The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter Seven Hundred and Fifty-eight Innate Master - Xi Wei; Edric

"Junes and Aesop, and the magic chorus."

Compared with St. George who stayed in the Emperor Sword Knights and only performed special tasks, Sandler, who had been to various battlefields and troops, knew more about the new heroes of mankind.

Although his voice was still serious, St. George could still hear the relief in it.

"Junes is a rare fleshly faction among heroes. The hero's treasure is the 'earth rust armor'. After the restriction is lifted, he can gain strength and recovery equivalent to the elite Graham level. In addition You can also use some special combat techniques. But I haven’t fought against him, so I don’t know the specific techniques.”

"Aesop is an academic magician. Although he is quite talented in practice, his real record is only to blow up a nest of big demons. His treasure is a finger wheel called 'Invisible Chant'. Currently I only know that it can emit green magic particles to simulate various items..."

He picked out the important parts of the two and quickly introduced them to St. George and Xi Wei.

On the other side, Aesop raised his eyebrows.

"Academic type... that's okay, let me show you today." He raised his left hand flat, revealing the fingerwheel on it: "As an academic type, how can I crush you, a combat-oriented hero?" .”

And Qiunes obviously didn't have the habit of talking too much, immediately activated the armor on his body, and then approached the three of them at an incredible speed!

Since Xi Wei didn't plan to make a move, the only one who could stop Jones was St. George.

He pulled out the fire of notoriety, and he did not liberate his real name. Randomly slashing out a blade of light forced Joens to change his route—it is true that the rust armor made his resilience stronger, but it was not strong enough to be able to recover after being cut into two by the blade light .

And St. George also took advantage of the situation and exerted strength with his feet, crossing nearly 100 meters in one vertical stroke, appeared in front of Qiunes and swung his sword down!

Seeing that the two guys who are both melee types are slamming into a ball, and it is obvious that Qiu Ensi has the upper hand, and he is cut with wounds from time to time. The blood is so high that the lawn under his feet is dyed colorful Looking messy, Aesop sighed softly, "It's worthy of the fire of infamy" and stretched out his finger. With a low voice: "Its quality is defense. Its shape is a shield."

The light green particles formed a shield, blocking an arrow that was enchanted with penetration.

Almost at the same time, Sandler had shot three arrows in a row, each with a different enchantment.

But Aesop didn't even look at it. He just waved his fingers and said softly: "Repeat three times."

Three shields made of exactly the same green particles appeared out of thin air again. Block those three arrows that can be regarded as certain kills for ordinary people.

Immediately one of them exploded violently. It unexpectedly exploded the light green particles abruptly.

"Explosion enchantment..." Aesop frowned slightly. He also knew that if he defended for a long time, he would lose, so he didn't intend to continue to defend. Instead, he took the initiative to attack: "Its quality is an arrow, and its shape is a gun."

The light green particles abandoned the three arrows that had no kinetic energy and could not pose a threat, and reorganized into a long spear, suspended behind Aesop.


Following his instructions, the spears shot towards Sandler like arrows leaving the string.

As a good arrow shooter, how could Sandler be pitted by other people with this kind of flying props?

Almost in a breath, Sandler judged the flight trajectory of those long guns, dodged the opponent's attack calmly, and re-nocked the arrow and drew the bow, ready to fight back.

A gust of wind blows away the gunpowder smoke from the explosion just now, and reveals Aesop's expression in Sandler's eyes.

It was a smug expression like that of a kid who has succeeded in a prank.


Sandler was startled and wanted to dodge, but it seemed too late.

"Its quality is explosion, and its shape is package."

Aesop's voice came, and the spears stuck on the ground immediately swelled up, turning into disgusting pustules, and then exploded. It was obviously only made of green particles, but the destructive power of the explosion was astonishing, even Both St. George's and Joynes' battles were affected by the blast from the explosion, and they had to separate for the time being.


Even myself, who was a little far away, was almost blown away, let alone Sandler at the center of the explosion? St. George yelled with some concern.

Immediately, the smoke and dust aroused by the explosion were torn apart, and the huge pothole caused by the explosion appeared in front of people's eyes, and the most eye-catching thing was the cocoon-like cocoon in the middle of the big pit. thing.

The thing began to peel off slowly from the middle, finally revealing Sandler who survived the catastrophe and Heisen with a disheveled face inside.

The cocoon wall slowly closed, and finally turned back into Heisen's scarf.

It seems that this is what resisted the power of the explosion.

"The lost heroic treasure..."

Aesop looked at the newly-appeared Heisen as if he was facing an enemy, and stared: "Who are you?"

