The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 768: Creatures Behind the Truth (Part 2)

"Then what about the angel hiding in your shadow now?"

Xi Wei ignored the complacency of Robert, who had become a little crazy, but glanced at the shadow behind him, and asked again. . .

The records of later generations did not mention where the angels who aided mankind came from in the age of mythology.

After coming to this world, Xi Wei learned from some sources that the angel's helping hand had something to do with the great sage of mankind.

It was also because of this that Xi Wei didn't pay attention to this existence who seemed to be at the forefront of fighting against demons at first, and only regarded him as a real hero like St. George who cared about the country and the people.

But it now appears that this is not the case.

So in this way, why do angels appear on the main material plane? And follow him like a bodyguard?

"You know enough."

But apparently Robert didn't lose his mind enough to tell Xi Wei all his past.

He just gave an order, and the tentacle that had been tied by Xi Wei smashed towards Xi Wei and his group like a hammer.

Xi Wei clapped his hands together suddenly, and with a crisp sound, he disappeared from under the tentacle hammer together with Lawen and the group of silver-blooded brats.

There was no earth-shattering roar, and a large piece of the ground was easily dug out like a pudding, revealing a dark hole.

Something seemed to be squirming out of it.

Then, the figures of Xi Wei and his party appeared on another hill.

Even from the top of this mountain, you can see those strange tentacles rising into the sky. Even at first glance, it looks like a few terrifying giant tentacles growing on a mountain, which makes people shudder.

In fact, in terms of size, even the arms and legs of the North Sea giant monster can completely explode these tentacles, but Xi Wei knows very well that even if ten North Sea giant monsters are packed together, they are not one of those tentacles. combined enemy.

"Xi... Commander, why don't we retreat first?"

Lawen glanced at the anxious children and asked Xi Wei.

Leaving aside other things, Robert's legendary status alone is enough to make Laven feel intimidated... What's more, Robert has the face of a great leader in the lofty domain of later generations. It doubled her psychological pressure.

"I just wanted to send all of you to the Dawn Temporary Station."

However, Xi Wei sighed with a wry smile: "But it was fine at first. After those tentacles appeared, space and laws were distorted. If I hadn't reacted quickly just now, we might all get lost in the gap between the worlds now." gone."

This is why there will be a slight delay in the transmission this time.

Although Xi Wei was able to repair the distortion of the law and space to a certain extent. But fellow legend Robert certainly sensed his actions. He even deduced the location of the dawn camp through Xi Wei's actions. Xi Wei didn't dare to take the risk.

After all, there are already many human heroes who joined Lixiao's camp and allies he lobbied over.

"All in all, you take these little guys first...Wait, who are these little guys?"

until now. It was only then that Xi Wei realized that he didn't know the identities of these little guys he had rescued.

"They are...uh..." Laven just wanted to explain, but was stunned halfway through.

That's right, speaking of which, where did these brats come from?

"We were originally mountain people who lived alone." Seeing that the two were at a loss for words, Nan Xi immediately introduced herself very sensiblely.

Now that all the adults in the village have died, she must take on the task of keeping the survivors alive.

It's just that now it seems that their enemy is too powerful, and it's not something they can fight against at all, so if they want to survive, they can only rely on that seemingly strong man who suddenly appeared.

But to be on the safe side, she still didn't reveal her silver-blooded identity.

"Our village is located in a hidden enchantment. Originally, we lived in peace with the world, but who knew that monster suddenly broke into our village and destroyed our home... We don't ask you to do it for us. We take revenge and only hope that you can save us mercifully!"

As for the enchantment, when this man appeared just now, the broken enchantment had already been revealed in front of him. Instead of hiding it and just arousing suspicion, it is better to speak out to gain some credibility.

In this short half day, the girl who was originally innocent and only knew how to live under the protection of her father and brother seemed to have grown up all of a sudden, and her thoughts were much more mature and stable.

Xi Wei touched his chin upon hearing this.

To be honest, he didn't think Robert would attack an ordinary village for no reason.

But the enchantment before was really interesting... If it wasn't for the cave-like breach that appeared in front of his eyes like that, even he, who is a legend, would not have even noticed the clue.

"Do you know the 'Utopia Sanctuary'?"

Reminiscent of the place where the white elves lived in later generations, Xi Wei asked, wanting to get some information about that wonderful sanctuary.

It's a pity that the girl's bewildered expression didn't seem to be faking.

"Well, I don't care if you are ordinary mountain people or not." Xi Wei waved his hand and said impatiently, "Lawen, you will find a way to take them down the mountain first, and escape as far as you can." ... Time and space are not separated, since your ability is related to time, you must be more sensitive to abnormalities in space than ordinary people, and if you are careful, you should not fall into the abnormal space."

