The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 774: The End of Eternal Life

"Good guess, but it's meaningless..."

Robert said with a strange smile, his eyes fixed on the calm Xi Wei: "Do you know why I want to listen to your long speech here?"

"It was to secretly send out the spores of the Eldrazi."

Xi Wei looked at him indifferently.

Unlike Xi Wei, who didn't feel the passage of time at all because of his dual existence, Robert came back to life thousands of years ago. He is weaker than before, and even the perseverance of being a great magician has deteriorated with the torture of the thousand years of immortality.

If Robert a thousand years ago was regarded as a sympathetic and formidable rival, then Robert now has become a substandard opponent to Xi Wei.

"Even if you go after it now, it's too late! Your arrogance ruined my last chance to stop me! I've prepared a long-cherished wish for thousands of years, and it's about to come true!"

Robert's body swelled up rapidly like a blow, and even Laven, who had poor perception, could feel that the magic power in his body was gathering at an alarming rate, and his face couldn't help but change drastically.

Under normal circumstances, magic power cannot affect the material level, but if the quantitative change reaches the level of qualitative change, then the magical elements in the air will be stirred up, causing those elements to run wild and cause amazing damage.

But Xi Wei just sighed softly, stretched out his hand and pressed it, Robert's body immediately collapsed again as if there was a leak, and the expression of surprise on his blue and purple face was even more inexplicably funny feel.

"If that's what you're talking about. I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed."

After easily dispelling the large amount of magic power gathered by the other party, Xi Wei took out an Erlenmeyer flask out of nowhere, and a bunch of worm-like creatures were wriggling desperately inside.

Not only the spores of the Eldrazi are hidden in the meat worm, but also a part of Robert's soul slice, which is the killer weapon he had placed high hopes on before.

The original plan was to confuse Xi Wei with words, let the meat worm burrow into the ground to hide, and then use the self-destruct of another body to attract attention, and at the same time destroy the traces of the meat worm's burrowing into the ground.

As long as Xi Wei was bewitched and started to search for the spores of the Elzazi, then the meat worm that hid directly under the battlefield would undoubtedly be safe. After that, no matter how long you have to lurk, there is no problem. After Xi Wei left, there would naturally be countless ways to return to his own territory.

As long as he can return to one of his countless strongholds. Naturally, they can start training Eldrazi again!

It's a pity that I didn't expect that after all the calculations, I still underestimated Xi Wei. The purpose was seen through as soon as he made a move, and Xi Wei caught the meat bug.

"Just kill me..."

Robert saw that the situation was over, and the expression on his face changed from surprise to depression. His expression was extremely ashamed.

"What supported you to live so long?"

Return the bottle containing the worms to the storage chest. Xi Wei looked at Robert, who was about to die. asked. The tone was extremely flat. If there were any uninformed bystanders, they would never have guessed that Xi Wei and Robert were immortal enemies.

"Pride? Honor? Desire? The will to revenge?"

"Probably all of them." Robert looked as if he had aged hundreds of years all of a sudden. The skin on his body became loose, and his voice became like an old man's, a little muffled. It seemed that although the self-explosion just now was unsuccessful, it also brought him a considerable degree of sequelae.

"In the beginning, my only purpose of living was to find a way to re-summon the door of truth, and then open the door to release my main body and that adult."

Maybe it's the relationship between dying and being kind. Although Robert has become extremely old, compared to the monster just now, this appearance is more like a human being.

He was actually able to calmly say to Xi Wei: "But soon, I found that I couldn't do this kind of thing at all... Just because my soul is incomplete, I was doomed not to touch the truth The door is open."

"Then my purpose changed. I started to collect information about the Eldrazi everywhere, hoping to find this miraculous biological sample in other places...but unfortunately failed."

"It may be at some point that my mentality began to change, and I became impatient, and even the lofty field I created suffered an almost devastating blow."

"It's a pity that I didn't realize this at the time. Instead, it intensified. It wasn't until I suffered another big loss that I finally calmed down. I followed the human race to carry out the great migration and came to the Eastern Plains to settle down."

"Although I found some news about the Eldrazi in the Eastern Plains, I didn't find a living Eldrazi. During that time, the one who supported me to survive was the vengeful ****. I want to avenge you!"

Xi Wei raised his brows when he heard the words: "Did you guess that I traveled to the age of mythology at that time?"

"Actually, I have been skeptical for a long time. Unfortunately, I didn't really confirm it until I met Paisley. I wasted a lot of time."

Robert didn't shy away from Xi Wei, so he just said casually: "And you were too low-key when you were growing up, and I have never been able to find out about you. It was not until nearly two years ago that your name reappeared... Then, I used In a little more than a year, you have gone from a so-called 'junior magician' to the current legendary grand`magician. This is almost impossible."

Robert looked at Xi Wei with a half-smile: "It's just that during this period of time, something has happened to my body, and I'm still adjusting. I didn't manage to get rid of you in time before you grew up."

Xi Wei felt that what he meant was to say that he could bear it in disguise, and he could bear it for so long, and finally became a blockbuster.

But I am clear about my own affairs. When he traveled to this world, his body really only had the strength of a junior magician. Not to mention Robert at that time, I'm afraid that any miscellaneous soldier under his command would have to wait to die...

It was only through a series of changes later, coupled with the help of the academy system that came from nowhere, that he became the strongest human being in this era, standing at the pinnacle of existence.

"And when you wanted to kill me, you realized that you were no longer my opponent." Xi Wei continued.

The other party nodded, but immediately showed a wry smile.

"It's not that you are an opponent, it's just that you were already a great magician at that time, just like me now... I originally wanted to die with you, but I didn't know when I started to fear death... I never felt that way in, by the way, in Endymion."

That's why I waited until the end, when Laven came back from the past to the present, and made a long-cherished wish, and at the same time, I did what I didn't dare to do in the past.

It's a pity that in the end, it still didn't get what it wanted.

"Robert Velen." Xi Wei looked at the distraught Robert, and the expression on his face softened a bit: "Do you have anything else to say?"

"...No. 523 Evergreen Leaf Street, Crowle City, Molotos County." Robert hesitated for a moment, gave a place name, and then smiled heartily: "It's not unacceptable to die by your hands." result."

Xi Wei was silent for a moment, and finally put his hands together in a prayer gesture.

At this moment, Robert Velen, whose life spanned thousands of years, finally fell in a real sense and left this world. (To be continued..)

ps: Well...the reason why there is no chapter 772 is because there were two chapters 758 before, definitely not because my hands slipped!

Just listen carefully...

In short, the first half of the Mythology has finally come to an end temporarily, and the next part is the relatively relaxed Afterlife.

I'm sorry for the title of the book if I haven't written it for such a long time otz...

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