"A man who returned from hell."

Heisen folded his arms across his chest, and answered frankly without avoiding Aesop's gaze. .

"It was too late, I was almost killed!" Sandler said angrily.

"Now is not the time, otherwise I will definitely ask which bastard threw me into the mare's milk tank."

Hai Sen's movements and expressions remained unchanged, and even his eyes were still staring at Aesop in the distance, motionless, but his tone was somewhat resentful: "It makes me smell like milk."

Sandler looked away a little guilty.

"Its quality is chopping, and its shape is sword."

Aesop's voice brought Sandler back to his senses, and he saw light green particles oozing from the wall of the surrounding pit caused by the explosion, and then formed a long sword, leisurely circling the two people at the bottom of the pit. Spin around, and at some point it will fly over and strike with a sword.

"When that guy is using the Noble Phantasm, his body doesn't seem to be able to move."

Hai Sen pulled out the machete from behind, and said softly to Sandler, "I'll deal with it here, try to see if you can snipe him the moment he strikes."

Although his voice was not loud, Aesop still heard his words through creating the arranged detection magic.

"It's not that simple, shoot!"

Immediately, the tips of the long swords around were aimed at them, and they would fly towards them in the next moment.

However, Heisen flicked the cloak smartly, and with a flick of the black cloth, Sandler's figure disappeared from the bottom of the pit, and appeared directly on the edge above the pit, aiming at Aesop with an arrow and bow.

With a low spit, Aesop immediately stopped firing the long sword, and instead made a spellcasting action, creating a force field wall in front of him, barely blocking the next arrow that flew towards his chest in an instant arrow.

At this time, seeing that the two heroes of our side had already started to be suppressed and beaten, the united troops did not continue to fight soy sauce, but united released the first wide-area magic - group mind shock.

If the magic is cast by a single person, it is about the level of the third ring, but according to the strength of the releaser, the power of the magic will also fluctuate greatly.

Now because of the coordinated casting, the difficulty of casting the spell has been reduced to one level, and the effect is almost constant and strongest!

Juens and Aesop, who had already been marked as friendly forces, would not suffer from the effect of the spell, but the three people on Lixiao's side were affected by the same coincidence.

Immediately, the advantages and disadvantages were reversed.

Joyce, who had been pressed and beaten by St. George, seized the opportunity and threw St. George, who was unable to dodge and could only resist, into the air.

Aesop also won precious casting time. After Sandler was knocked back into the pothole by an invisible thrust from Bigger, he trapped the two of them in the pothole again with endless magic.

However, because of the co-casting of spells, Andrudal, whose magic fluctuations were completely different from others, was suddenly exposed.

It's just that he didn't change back to his original shape, but rushed towards Laven who was watching the battle, as if he wanted to catch the opponent with one blow.

The girl noticed Andurudal's movements almost at the same time, pulled out the double-bladed 'Autumn Water' and 'Yuehua', and became vigilant.

For some unknown reason, the mage chorus troops did not pursue Andurudal's weird behavior, but instead released the second synergy magic - group spirit whipping.

Spirit whipping itself is a relatively advanced magic in the third ring. Group spirit whipping can even be included in the fourth ring big magic, which will cause great impact and damage to the spirit of all non-undead creatures. After a will check for mental whiplash, the consequences are dire.

As long as this trick can be hit, then with the cooperation of Qiu Ensi and Aesop, it will be very sure to capture the two former heroes and a treasure Phantasm user who appeared out of nowhere.

This time, however, they miscalculated.

Because Xi Wei finally made a move.

First, with a casual touch, it directly pierced the magical structure of the group's spirit whipping, causing it to dissipate in the air; then with a big wave of his hand, he separated the several heroes who were fighting together; finally, he made a fist and stretched out, and rushed towards Laven The Andurudal who went there seemed to be hit by an invisible hammer, and flew back at a faster speed like a cannonball, knocking down a large number of thin magicians in the chorus army...

"Who the hell are you!"

Aesop looked at Xi Wei with a calm expression in surprise, and wanted to use his treasure "Invisible Chanter" to lock the other party, but for some reason he couldn't summon up the courage to do such a thing.

Xi Wei first touched the head of the little green dragon on his shoulder, then glanced at Aesop, and chuckled softly. The full boss fan scared Aesop to the brim.

Then he clapped his hands and made a classic Bruce Lee's hand gesture.

"My innate master, Xi Wei Edric!"

So, including St. George Sandler Heisen and Lavin, everyone present complained almost at the same time.

——The congenital master is a fool! (To be continued..)

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