The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 71: The Bloody Church

The nights in spring are still very cold.

Although there was a stove in the castle room, it was not winter after all, and Xi Wei would not deliberately light a fire to keep warm.

He was lying on the soft double bed wrapped in a thick quilt, looking at the curtain on the top of the bed, wondering what he was thinking.

Tio didn't come to his room today, but slept next door with Alisa. Apart from being used to living in this castle, they probably didn't want Xi Wei to continue sleeping on the sofa because of their willfulness.

Although the two little girls are too immature, both in behavior and thinking, there is only one thing that is beyond doubt - they are good girls who can think of others.

Anyway, even if an accident happened, Xi Wei who was sleeping next door should be able to spot it immediately and rush over, so he has nothing to worry about.

It was other things that really worried him.

Judging from the information from the lord's wife brought back by the spy bugs not long ago, he unfortunately got it right: the lord's wife received a telematics call for help at noon—from yesterday, Lauren, who is the gate of the Eastern Plains, Many orcs suddenly appeared outside Seth Fortress and began to attack the fortress.

The mage team of the Frontier Guard Corps also fell into the predicament of being besieged by many shamans because of the departure of several core personnel. All in all, the situation is very bad.

It was precisely to prevent the fortress from falling that the great magician Sharon Lange left Horadur and set out for Fortress Laurences.

The few magicians who managed to get to Horadur didn't even have time to rest in the city to catch their breath, so they had to turn around and set off again because of the other party's surprise attack on the fortress, and began to rush back to the fortress.

And because the Holy See had to organize a rescue team to rush to the battlefield, it could only postpone the verdict on Wicklen.

In this way, Her Royal Highness's plan must be postponed.

"Alas..." With a long sigh, Xi Wei sat up from the bed. He didn't know why he had been restless since the afternoon, as if something was about to happen.

The current time is about ten to eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, but today's dungeon opportunities have been used up, and if you want to download a dungeon, you have to wait a little longer.

He put on his robe, sat on the sofa and poured himself some water, then walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the room with the cup in hand, and opened the glass windows.

With the kind of cold wind that is unique to spring nights, although it can't be said to be bitter, it is still very piercing, and Xi Wei shivered. While drinking steaming water, he looked at the night scene of Horadur.

There are magic devices similar to electric lights in this world, but the energy consumption of those devices is not affordable for ordinary people. Apart from kerosene lamps that look a bit like lanterns, the only lighting objects used by ordinary people at night are candles or ordinary oil lamps.

Therefore, although Horadur is the capital and economic center of Noeg, if you look at it, the night is not as beautiful as the small town in Xi Wei's previous life... At least it doesn't feel brightly lit. Compared with the night of the city, it may be full of sky. The galaxy is more beautiful and spectacular.

But at this moment, Xi Wei looked at a white building not far away in a strange way.

That is the cathedral in Horadur, and it is also the regional headquarters of the Holy See in Noaig. Almost the entire high-level church personnel in Noaig came out of this church.

However, at this time, this magnificent building, which looked like the Milan Cathedral, faintly exuded a very strange fluctuation.

This kind of fluctuation was so weak that Xi Wei couldn't even tell whether it was a magical fluctuation or not - neither the magic element nor the magic power seemed to respond to this kind of fluctuation, so it was difficult for even a magician to detect it. If Xi Wei hadn't wanted to see the night view on a whim, and the church happened to be on the other side opposite the Castle of the Lord, maybe he wouldn't have noticed.

What made him even more vigilant was that when he tried to perceive this fluctuation, the feeling of uneasiness in his heart expanded.

Just go and have a look.

Xi Wei made a decisive decision. He put down the water glass, and while buttoning up his robe, he activated the traction anchor to drag himself from the balcony to the church door.

Because he didn't know what would happen, he didn't plan to call Alisa and Tio—even if there was no time, it wouldn't be a good thing if the priests found someone sneaking into the church at night, if he was the only one At least it's easier to escape...

To be honest, although Xi Wei's way of moving is fast and efficient, it is not worthy of praise. The strong wind mercilessly poured icy air into Xi Wei's robe, and waited until Xi Wei switched the magic to the hand of a mage When he caught himself to prevent his head from bumping into the long stairs unique to religious buildings, he felt that his body was about to be frozen unconscious.

