The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 78: Alice Bennings

"Ahhh," Alice drooped her shoulders and walked down the street dejectedly, "I missed it with a customer. I really am an unqualified maid..."

I don't know whether it is to increase the difficulty of enemy attacks or to promote commercial prosperity or other reasons. The mountain roads in this city are not the ones that lead directly to the college. It takes a while to walk up the street to find the stairs leading to the next big staircase. .

However, this approach is only for those outsiders or those who are not familiar with the terrain.

In many small alleys, there are various emergency ladders or walkways that can be used to go up and down quickly. In order to be able to get to the guests as soon as possible to fulfill the orders of the dean, Alice took advantage of the fact that she was very familiar with the terrain because she often went out to purchase, and learned from these shortcuts. He rushed down the mountain as fast as he could.

As a result, when she finally arrived, she was told by the mage staying on the magic ship that Mrs. Sharron and her party had left.

"Why does little Alice feel so depressed?" When the girl was walking down the street in frustration and thinking about what to do next, the aunt in the small shop she frequented by the street greeted her: "Here There are freshly baked croquettes, take some to eat."

"Eh? But I didn't bring any money..." Alice said with some embarrassment.

"It's okay, just remember to continue to visit our small shop more in the future." The aunt smiled gently: "And we don't want to see little Alice with a bitter face, so cheer up!"

"Well, thank you, auntie." Seeing the concerned faces of people in the surrounding shops, Alice felt warm in her heart, and a smile appeared on her face involuntarily. She took the paper bag handed out by the aunt, and after bowing to them, she cheered up and ran towards the next step.

Since I missed it with the guests at the beginning, wouldn't it be okay to just go outside the academy and wait for them to come?

Although it was a little rude, it was better than keeping the guests waiting for a long time.

At least Alice thought so.

But after running up a few big steps, she stopped.

On the street not far from her, a little girl with silver hair wearing a small mage robe was looking around in distress.

Although Alice didn't dare to say that she knew all the students in the college, it was impossible for her to have no impression of such a conspicuous little guy. In other words, the other party is definitely not a student of the academy.

Then, could it be a little girl who got separated from her adult, or got lost by accident?

Obviously, I shouldn't meddle in my own business right now. Before the guests rush outside the academy, I have to wait there one step earlier.


Looking at the pitiful silver-haired little girl who looked only ** years old over there, Alice bit her lip, and then walked up quickly without any confusion as if she had decided on something.

"Little sister, are you lost?" she said to the little girl who was alone.

But the silver-haired little girl didn't answer, but took a step back like a shy kitten, showing extremely vigilant eyes.

Alice smiled wryly and scratched her cheek, then suddenly remembered that she still had a paper bag in her hand.

"Don't be afraid, big sister treats you to croquettes~" So she opened the paper bag and seduced the little girl with the smell of meat wafting from it.

"Xi Wei said... You can't eat food from strangers." The little girl stared at Alice blankly, but her swallowing of saliva secretly couldn't hide from Alice's eyes.

Huhuhu~ Aunt Miya's croquettes are delicacy-level delicacy, hurry up and let your guard down!

Alice subconsciously said in a human trafficker-like tone deep in her heart, while continuing to maintain a kind smile and said: "Then my name is Alice, Alice Bennings, how about you?"

"Tio Skanji." The little girl seemed to relax her vigilance a little because of the wonderful smell of the croquettes, and replied in a low voice.

"Well, then we are not strangers, right Tio?" Alice looked at the cute little girl swallowing saliva, smiled and handed the paper bag to Tio.

Tio hesitated for a moment, but finally took the paper bag.

But she didn't rush to eat croquettes, but asked Alice strangely, "Why?"

Although Tio's words sounded nonsensical at first, Alice understood what she meant—why did she come to talk to her.

While lamenting the increasing vigilance of the children recently, Alice also said with some embarrassment: "Because you seem to be distressed here alone... I don't think there is any reason to help others, right? ?”

Tio stared at Alice's face for a while, and she lowered her head and took a bite of the croquette when the latter looked a little uncomfortable.


"Right, right~" Although Tio's voice was so soft that it would be ignored if you didn't pay attention, Alice caught it very carefully, and her smile became brighter: "Aunt Mia's craftsmanship is absolutely It's trustworthy~"

Tio took another bite of the croquette, then looked up at Alice, and said softly, "We got separated from Xi Wei."

Xi Wei? This child also mentioned this name just now, so it should be her guardian... Well, it sounds like a male name, and the father wouldn't call him by his first name, so it's brother? No, no, I always feel that Tio's attitude is a bit strange if I say it's my brother...

Alice's mind seemed unable to sort out too complicated information, and soon became a little dizzy.

So she simply decided to solve the problem in a more direct way.

"All in all, let's find Xi Wei together." She touched Tiou's little head: "You must want to see him too, right?"

The little girl nodded, then thought for a while, and continued: "There is also Alisa."

A new name appeared, it should be a girl's name.

In other words, are the targets this time looking for a man and a woman?

"Well, I see." Alice patted her bulging chest, and said to Tio confidently: "Don't worry, this place is like my home, and I can definitely help you find Xi Wei and Ai Lisa's."

"...En." The little girl finally nodded, and stretched out a somewhat greasy hand to Alice.

Then two girls, one big and one small, went round and round to find people along the street like that.

"Tio!" Xi Wei hugged the little girl, "Where did you go, you're so worried about me!"

After all, he was the one who brought Tiou out of Noaig and made such a promise. If something happened to the little girl, he would feel guilty for the rest of his life.

Alisa looked at Tio with envious eyes, and kept saying, "Just come back."

"Xi Wei...I'm sorry." Tio apologized softly, and then she seemed to have thought of something, and broke out of Xi Wei's arms, pointing to Alice who was standing aside and looking at them with a smile: "Alice help me find you."

Xi Wei looked up at the girl in the maid's outfit. Although she didn't know the identity of the other party, judging from what Tiou said, she probably contributed a lot.

So he simply thanked him: "Thank you very much for your help." He also planned to offer a few gold coins as a reward.

But Alice waved her hands hastily: "No need, I just helped out according to my own wishes."

After speaking, the girl's face suddenly became a little ugly. It was only now that she suddenly remembered that she still had business to do.

"What's wrong?" Xi Wei asked strangely.

"Holding, I'm sorry, I have something urgent to do, so I have to go!" Before Xi Wei could ask why, Alice ran away without a trace.

"The badge on that girl..." She didn't say anything from the beginning, but Evan Jielin, who stood not far away and looked at Xi Wei and the others, looked in the direction where Alice ran away, and said thoughtfully: "The one on the top The decoration should be the emblem of Huolian National Academy of Magic, right?"

"That's right." Mrs. Sharron nodded, "It seems that we will see that kind-hearted child again soon."

"Then thank you again when the time comes." Xi Wei put the half-emptied wallet back into the bronze storage box.

Then continue walking towards the academy with everyone...

{Floating astronomy

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