The Dean Has Arrived

Main Text Chapter 76 Sand Pirate Stronghold

On the endless desolate desert, there are gusts of wind blowing from time to time, rolling up the yellow sand all over the sky. A tawny city ruins appeared abruptly in the rolling yellow sand.

There is [Sand Pirate Stronghold].

Xi Wei pressed the pointed mage hat on his head with one hand to prevent it from being blown away, and dusted the sand off his body with the other hand. .

This fine-level mage hat was a reward he got in the mission of killing Wickren. Although it was only a fine-level mage hat, the attached attributes were very good.

In addition to a little bit of spiritual power increase and magic damage reduction, it also brings a lv3 identification technique.

This spell-like ability does not identify objects; its only effect is the ability to learn the name of an object.

But this seemingly useless ability is actually very buggy.

"Desert lizardman..." Xi Wei was clearly facing the ruined wall, but Xi Wei had already discovered the monster hiding behind the wall through the mage hat called [Mage Hat of Speculative Wisdom].

That's right, as long as he is within sight, Xi Wei can use this hat's ability to spot him no matter how well he hides!

Lizardmen all belong to the broad category of reptilian humans. Although there are many types of them, as long as they are not special professionals, their subjugation level is extremely stable. Level 7.

After confirming this, Xi Wei simply stood outside and launched a ten times more powerful magic missile, blasting away the wall and the lizard man who was hiding behind and planning to sneak attack him.

This blow seemed to be very effective, and it directly knocked the lizard man in a white dress similar to that of an Arab unconscious.

However, the loud noise from the explosion was like stabbing a hornet's nest, attracting all the surrounding lizardmen here.

After blocking the flying javelins with the magic barrier, Xi Wei seemed to have used a levitation technique, and he floated up to leave the battlefield from the air.

But this is not a real levitation technique, but just pulling himself up into the sky with the hands of a mage.

The task reward for killing a vampire is not just an excellent mage hat, he also got 50 achievement points that can be called a huge sum of money, plus the bronze trophy-level achievement [Conspiracy Revealer], This made him save enough to exchange for the achievement skills he dreamed of, and he still has a lot left!

It's a pity that the flying speed simulated by using the hands of a mage is too slow, and the defense is too weak. Soon the lizard people's javelins have the ability to threaten Xi Wei. At this time, Xi Wei was still half a straight-line distance of nearly two kilometers from the only intact building in the city center.

If he insisted on rushing like this, he would definitely be shot into a sieve by the lizardman's javelin, not to mention that there were already professionals with magic fluctuations among the chaotic lizardmen below, it seemed that this time it could only stop here.

Xi Wei sighed regretfully.

If you fight, you will be surrounded. Lizardmen are not as easy to fight as goblins. The more they are, the more difficult they will be. If you are guerrilla, the opponent is definitely more familiar with the ruins than you; the lizardmen who choose to directly break through the bottom will gather more and more , this copy is not as easy as he imagined. It seems that we can only wait until tomorrow to rely on the ability of the mage hat and try our best to avoid meeting with the enemy to sneak in.

Under the angry eyes of the cold-blooded creatures below, Xi Wei leisurely activated the return crystal and left here.

One life tick can gain thirty days of life, and one day can have three opportunities to enter the dungeon. If one dies for a moment and loses one life tick, it is equivalent to losing ninety chances. Well worth it...

So Xi Wei still decided to retreat first and take his time, it's not that urgent anyway.

In addition, it is true that the dungeon with the restriction that you can only overcome this restriction after you become a junior magician is much more difficult than the previous one.

After leaving the instance from the camp, Xi Wei scratched his head depressingly.

Because I got the mage hat before and learned to move and cast spells, I originally wanted to use these two powerful weapons to attack this dungeon in one go, but it turned out to be self-defeating.

"Tomorrow, let's attack [Coral Sea Path]...Let's talk about it after learning the offensive magic of the second ring."

Not only that, but there were only two shattered elemental crystals left in Xi Wei's hand.

The explosion rate of this kind of thing is not low, but it must not be said to be high, and the only monsters that can be collected are goblin subspecies like the earth goblin except for goblin spellcasters. From the start of the Raiders dungeon until now, the total number of fragmented elemental crystals Xi Wei has obtained is less than ten pieces.

As a key item to cast the Fist of the Void Emperor, it must be collected as much as possible.

"[Night Forest·Center] also has to go. The shadow servant also needs to be replenished."

Xi Wei confirmed what he was going to do one by one.

This trip to the Huolian National Academy of Magic is not only to see the education level of this world, but also to appease the Huolian royal family.

Although he is only a junior magician—this has been confirmed by Mrs. Sharron—but because he has mastered the level of the Void Emperor's Fist, his value is already equivalent to that of a high-level magician.

You must know that looking at the entire Huolian Empire, the number of high-level magicians will not exceed thirty, and more than half of them are concentrated in the border areas to defend against orcs. So it is absolutely impossible for an existence like him to let go easily.

The reason why Noeger's fief was temporarily managed instead of directly deprived was also because Xi Wei was Tio's teacher, so he had to show his favor.

In order to prevent the Huo Lian royal family from giving birth to such things as 'We won't let you get it if we don't get it! ’ Such a dangerous idea threatens his own safety, so he has to try his best to shorten the distance between himself and the Huolian Empire—at least he has to make this kind of gesture.

"Sure enough, it's because of my own lack of strength..."

If you really have the strength of a high-level magician, or have a high-level magic academy as the backing, you don't have to be so restrained.

"Speaking of which, I remember that when we chatted before, it seemed that the graduation rate of the Huolian National Academy of Magic was only about 8%..." Xi Wei rubbed his chin, wondering if he could go to that school and pass the ability attached to the auditorium How about abducting a few talented seedlings as his team?

After thinking about the feasibility of this kind of action for a while, Xi Wei finally made up his mind.

"...In short, let's go eat now."

★Irrelevant to the text

Thanks to the book friends Sky White Crane and Heaven's Punishment for their endless rewards~

{Floating astronomy

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