After rubbing his hands and legs hard, Xi Wei walked up to the church door cautiously while worrying about whether he would catch a cold or something.

Originally, there should be two temple guards who are equivalent to magic swordsmen guarding here at all times, but at this moment there is no one here.

This phenomenon made Xi Wei more certain that something had changed in this church.

The Vatican in this world is different from the filthy Vatican in many online novels, which is no different from the underworld. Although some low-ranking priests will use various names to swindle money, no matter what they do Will not do things that are marked as taboo by the teachings-such as rape, alcoholism, killing innocent people except for sanction, and do not save them when they can, etc.-because it is different from the magic power of magicians, Priests and priests, the magic-like energy 'holy light' of these priests all comes from their own beliefs.

By the way, what they believe in is not the non-existent God of Light, but the more essential divine light.

When their actions violate the teachings, the Holy Light will give them corresponding punishments, ranging from reducing their strength to endangering their lives.

That's why the priests are respected and trusted by everyone, at least you don't have to worry about them stabbing you in the back.

In this regard, if Xi Wei can use his magic power to activate holy magic, the magic academy system may have violated the rules of the world to some extent.

All in all, leaving AWOL while guarding the church is considered a disrespect to the holy light and will be punished to a certain extent. I think those temple guards are not so bold yet, so what happened in the church is already a certainty It's over.

Although Xi Wei himself didn't want to be involved in any strange things, but this place is too close to the Castle of the Lord, if left alone, it might affect the castle in the future.

After convincing himself with the reason that 'it will be Tio's castle in the near future, so we can't leave it alone', Xi Wei walked to the door on tiptoe, holding the dark night sphere in one hand and ready to cast spells at any time. He pushed the door hard.

Originally, he didn't expect to be able to open the door so easily. Even if the church didn't have the habit of locking the door at night, if someone was doing shameful things inside, they wouldn't open the door without locking it, would they?

But the problem is, Xi Wei pushed the door open easily without any hope...


Should I thank the people in the church for oiling the door shafts on time so they didn't make any noises like "creak" and "creak" that would attract the other party's attention.

Xi Wei groaned inwardly, dumbfounded, and then peeped in from the door.

The huge and empty church is filled with benches for people to worship, and the walls are covered with various religious decorations. The high dome and the huge cross in front give the whole church a sense of reverence. Mysterious religious atmosphere and a sense of solemnity and oppression.

And at the foreground, a figure stood with his back to Xi Wei. The moonlight shines through the stained glass of the dome, casting a bleak light, covering the figure like a gauze.

However, this picturesque scene has no sense of beauty at all, because an ominous magic power is rising above that figure. This kind of magic power, which seems to be full of blood and cruelty, completely destroys the solemn and holy atmosphere around it. Second, the huge contrast made the front of the church look strangely terrifying, and what highlighted this effect were the corpses that fell at the feet of that figure.

Although it is not very clear because of the distance and the dark environment, it can still be distinguished from the general style of clothing of the corpses that they were originally left-behind priests of this church.

Has the other party found himself?

Xi Wei gritted his teeth, then activated the Shadow Servant of the Dark Night Celestial Sphere, allowing a dark little thing to blend into the dark surroundings and tiptoe towards him.

As long as he can get close to a certain distance and then make a sudden attack, he will definitely attract the opponent's attention, and then it will be Xi Wei's chance to make an assault.

Although it is late at night and the main force of the church has left Horadur, the night watchmen will definitely not be strong, but it is not easy to get rid of them without alarming anyone... at least The current Xi Wei couldn't do it.

Therefore, the odds of winning in a head-to-head confrontation should be very small, so we can only try to carry out a surprise attack.

A successful surprise attack is certainly a good thing. If it fails, you should be able to escape by relying on your own magic. At that time, it is also a way to lure the opponent to the Horadur branch of the Qiyao Mage Association.

However, before the shadow servant walked halfway, the other party turned around and released an unknown purple magic to beat the shadow servant to pieces.

But in this way, Xi Wei could also clearly see the other party's face exposed to the moonlight.


★Irrelevant to the text

Thank you book friend Sky Egret for your reward~

{Floating astronomy

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