The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 754: Big Eyeballs at an Altitude of 30,000 Meters

Just as Ares said, after learning that Xi Wei and the others had rescued the traveling centaur, the remaining centaur received them very warmly.

After a feast that could barely be called a sumptuous banquet, the group of people at dawn came to the tent arranged for them by the centaurs.

"Centaurs are used to drinking this some kind of clumsy joke?" Sandler looked at the white liquid in the wooden cup in front of him, and couldn't help but black lines on his face.

He felt very uncomfortable about this at the banquet just now, but he didn't say it because of the face of the centaur. Now that only the members of Lixiao are left, he can't complain.

"Centaurs are also nomads. It's strange to drink milk products produced by their own livestock."

After Hai Sen drank a big gulp of the centaur's special kumiss, he exhaled with a flushed face, and then laughed a little drunkenly: "Or is it that you, an official, are not used to the wine brewed by Shengdou Xiaomin?"

"Shut up, you drunkard, I didn't ask your opinion!" Sandler said angrily.

However, it may be that he felt that he didn't need to compete with a drunk man, and soon he let out another breath to calm down his emotions.

On the other side of the camp, St. George asked the high elf Evan, who was still ashamed, "Are you unwell? I didn't see you eating at the banquet just now..."

"Thank you for your kindness, but I'm not used to centaur food."

Evan replied in a stiff tone, then he paused, and added: "I'm not used to your human meat either."

St. George grinned in embarrassment.

Humans don't only eat meat though. However, except for Xi Wei, almost all of them were warriors. Even Laven was a battle mage, who required a lot of physical fitness and consumed a lot of energy every day. The nutrients necessary for life are obtained from the elements and moonlight, so they eat a lot, and most of them eat meat that is relatively filling.

That's why St. George couldn't refute when Evan said this...

"St. George, you don't have to worry about that guy. He will eat anything when he's hungry."

Xi Wei waved to St. George. Signaled that he didn't need to deal with Evan.

St. George looked at the listless high elf. He couldn't help but sighed secretly, and then walked towards Xi Wei.

"Where did Miss Lavin go?" St. George asked a bit puzzled after looking left and right, but couldn't find the girl who had been by Xi Wei's side all the time.

"On mission." Xi Wei stretched out his right thumb and index finger. The two fingers were barely merging together. The gesture was minimal: "A small task."

"Xi Wei... Captain. Do you have any plans this time?"

For St. George, saving the centaur is a matter of course. After all, the centaur is still under the Salvation Army. It can also be regarded as an ally fighting for mankind.

But after saving them, it would be a little strange to follow them to the residence, or even attend their banquet - at least in the eyes of St. George, Xi Wei is not the type of person who seeks pleasure.

If Xi Wei knew, he would definitely yell: Mouth beard, labor and capital also want to have fun regardless of everything! But Nima's messy things always come to me, what can I do!

Of course, the current Xi Wei doesn't know how to read minds, and it's a bit troublesome to weave this type of magic. In addition, Xi Wei is not the kind of person who likes to manipulate other people's hearts, so he doesn't know what St. George thinks.

"Well, I have two main goals this time."

Anyway, there were no outsiders here, and after becoming a legendary archmage, there might not be many beings in this world who could eavesdrop on their speech without Xi Wei noticing. So he didn't deny it, nodded and started talking.

"Sandler, Heisen, and your arrest warrants are still posted in the tavern. Although it is not difficult to change your face, I don't think you would like to do things in the city with other people's faces?"

St. George nodded involuntarily. For him who is upright by nature and likes to be upright in everything he does, he really doesn't want to do that kind of thing.

Sandler also agreed after pushing aside Heisen who smelled like wine and was almost turning into a puddle of mud. Although he was once a member of the Wandering Funeral Knights, his obsession with chivalry is not as strong as St. George's, but as a hero and genius, his innate arrogance also makes him dislike bluffing and deceiving under the skin of others.

"In addition, because there are many legends in Stein City during this period, if I go in rashly, it will be easy to be spotted by guys of the same level. Although I am not afraid of those guys, at least for now, I am not ready to deal with them. their preparations."

Seeing this, Xi Wei went on to say: "What's more, it wouldn't be worthwhile if there was some small friction before the decisive battle with the Abyssal Army, causing internal friction in the Salvation Army camp."

This reason can also be regarded as righteous, and both St. George and Sandler nodded in agreement.

"So whether it's me or you, it's the best choice not to go to Stein City during this time." Xi Wei continued: "Then the problem comes, learn to dig... Cough, I mean if we don't go to Stein City If we are in the city, how can we know the movements of the Salvation Army and the Abyss Army?"

"Buy the eyeliner to provide information?" Sandler thought for a moment and asked in a tentative tone.

"That's one way, but how can you guarantee that the eyeliner is reliable and able to infiltrate the upper echelons of the army and provide us with information?" Sandler seemed to want to say something, but fell silent in the end.

Xi Wei, who had a panoramic view of his expression, naturally knew that Sandler should have some trustworthy people in the city, perhaps former comrades-in-arms or former subordinates, as long as he spoke, the other party would more or less provide some help , but since he was already guilty, Sandler still decided not to drag those people into trouble.

That's why he hesitated to speak.

Not only Sandler, but even St. George should have this kind of people. Regardless of other things, at least the knight girl Vian who was willing to sacrifice her life for him six years ago will definitely obey St. George's command.

However, St. George would rather do something more risky with Xi Wei than contact the girl. Before the truth came out, St. George didn't want to implicate the girl.

"That's it." Seeing that the two of them fell silent and stopped talking, Xi Wei spread his hands together: "So to achieve my first goal of 'getting information on the movements of the Salvation Army', as a member of the Salvation Army The vanguard centaur tribe can't get it here... Although the instructions passed down from above must be concealed to a certain extent, at least it is much more reliable than the eyeliner that is bought casually."

"So what about the Abyssal Army?"

St. George asked again: "Even if the movement of the Salvation Army can be used to guess the actions of the Abyss Army to a certain extent, but after all, it has been screened by the entire intelligence system of the Salvation Army, and I am afraid that a lot of important information has been left behind. "

Sandler also looked at Xi Wei with a puzzled expression.

Xi Wei pointed at the sky nonchalantly: "I teleported a mage's eye to an altitude of 30,000 meters. The Abyssal Army is different from the Salvation Army. They don't understand the behavior of anti-reconnaissance at all. They can be seen from the sky." The actions of a small group of troops can be seen clearly. As for the small group of troops, omissions can only be omitted."

You must know that almost everywhere on the side of the human forces has set up barriers to prevent magic prying eyes, while on the other side of the abyss, only a few places are shrouded in dark sky or magic miasma, and most of the areas are exposed to his vision. It's not that there is a slight difference in the number of middle and high-level combat forces. I am afraid that relying on the fact that information is not equal, humans can beat the abyssal demons back to their hometown...

Sandler and St. George's understanding of magic is only for combat and auxiliary combat, and Xi Wei's explanation can only be regarded as ignorant. Anyway, as long as he knows the movements of the Abyssal Army, Xi Wei can grasp most of it. That's it.

"Wait, didn't you just say that there are two purposes? What is the other?" St. George asked after recovering.

"Of course it is to find out the devil lurking among the humans...the Lord of Fear."

Old God Xi Wei replied on the ground. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

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