Black, the Agent of Evil who was beside him, joked boredly.

"We've been discovered."

Lavin de Paisley just replied indifferently.

Dak immediately put away his vicious smile, and looked around cautiously.

He didn't doubt Laven de Paisley's words. Rather, if he was asked to choose a partner among all the agents, he would definitely choose Laven de Paisley who was strict.

Soon he also found out that something was wrong.

It's too quiet around here.

Although the street they are walking on now is not the kind of particularly prosperous street, it is not the kind that is so remote that no one can see it.

Especially after the battle between Xi Wei and Ord recently destroyed a city, the people who moved there made the nearby population denser. Generally speaking, it is impossible for a block to have no one.

"Tsk, I'm obviously very careful, where did it get exposed!"

Dak spit a little angrily, and then the black substance of malicious demon wrapped around his body like a leather jacket with black smoke. This is one of his usual fighting methods, as long as the enemy dares to get close to him If you fight with your body, you will be entangled by malicious demons.

Laven de Paisley also drew out his rapier without making a sound, twisted the blade, narrowed his eyes and cautiously inspected the surrounding situation.

But the enemy did not appear.

"Is he planning to keep us on alert to wear us down..." Duck complained angrily, "It's really despicable!"

"Only you have no right to call others mean."

Lavin de Paisley responded casually, and continued: "We are heading towards the most prosperous street in the capital."

Dak was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately understood what Lavin meant.

The reason why no one can see this street. To a large extent, it was caused by magic, and it also meant that the other party planned to get rid of them here. In other words, the initiative is in the hands of the opponent.

But if the battlefield is now transferred to the most prosperous street in the capital of King Huolian, the situation will be completely different.

Even if the opponent has enough incidents to disperse the crowd there again, as the commercial center of the King's Capital of Huolian, the streets there are of extraordinary value. If they fight there, Huo Li'an will undoubtedly become the biggest loser.

In this way, the other party has very little choice - watch them go to the busiest street, or...

"Why are the enemies I encountered recently so shrewd..."

Give up the sneak attack and show up directly to stop them.

Xi Wei obviously chose the latter.

"Thanks to Mr. Edric's compliment, I am terrified."

Lavin de Paisley made a noble ceremony. Xi Wei keenly discovered that his ritual gesture originated from the Horngolat Empire.

"You know me?" Without thinking too much, Xi Wei asked casually.

"I met Your Excellency at the awarding ceremony of the Pure White Church. The way you fought Huberus was really heroic."

LaVine continued to praise.

"Even if you praise me so much, I won't be merciful when I do it."

Xi Wei kept in mind that the other party probably had a good identity on the surface, and at the same time pretended to be embarrassed and said.

At this moment, Darke, who had received the password from Lavin de Paisley, made a move.

The malicious demon that sneaked into the ground took the form of a swamp. A dozen or so sharp horny thorns stabbed out from Xi Wei's feet!

But Xi Wei just stomped his feet a little, and the ground under his feet, together with the hard black thorns, fell apart, revealing the body of the malicious demon inside.

Immediately after the light flashed at the tip of his finger, a holy light had already penetrated into the malicious demon's body, causing it to let out a sharp scream and then turn into black steam, completely disappearing in this world.

Dak, who was connected with the malicious demon, spat out a mouthful of black blood clots, and took a few steps back tremblingly. But he recovered immediately, and a new malicious demon appeared on his shoulder.

Just when Dak was about to try to attack again, Lavin grabbed his back and staggered him. Almost at the same moment, an arrow formed from the void shot out from the side of Dak's head without warning, brushed past his earlobe, and shot into a house behind him.

Immediately, the house that looked quite new fell apart.

Duck swallowed, if it wasn't for Lavin who gave him a hand, I'm afraid he would have been favored by the Lord now.

Xi Wei's eyes lit up after seeing Lavin de Paisley's actions.

"Can he perceive spatial changes? Or can he detect my attack through the magic ripple? Or can he respond in an instant?"

With a little bad taste, Xi Wei didn't change his attack method. Continue to use the elusive void arrows on the two intruders.

But without exception, all of them were dodged.

Dak was barely dodged by being pushed forward and pulled back by Lavin, while Lavin himself dodged all the attacks as easily as if he was strolling in a courtyard, not even a speck of dust stained his clothes.

But at this time, Xi Wei also saw through his ability.

"Can you predict my attack... Really good ability."

Xi Wei looked at the agent of the law and couldn't help admiring him.


Lavin de Paisley also responded gracefully.

"Leaving aside that guy, you are very good. Do you want to leave the sublime realm and become a teacher in my school?"

Because he felt that such an outstanding guy was rare, Xi Wei threw out an olive branch to the enemy on a rare occasion.

"Sorry, my monarch has only one big leader from beginning to end."

Probably from where he knew that Xi Wei had the ability to identify spies, Lavin de Paisley didn't make false claims with him, and simply refused.

"That's really a pity." Xi Wei shook his head, and then his eyes became a little more serious: "Then you are already mentally prepared, right? A mere foreknowledge can't stop me."

While complaining in his heart that he was becoming more and more like the villain boss in various online novels, Xi Wei also made the decision to fight the opponent seriously, which can be regarded as a kind of respect for the enemy.

"That's natural."

Lavin de Paisley nodded, and then he took out a pair of bows and arrows from nowhere: "I'm already ready to fight to the death."

Xi Wei, on the other hand, stared at his bow and arrow for a moment, it always felt a little familiar to him.

Then it dawned on him—isn’t that one of the eighty-eight soul tools...

But if I remember correctly, he didn't give this bow and arrow to the guy in front of him.

In other words, it was stolen from the original owner...

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