The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 73: Fist of the Void Emperor

Originally, Xi Wei didn't mean to confront the opponent head-on, but just planned to fight and retreat to lure him to the residence of the Qiyao Mage Association.

Even if Wickren is a vampire, the defensive configuration of the mage tower over there is enough for him to drink a pot.

It's a pity that before he left the church, a few bats flying from the night sky exploded behind him like a bomb. Although Xi Wei had a wealth of combat experience, he evaded the attack at the moment of the other party's attack. He was not harmed, but he also lost the chance to escape.

Now the doors and windows of the church are covered with a red translucent film. Although it looks like soap bubbles that will burst when poked, Xi Wei is not so naive as to think that Wickren's arrangement has only a little defensive power - you must know that blood magic, like poison magic, has the ability to corrode the human body. Effect.

"Why do you insist on being a human?" Wickron looked at Xi Wei who was struggling under the bats he released: "It's so stupid!"

Following his words, as if he was planning to give Xi Wei a final blow, a big bright red hand appeared out of thin air in front of Wickron, and enveloped Xi Wei.

Compared with the attack of the vampire in Peak Town, which was as thin as a rope, what Wickren is using now is the real touch of a vampire.

Obviously, he couldn't hide his clumsiness at such a time. Xi Wei fanned all the bats around him with his mage's hand, and then barely blocked the vampire's touch when it was about to touch him.

What follows is a competition of magic power.

However, the vampire's touch, as a second-level magic that has undergone an attribute change, is not only more powerful than Xi Wei's mage's hand, but also has a faint suction power, which makes it more difficult for Xi Wei to maintain magic. .

Even with the supply of the magic pool, it is obviously not a good way to go on like this.

"Because I like basking in the sun very much."

So he resolutely activated the shadow control of the dark night celestial sphere, and the mage's hand, which had not yet fixed its shape, suddenly changed drastically, and became like a big hand composed of black smoke that was still surging. It was in a stalemate with the big red hand on the opposite side.

There is no restraint relationship between the shadow attribute and the blood attribute, but at least it can offset the sucking effect of the other party.

In this way, Xi Wei's persistence time can be more than doubled.

At this time, the one who retreats first will be at a disadvantage, and Xi Wei believes that Wicklen will never be exhausted to the end.

The reason is very simple, because the other party said before, 'There is still a period of time before the astrology becomes the designated one. '

From this sentence, we can know that the summoning magic he wants to use must rely on some kind of astrology to achieve it, and this kind of astrology will come soon, so even if he is at a disadvantage, Wicklen will stop this kind of magic first. The state of mutual wrestling!

At this moment, Wicklen was even more surprised.

Before that, he had always thought that Xi Wei was just a junior magician with a special affinity for elements and a little talent, but as soon as he fought, he found that he seemed to be mistaken.

Not only can he cast one-level magic instantly without spells, but even this instant magic has not deteriorated in any way. A mere one-level mage's hand can counter his own vampire's touch—you must know that although his vampire's touch appears to be The touch is also instant, but this is just the reduction brought by the racial talent! Really, in terms of magic cultivation, I can't even cast a spell without a spell!

If it was said that the instant cast without spells only surprised him, then what happened after that can only be described as shock.

Because the opponent was able to convert the magic being cast into magic of other attributes, and Nima still completed this conversion without any warning! This kind of unheard of thing, let alone a middle-level mage, even a high-level mage can't do it!

For the first time, Wicklen began to doubt his own judgment—is this freak-like guy really just a junior magician?

However, even though he was already full of doubts in his heart, Wicklen was also a quasi-earl-level vampire after all. He was still very relaxed on the surface despite his deep city, and continued to confuse him with words, trying to interfere with Xi Wei's spellcasting. : "Why do you want to fight against the nobles of the night? For those untouchables outside?"

Obviously you were the one who called first, okay?

Xi Wei rolled his eyes and complained from the bottom of his heart, and then said, "In order to save the civilians... This kind of talk is too general, probably because I always live in the castle. To be honest, I don't have any feelings for the civilians in the city." Really. But... there are at least two people that I must protect well, anyway, I am also a teacher!"

"Oh, that's really a pity." Wicklen lamented hypocritically: "I will feel sorry for a future high-level magician who will die here."