"What about you?" Laven asked anxiously when he heard that he didn't mention himself.

"Didn't you hear that just now? Those tentacles are just an appetizer."

The corners of Xi Wei's mouth turned up, showing a rare and serious expression: "Since they have prepared a banquet for me, I naturally have to enjoy all the appetizers, main courses, main courses, and desserts."

"But, but..."

Laven was even more anxious.

She originally thought that if the legendary Xi Wei was here, the situation would definitely not be too bad. But who would have expected that guy named Robert Velen to be too weird. Even Xi Wei lost his momentum in the confrontation with him.

Seeing the nervousness and anxiety on the girl's face, Xi Wei felt very happy. It seems that this former law-executor of the lofty realm finally recognized herself and regarded her as the person of the dawn.

Although it is still unclear whether she will recognize Edric College in the future, at least now she has become an out-and-out 'one of my own'.

Thinking of this, Xi Wei suddenly took out a silver pocket watch from his pocket.

"Originally, I couldn't break the seal on this thing, but now that I see the person who set the seal, I realize that my previous thinking has gone into a misunderstanding."

This pocket watch is the heroic treasure 'Clock of Time' seized from the Lord of Fear, Andrudal. The seal on it was written by the Great Sage of Humanity, that is, Robert Velen.

At first, Xi Wei felt that the seal on it was complicated and exquisite, and even contained some principles of law. It takes a long time to deduce to unlock the seal.

And now when I see this guy, I understand: Damn it. It turned out that he was thinking too much.

The reason why this seal is difficult to break is probably because after the seal was completed, Robert Velen specially used the ability of the Eldrazi to distort the seal and the surrounding laws.

It's like a lock on a door. Under normal circumstances, some lockpickers can always open it by various means. But what if the door lock is twisted together with the parts inside when it is completely locked?

Xi Wei, on the other hand, was attracted by its externally distorted laws. Completely went for a fork in the road. It's like a master lockpicker seeing this twisted lock. First of all, I didn't think about how to open the lock, but thought about why the lock turned into a twist...

And the lock that had turned into a twist obviously couldn't be opened by normal means, except for taking a big hammer and smashing the door directly. There is no other way to open the door.

The same is true for this seal. From the very beginning, Robert probably never thought of a way to get rid of it...Anyway, Eldrazi's ability can swallow all magic power, and he just needs to eat the seal on it when he needs to use it.

Thinking of this, Xi Wei simply extracted a little void energy and applied it to the seal.

The reason he didn't dare to use this trick before was because he was afraid that the void energy would destroy the treasure itself, but since even the person who set the seal didn't care, it is estimated that Robert must have used some methods to prevent this situation.

As Xi Wei expected, the seal on it melted away like white snow hit by sunlight.

"Hold this well." Although Xi Wei untied the seal, Xi Wei didn't intend to keep it for himself. He casually threw the so-called strongest hero treasure to Laven.

"Eh? But now this is safer for you, right?"

Laven hurriedly took the pocket watch and said in surprise.

"This thing was built by Robert... the great human sage with reference to St. George's notoriety. I'm the first to believe that he has no way to prevent this thing. In fact, I once saw a similar At that time, I was only a great magician, and I was able to follow the ability of that magic tool to touch the crack of time, and now Robert must be able to do the same."

Xi Wei smiled wryly and said, "In contrast, the miscellaneous soldiers under his command should not be able to deal with the effect of this thing. You can use it to throw off the chasing soldiers."

At the same time, Xi Wei finally understood why Mao, a great sage of human beings, could come up with such amazing things as heroic treasures... After all, this guy was once a high-ranking member of Endymion, and Endymion was a magic civilization. The highest crystal! It is normal to have a bit of black technology after mastering the lost technology...

After seeing off Lawen and his party, Xi Wei turned his gaze back to the opposite hill.

Robert Velen didn't move, and he didn't know if it was because he was too confident in himself, or because he felt that an existence of Xi Wei's level would not run away with his tail between his legs.

And he was right.

After tidying up his slightly messy collar, Xi Wei teleported himself in front of him again.

"Hmph, have you finally sent away those intruders?"

Robert Velen seemed to understand why Xi Wei took so long to reappear, so he just snorted coldly and said.

"I don't like appetizers very much." Xi Wei didn't pay attention to his nonsense, and didn't care about the tentacles above his head. He just looked at Robert Velen and said loudly, "Is the main meal ready?" (To be continued.. )

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