The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 693: Legend of the Dragon Slayer (1)

The establishment of the Emperor Sword Knights is a round table system. Twelve knights form a round table. Each round table has a knight leader, and there is a knight chief on top of the knight leader.

When the knight leader calls himself, he will directly call himself "XX knight of the Emperor Sword Knights" according to his ranking, while the knights of the round table can only call themselves "XX round table XX knight".

For example, Larry, who questioned Xi Wei at the beginning, and St. George, who talked to Xi Wei later, were both knight commanders. Larry was the eleventh knight, and St. George was the newly promoted twelve knights.

After Larry took the other knights back first, it was St. George's turn to monitor Xi Wei in the name of his colleagues.

However, Xi Wei did not expect that the other party would extend an olive branch to him.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to directly accept the other party's solicitation. Just as he was thinking about how to refuse, something happened.

The demon, which was chained to a magic tool that can effectively restrain demons, and was led obediently for a long time like a house dog, suddenly went berserk.

The one holding it was actually caught off guard and tossed high by the rope, just as St. George yelled, 'Let go, stop holding on to the rope! ’ At that time, the abyss demon had already spit out an acid arrow, hit the knight, made him let go of the rope involuntarily, and flew out screaming because of centrifugal force.

However, Xi Wei found sharply that the knight was not fatally injured. The low-concentration acid arrows could not penetrate his armor, but melted it a little. In addition, the armor was relatively thin, and there was a joint on the shoulder armor. It seems that he has suffered a lot of trauma, and it is probably because of this that he let go.

It is important to know that the magic chain needs continuous input of magic power to exert its effect. If a magic power source such as Yaojing is installed on the chain, it is easy to be destroyed by the opponent and then escape. You must know that the demon's physical strength and strength are not weak . Therefore, it is the best choice to let a knight with magic power lead him.

But I didn't expect that the monster, who was still docile just a moment ago, would suddenly go berserk, and its strength had increased so much that the knight couldn't deal with it. But even so, he still tried his best to hold the rope, trying to restrain the opponent's rampage. He didn't let go until he was injured. Compared with the knights of the later era, he was already devoted to his duty.

"The magic power of the Plague Lord in that guy's body suddenly began to activate at a high speed!"

A knight who looked more delicate beside St. George said quickly.

This made Xi Wei look at each other twice.

As a great magician, Xi Wei's perception ability is naturally not weak, but even he could feel a strange magical power rising in the opponent's body, and that guy who was only a high-level guy at most explained the current situation in one word.

Sure enough, there are no simple guys in the Emperor Sword Knights.

At the same time that this idea came to his mind, St. George had already grasped the flame-shaped long sword behind him. His whole body was like an arrow leaving the string, leaving deep scars on the body of the demon who had broken free from the chain!

Purple blood spurted out from the opponent's wound, but the demon continued to pounce on others as if he couldn't feel the pain!

Is it really the ghost of the Lord of Plague...

Xi Wei, who had once destroyed the Elven King Tree and indirectly fought with the Lord of the Plague, narrowed his eyes.

Because he didn't want to be too eye-catching, he took out a short staff from the storage box. Then he released a Gravity Spell, plus a Rock Tomb Prison.

Because of the preservation of strength, these two magics only have three rings at most. This level of compound magic can't trap the crazy abyssal demon, and the opponent broke free all at once.

But that's enough.

In the little time Xi Wei gained, St. George cooperated with several other knights in just a few seconds. Cut the demon into a human stick, and locked its mouth with chains by the way.

"With the vitality of the demon, it shouldn't die at this level... Forget it, as long as you don't die before returning there..." After confirming that the knight who was thrown out at the beginning didn't suffer too much After the injury, St. George returned to Xi Wei: "Your magic protection is good, and the timing is great. I want you to join us more and more!"


The corner of Xi Wei's mouth twitched, feeling the urge to slap himself - let you show off. To be honest, it’s okay to be a spectator at the same time!

At this time, the handsome knight from before suddenly shouted.

"Wait a minute! The activation of the Plague Lord's magic power still hasn't diminished... No, not only has it not diminished, but it has even increased!"

Xi Wei and St. George set their eyes on the abyssal demon together, only to see that the other party was like a balloon, suddenly and rapidly inflated.

Fuck, this situation is definitely a precursor to an explosion!

Xi Wei turned around and ran away.

The few knights who got his tip also tried to stay away from the abyssal demon. Only St. George gritted his teeth and rushed towards the other party.

"Knight Commander?!" "Hey, don't seek death!"

After discovering St. George's movements, the voices of the knights overlapped with Xi Wei's.

But St. George ignored it. Then when approaching the opponent, a powerful magic power suddenly burst out, like playing golf, relying on the heavy hammer formed by the magic power, the demon was violently knocked out!

And the demon, which had swelled to the limit, exploded in mid-air, and the instant explosion caused St. George to fall twice.

Even Xi Wei and the others were blown so that they almost fell to the ground.

One can imagine how much damage it would cause if that thing exploded on the ground.

I am afraid that many knights will be involved in the explosion.

Moreover, the explosion on the ground will also bring up rock fragments and the like. Driven by the power of the explosion, those things are not much less destructive than a shotgun.

From this point of view, St. George's decisive decision can be said to be very correct.

"But it's too risky!" The handsome knight directly sprayed the triumphant return of St. George with spit on his face: "What if it exploded before you arrived? What if it exploded when it was impacted?" What? Can't you think more about the consequences before making a decision?"

"But isn't it good now?"

St. George replied foolishly.

Although most of the knights were disheartened, they did not suffer substantial damage.

"That's result-only theory! If you are so impulsive again, I will definitely report you to the chief!" The handsome knight shouted angrily.

On the other hand, Xi Wei looked at St. George with some admiration - he knew very well that he did not have the courage of the other party to sacrifice himself for others.

He is worthy of being a Knight of the Emperor Sword and a hero of the age of mythology.

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