The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 752: Dawn's First Appearance

Andy Tigerlot's killing gaze, a high-level death curse, can be activated as long as the target is within sight, and the release conditions require spells, rituals, and actions.

Summon the cursed eye through the spell, and then use the ritual to imprint the opponent's figure into the cursed eye, and finally destroy the cursed eye to complete the curse, and then the target creature will receive a mystery check, once the mystery is lower than the cast Those who die will immediately fall into death, and after death, the body will become a zombie, and the soul will turn into a ghost to be driven by the caster. It is one of the strongest four-ring curses.

After Sauron was bewitched by the Lord of Death and degenerated into a black wizard, he became one of the twelve apostles of the Lord of Death. He could share the mystery of the Demon King to a certain extent, even in terms of the entire abyss. There are only a few of his higher beings.

In addition, as a servant of the demon king Andy Tigerlot, when Sauron released this magic, he could omit the incantation and simplify the ceremony. The whole process was shortened from a long few minutes to less than half a minute, making this symbolic The curse that is greater than the actual meaning has a real lethality in situations other than the Lord of Death himself.

And Ares, who was careless for a while, became the victim of his curse.

Although it had been expected that Sauron was likely to beat Ares, he did not expect that he would win so cleanly. For a moment, all the dark wizards cast surprised and awe-inspiring gazes at Sauron.

The law of the abyss is extremely simple, even those of them who have fallen from the human side to the other side have already understood it very thoroughly, that is, the weak eat the strong. Only strength is everything.

Even Andrudal, the lord of fear who claims to defeat the enemy with wisdom, has the strength of a demon king—from ancient times to the present, no existence with weak strength has ever stood at the peak of the abyss.

No matter how smart a demon is, the moment it intends to challenge the iron rules of the abyss, it has become the enemy of all abyssal creatures... It's not an exaggeration, but the abyss itself will label it an enemy, Every abyss creature will subconsciously feel disgusted when seeing it, and is full of desire to attack.

"As an apostle under the crown of the Lord of Death, I have countless means to deal with a centaur."

Sauron enjoyed the admiration and fear of the other dark wizards, and said calmly: "But Ares Zhanhuo is the king of the Great Plains. It must be very interesting if he can become my puppet. "

Suddenly, a centaur warrior drew out the long sword on his waist, hissed with grief and indignation, and rushed towards the black wizards with all four hooves.

This time it was not Sauron's turn to act. The other black wizards smiled and released black magic.

After the centaur warrior avoided a few spells. Finally, he was hit by a petrified aura. Reluctantly turned into a stone statue.

And Ares also knows that the centaurs are gone, and now the only way to return to the Salvation Army station quickly is to let the Salvation Army send human magicians or elf druids to defeat these black wizards and save the situation.

Roared with all his might. Telling the other centaurs to flee quickly, Ares, who was already full of death, pulled out a dagger tied to his horse-his beloved enchanted warhammer fell within reach, but he had already No strength to wield this weapon.

"Even if I die, I will not become a puppet for you monsters!"

Although, as the king of the centaur family, he has a lot of anti-magic power, but the magic effect of 'Andy Tigerlot's Killing Gaze' is too strong, and he can persist until now without being swallowed by death energy. Reese's will is strong.

He pointed the dagger at his own throat, and with the other centaurs watching sadly, he stabbed hard.

But the expected pain didn't happen... In fact, Ares suddenly found that the dagger in his hand disappeared.

At the same time as it disappeared, the death energy entangled in Ares also slowly began to subside...

"What happened?"

This is probably the common question in everyone's mind.

In the next instant, an arrow, like a ray of sunlight piercing the last darkness before dawn, flashed from a distant hill, and with a 'duh' sound, it was inserted into Sauron's wand, the tail feathers of the arrow still trembling slightly.

This caused cold sweat to ooze from Sauron's forehead.

If it wasn't for his mage's alarm, if he raised his wand at the last moment, this feathered arrow would have been nailed to his forehead! Even if it is a dark wizard, if he is not reincarnated into a lich, he will definitely die if he is shot in the head with an arrow.

But before he had time to rejoice, the mage alarms sent a sense of imminent crisis one after another.

Regardless of other things, Sauron tapped his wand again and again, creating magic shields one after another in front of him.

But the arrows that flew to him easily penetrated through several magic shields, and almost broke through the shields, kissing his shriveled neck directly.

