The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 733: Dawn

"I said, is it really all right?"

Outside the dark sky, St. George asked a little uneasy: "Although Heisen was once a hero candidate, Sandler is the real hero. If the two fight against each other, Sandler has a better chance of winning, right? Or let me do it?" Sample."

But Xi Wei shook his head.

"Saint George, do you know...the heroic treasure actually has a considerable burden on the human body, no, it should be said that it is on the human soul. It is precisely because of this that the command will limit each hero to only one A treasure." Xi Wei talked about things that seemed to be irrelevant to the current situation.

Then he changed the subject and continued: "But that fellow Haisen directly carried three heroic treasures with only a vague will. Not only that, he is not just carrying, but the real You can completely control the possession of those treasures."

"It's also possible that he had already lost most of his consciousness at that time, so he couldn't feel the burden that the treasure brought to his soul?"

St. George demurred.

In fact, from the very beginning, he had considerable doubts about Heisen's joining the mercenary group.

"At that time, Hai Sen was infected by the toxin of the plague walking corpse, and most of his body functions began to move closer to the walking corpse. But the problem is that the walking corpse, which relies on instinct to act, is actually very sensitive to the damage of souls—— For example, if I light a pile of hellfire that can burn souls and a pile of radiant fire that can instantly carbonize most living things in a place full of walking corpses, the final result will definitely be that all the walking corpses would rather be burned into coke Nor do they want to be near a hellfire. They instinctively feel the danger of a soul-damaging hellfire."

He looked at several figures not far away and whistled.

Although he didn't intend to transfer the members of the Emperor Sword Knights for a long time, but he didn't expect to break the magic trap he set up so quickly and noticed their intentions. Sure enough, he still underestimated the Emperor Sword Knights This heroic group.

"So, Heisen, who can endure the effects of heroic treasures under such circumstances and use them to show off his might, is actually not as weak as you think. Trust him a little more, anyway, you are already the same mercenary teammate."

Xi Wei drew out his wand.

At the same time, Larry, the eleventh knight of the Emperor Sword Knights, had already appeared in front of him with a flash-like ability, and slashed at Xi Wei with a heavy double-edged sword, but was immediately blocked by an invisible magic shield block.

"...So that's it, I think you look familiar." Larry kicked up and smashed Xi Wei's magic shield forcefully. He kicked Xi Wei, who had just blessed himself with protective magic, away: "You are the guy we picked up on the grassland six years ago!"

With the help of the Feather Fall technique, Xi Wei slowly floated to the ground, and Xi Wei, who didn't look at all flustered by the attack, took off his mage hat, and gave Larry a mage gift: "Long time no see, Mr. Larry. "

In addition to Xi Wei, St. George also used the flame of infamy bound by a special scabbard to easily resist the attack of his original companions - this was regardless of the companions of the Emperor Sword Knights. It's still St. George, neither side has used their full strength.

"Hmph, if I knew you were the guy who would bring us this kind of trouble, I wouldn't have taken you back!" Larry was about to rush forward again, trying to subdue Xi Wei through combat magic, but found that The hand and sword that he had just slashed at the magic shield, and the right foot that smashed the magic shield were all sealed by a thick layer of ice.

"St. George. What the hell are you thinking! What are you trying to do to the warlord?" He first scolded St. George, who was at ease, and then roared at Xi Wei.

The shackles of ice that even the ogre couldn't break free had begun to spread cracks amidst his roar.

"It's actually nothing."

Using the repulsion technique to bounce one Emperor Sword Knight away, using pain deception to deceive two Emperor Sword Knights, and finally buried the remaining Emperor Sword Knights who rushed forward into the ground, with only one head exposed, Xi Wei Cai took a little time to spare.

"I just want that person to join our mercenary group."

——Dark Sky——

"Dream!" Sandler yelled.

"I knew it." Heisen shrugged: "To be honest, I wish you could refuse. That's the only way..."

The words are not finished yet. The cloak on his body was automatic without wind, and the whole person appeared in front of Sandler like a howling wind. The latter only had time to lift the Bird of Paradise to block it, and the whole person was knocked into the air.

"Only in this way can I justifiably beat you up."

It wasn't until Sandler rolled a few times on the ground that his whole body was a little messy, and Heisen's cold voice reached his ears.

"Let us exterminate the plague walking corpses. We didn't shirk or hesitate at all. Even though the strength and number of those walking corpses were much higher than the report, we still put our lives to it. But when we returned triumphantly, It's not flowers and applause that greets us. It's arrows and magic!"

Heisen's face was distorted, and Sandler's heart trembled with his shrill voice.

"I know that you are only following orders, and I also know that you actually feel guilty about this order... But I still can't forgive you easily! If I forgive you just because of such a fluffy sentence, then my subordinates, my friends , my brothers, who am I going to tell and ask for their wrongs!"

Inserting the purple machete in his hand back into the scabbard at his waist, the two ends of the bright red scarf melted a little, and finally turned into a glove-like thing, wrapping Hai Sen's fists: "So, until I relieve my anger, Grit your teeth for me!"

"Whispering... How can a guy like you know the pain in my heart!"

Sandler no longer took out arrows, but directly used the divine bow Bird of Paradise as a weapon, and began to wrestle with Hai Sen. This is his long-known bow fighting technique, but after obtaining the Bird of Paradise, he No longer could any enemy approach him close enough to use a bow.

In the beginning, the battle between the two was quite exciting and extraordinary, but as they fought, their methods became more and more simple and rough.

The two of them seemed to be insane, they lost all their tricks in the way of fighting, they just fought each other desperately, wanting to imprint as many punch marks as possible on each other's face, to vent all the stagnant energy in their chests come out.

Finally, when both of them fell to the ground out of breath, their faces had become like pig's heads.

"Hey, what's the name of the mercenary group you mentioned just now?"

Sandler gasped and asked suddenly.

"The name comes from the light before the end of the darkness... at least that's what our leader said," Heisen grinned, as if touching the wound: "She is called Dawn. "

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