As soon as he finished speaking, he interrupted the vampire's touch, and then at the moment Xi Wei's shadow touch was about to hit him, he summoned a cloud of blood-colored bats, drowning Xi Wei who couldn't dodge like a red tide go in.

Then he retreated into the darkness again... The time was almost up, and Wickren decided to start the ceremony of summoning the abyss serpent while Xi Wei was fighting with those bats.

As long as the ceremony is completed, no matter what level Xi Wei is, a magician will become as harmless as a rabbit.

And even if the cathedral has a certain sound insulation effect, but with this appearance and the blood enchantment that I arranged, the Qiyao Mage Association and other resident priests should have discovered the abnormality here, and it is no longer possible to continue to communicate with the West. It's time for Wei Youzai to continue playing.

However, he did not see that he was surrounded by a swarm of bats, as if five small crystals appeared in the hands of Xi Wei who was struggling desperately.

"The gate of the abyss, the bolt of Qianxun, under the witness of us and the nobles of the night, opened again when the black jade was engraved on this star Luo - the attendant of death, the feast of flesh and blood, the crawling coffin, the dark king, the slaughter Hungry ghosts, hatred, negation, let the filth of the world know their own powerlessness!"

Accompanied by a voice that seemed to be chant, a terrifying aura gushed out from the front of the church.

The abyss serpent, the level of subjugation is unknown. This kind of monster only appeared in the mythology of the last era. It is said that it is the pet of the Lord of Death. Wherever they crawl, there will be absolutely no living things.

In mythology, the human brave Ruby Sphinx also used the golden sword forged by the angels with light and hope, and killed such a monster at the cost of his own life.

After the terrifying breath passed, a poisonous magical power with a death force began to pour out from it, and even the bats summoned by Wickron all fell to the ground because of this magical power, like Like a fly sprayed with insecticide, it twitched a few times and died.

Xi Wei, on the other hand, barely stood there.

The concentration of death magic power has not been able to affect him for the time being, but with the spurt of that magic power fountain, Horadur will be completely reduced to a dead city in a while.

There seems to be a small commotion outside, and it is not known whether the Qiyao Mage Association has been alarmed or the overflowing death magic has caused any impact.

Seeing Xi Wei who was in a panic from the bat attack, Wicklon showed a malicious smile: "I didn't expect you to be alive, my guest."

Xi Wei didn't reply, but just stood there motionless with his head lowered. The blood from the wound on his arm gradually pooled together, and finally dripped from his fingers. It seemed that the injury was not serious.

"Alright, then you, as the only audience who witnessed the beginning of the great era, at the last moment of your life, let this great moment be deeply etched into your mind!"

The noise outside the church became louder and louder, and the bright red film that sealed the doors and windows began to stir up ripples. It seemed that someone had already started to attack outside.

"Your mother never told you," Xi Wei's voice suddenly rang out just as Wicklen, who had finally fulfilled his long-cherished wish, laughed triumphantly, "As a villain, if you talk too much, you will definitely be reversed in the end." ?"

"What..." Wicklen was about to say something angrily just now, but found that Xi Wei had already raised his head, and for some reason there was a sarcastic smile on his face without any wounds.

At the next moment, Wicklen... no, it should include Wicklen. At this time, all the magicians and magic swordsmen in Horadur felt a stronger coercion... If the abyss snake The existence is to make them feel a little candle-like light with their eyes closed, and this coercion is to make them feel like they are facing the sun with their eyes closed, which is not the same level of existence at all!

Accompanied by the emergence of this powerful coercion, spider web-like cracks appeared in the sky like a glass hit by a stone. Although there was no sound in this change, everyone felt as if they heard a loud noise. The whole person trembled involuntarily.

Then, the sky split open.

"Big age or something..." Xi Wei dug his ears, then smiled at Wicklon in front of him: "I'm not interested at all."

As for the abyss serpent who was arrogant and coercive before... that guy disappeared the moment the void emperor's coercion appeared.

"Who the hell are you!" Wickron looked at Xi Wei and asked tremblingly.

"It's just a dean passing by."

Numerous residents of Horadur still claim to have seen the most beautiful meteorite in the world on this night after many years,

The surging void energy and the magic power that is so rich that it is about to condense into matter form a brilliant light similar to an aurora in the material world, wrapped around a huge fist, and then shot out from the cracks in the sky like a meteor in the eyes of countless people, It hit the church that was still dying!

{Floating astronomy

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