"damn it!"

Knowing that there was more than one arrow, Sauron didn't dare to be careless and continued to set up the magic shield.

Sure enough, several more arrows flew over, and the first arrow pierced through several layers of magic shields. When the power was exhausted and got stuck in the magic shield, the second arrow hit the first one again. The tail of the arrow pushed it forward a few inches, piercing several layers of magic shields, and the third arrow hit the tail of the second arrow again...

If Sauron hadn't maintained a high degree of concentration from the beginning to the end, lying on the ground the moment he realized something was wrong, dodging the first arrow that broke through the magic shield continuously, and finally shot out, he might be dead right now. In the state of soul, he returned to serve the Lord of Death.

The arrows are equipped with a penetrating enchantment, and even the strongest archers cannot maintain this level of hit rate at a distance of several kilometers... You must know that the range of ordinary archers does not even exceed 500 meters!

"A heroic treasure? But isn't the owner of the only bow-type heroic treasure a traitor?" Sauron exclaimed angrily.

Because the Lord of Fear, Andrudar, who was hiding among the humans, sent information to the Abyssal Army, the top leaders of the Abyssal Army have heard about many things about the Salvation Army.

Could it be that the human hero did not actually betray, and even the Lord of Fear was deceived by humans? In this way, how much of the information it conveys is true?

Thinking of the situation where the Abyssal Army was being played around by all kinds of false information, and even the entire army was wiped out, Sauron, who was as calm as Sauron, couldn't help feeling a little terrified.

No, I have to go back and report this to the master quickly!

Sauron was anxious, but when he looked up, he found that the centaurs were charging towards them.

And in the smoke and dust of the charge, there were also two humans mixed in.

Even Sauron, who used to keep his ears shut and only studied alchemy, would recognize one of them.

"Dragon Slayer, Saint George Ascalon!"

According to the information sent back by the Lord of Fear, St. George has also rebelled.

Now they will appear on the battlefield and help the centaur with a clear banner, which obviously directly proves that this information is wrong.

St. George's strength is not much worse than Ares, and even faintly stronger than Ares with the help of the fire of infamy. I don't know if 'Andy Tiger's Killing Gaze' can work on him.

The other dark wizards were either shot or already on the run.

Gritting his teeth, Sauron took the eye rune off his wand and threw it on the ground.

Suddenly, an invisible barrier unfolded, covering everyone in it.

"Although it's impossible to affect the whole world, if it's only in this enchantment..." Sauron said with a grim expression, "Go to hell with me!"

death decree.

What you say is what you say.

If you want to say, this is already in the category of miracles. It's just that, as Sauron said, under normal circumstances on the main material plane, this move will be greatly interfered by the laws of the world, and the success rate is terribly low.

But once you use a special barrier to isolate yourself and the target from the world, this trick can exert a miraculous power!

In fact, if he can get rid of the interference and master this trick on the main material plane, Sauron will be able to comprehend miracles, which is different from forcing his way in with the power of the Demon King, but in a real sense, he will become a great magician a member of

Following his words, black mist appeared out of thin air, circling and enveloping everyone.

The centaurs could naturally feel the thick dead air emanating from the mist. If they were covered by that thing, they would probably die suddenly.

So they stopped their charging momentum one after another, trying to stop, and finally fell into a pile with ping-pong-pang.

On the contrary, St. George and Heisen, who didn't stop, rushed towards Sauron without any fear of the pitch-black mist!

However, when the mist touched the centaur and St. George, the thick dead air disappeared all of a sudden...

Sauron's smug smile suddenly froze on his pale face.

When Heisen slashed open the magic shield and St. George slashed it in two, he screamed unwillingly: "Why! Why don't you fear my death law!"

"Because we have 120,000 points of trust in the leader." St. George inserted the flame of notoriety back into his special scabbard, and said in a rigid tone, but there was an unconcealable pride in it.

"Regiment... Commander?" Sauron lowered his head tremblingly, looked over the lower half of the corpse he had fallen aside, and saw a young man standing beside Ares, who was still surrounded by a large amount of dead energy. There was also a green lizard with wings resting on his shoulder. He just pointed at it seemingly casually, and the clusters of death energy disappeared completely like shadows illuminated by the sun.


Sauron murmured intermittently, and finally fell silent like that. (To be continued..)

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